1. He Heard Me Play

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*Kaitlin's POV

Beep Beep Beep

The intrusive buzzing of my phone awakening me from my peaceful slumber is not how I like to start my mornings, let alone on a Sunday. I reach across my bed, and groan a muffled hello into the phone.

"Kaitlin!" To protect my eardrums from the distressed screams of my best friend Bianca, I pull the phone away immediately. After a moment of silence I replace the phone to my ear.

"What the hell Bianca! It's seven in the morning. What are you doing?" I practically whisper.

"Adam's gonna break up with me!" She begins to sob into the phone, causing me to roll my eyes and cringe at the painful sound. I attempt to comfort my distraught friend.

"When did he tell you that?" I ask. Bianca replies slightly hesitant.

"Well, he didn't. But he said we need to talk. Doesn't that mean he's gonna break up with me?" Her breathing is inconsistent and her cries of desperation are increasing. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

"In the movies maybe, but I promise that he isn't breaking up with you anytime soon. He is absolutely head over heels for you, a blind person could see that." Her wails begin to calm as my comforting words reach her brain.

"Are you sure..."

"Positive." I cut her off, before her negative words run out of her mouth. "He's not breaking up with you. Now, go enjoy your Sunday, and I will go back to sleep." Her crying finally ceases and she sniffles.

"Ok. Thanks Kaitlin. This is why you're my best friend. With Carter of course, can't forget her, or she'll get out the gun." She jokes. I smile, pleased I could make her laugh when she was balling her eyes out mere minutes ago.

"Alright. Bye Bi."

"See ya Kaitlin." I hang up, and my head flops back down on the pillow.

I try to fall back into my peaceful sleep, but to no avail. I give up and start my day. I shower and slip on my denim shorts and white tank top.

I walk down the stairs to find an empty house. No surprise there. My parents are never home, always too busy with work. I know they love me, but sometimes I feel I can't help but feel a little neglected. 

Sighing, I sit down by the piano and begin to play a song I had been writing. My fingers float across the keys on my baby grand piano and play until I hear a knock at the door.

Looking up at the clock, I noticed it's been about an hour. I walk over towards the door and swing it open only to be greeted with the most gorgeous caramel eyes I've ever seen. He stared back at me, fidgeting with the box in his hands.
"Hi." He fidgets nervously, running his free hand through his dirty blonde hair.

He reaches out his hand, which I hesitantly shake. He notices and furthers his introduction.

"Um... I'm Noah. Noah Harper. I just moved in next door w-with my aunt." He stutters, looking nervous. I smile warmly at him.

"I'm Kaitlin Ross. Welcome to the neighbourhood." He looks up at me, meeting my gaze and smiles brightly. Honestly, it's adorable. The way his eyes light up and his dimples show. I mentally slap myself for thinking these things. I just met him. I don't know enough about him.

We stare each other for a moment, before he forces the box into my hands.

"These are from my Aunt. She wanted to make a good impression. It's a new start and she's worried, you know." A hint of worry flashes across his face. I nod, even though I don't really know what he's talking about. The silence continues, before he breaks it.

"Anyway, I should go, but I'll see you around?" He asks hopefully.

"Definitely." I nod. Noah smiles that gorgeous at me. He waves slowly, walking backwards, his eyes not leaving me. He trips on an uneven patch of pavement. I stifle a giggle as he looks at me, embarrassment evident on his face. He keeps walking but turns around once more.

"That sounded beautiful by the way, the song."

And with that he walks away, leaving me shocked that a person who I had just met had heard me play the piano. I barely know him, and he barely knows me, but he already found out such a huge part if my life.

I walk inside, finally acknowledging the parcel in my hands. I unwrap the cookies, and mentally drool over the delicious sight before me. I thank Noah's auntie for my breakfast and place the cookies on a plate. I sit back down on the piano. If he's gonna hear me play, he should hear play my best.

A Song For You ( By Izzles_and_McJazzy )Where stories live. Discover now