2. My Music Is For Me

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Kaitlin's POV

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm awakes me from my sleep, my arm flying around the room missing the snooze button every time, knocking things over and making a mess on my bedside table.

Frustrated and annoyed I decide it's no use trying to fall back into my deep peaceful sleep and reluctantly get up, forcing my body off the bed. Groaning in pain I get up and head to my shower then decide what to wear.

Today I go for the daisy patterned spaghetti strap dress that ends mid thigh. I pair this with my denim jacket. To avoid looking too girly I thrown on my white converse.

With little time to spare I run down stairs and once again finding myself at home all alone.

Honk honk

Carter's car bellows making me me jump. Quickly I run to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar on my way out.

I never understood why everyone said breakfast was so important so I rarely ate it.

I jump into the front seat of Carter's car and she speeds off down the street, not bothering to slow down at the speed bumps, making my head bang against the dashboard.

"Ouch!! Carter slow down over the speed bumps. One day, I swear I'm gonna get a concussion," I scold her giving her my most annoyed glare.

"Good morning to you too sunshine" she sings sarcastically, rolling her eyes at me assuming I couldn't see.

I could.

Choosing to ignore her immaturity I move on deciding it's not worth it. I also don't exactly like the idea of having to walk to school.

"Where's Bianca?" I ask curiously looking around the car, expecting her to jump out of the corner just to scare me.

"She's getting a ride to school from Adam." She states matter of factory. I squeal a bit and Carter laughs.

"They made up?" Carter stops at a red light and looks at me.

"Yeah. They just had a little talk about God knows what and everything was peachy." She starts the car and speeds round a corner.

"Good thing too. If he hurts her he's a got few things coming. I may even have to break out the gun."

I laugh at my violent friend as we continue our way to school.


We finally arrive at school... Late.

As I run down the near empty hallways, I wonder why teachers always expect us to be there at a certain time when they show up pretty much ten minutes later. I rush inside.

Of course. He's not here yet.

I sit at my usual seat at the back of the class and start getting everything ready, taking my book from my bag and writing the date up the top right hand corner. When the teacher finally makes it in after what I'm sure was a few hours, Mr O'Connor tells everyone to sit down and stop talking.

Just as he's about to call the roll, the door flies open. There stands a very familiar figure.


I'm snapped out of my daze as Mr O'Connor speaks.

"Hello. You must be the new student, Mr Harper?" He asked not quite sure of himself.

Noah scrambles in, extending his hand to the teacher.

"Yeah, I'm Noah Harper, sorry for being late. I was a bit busy this morning and...."

"That's okay Noah just take a seat next to Kaitlin up the back, just don't be late tomorrow," he cuts him off.

He looks around the classroom. When his eyes land on me, and the only available seat next to me, his face breaks into his signature bright smile.

Not gonna lie, he looked really good today. He sits down next to me and whispers.

"Hey." I look over from my book and smile slightly.

"Hey." I reply. I was about to say more when the teacher began the lesson. Maybe later.

I want to look at him, but I don't want to stare. I shoot a quick glance over at him, and I'm surprised to see he's already looking this way.

When our eyes meet, he blushes a deep shade of red and looks down.

"Sorry." He mumbles. I wave it off and focus on my work.

"What are you humming?" Noah questions looking at me.

My eyes widen. Great, now he had heard me humming a song I was writing. I hadn't even noticed I was humming until he just pointed it out.

"Uh... Just a song." I mutter. He cocks his head to the side in confusion.

"It's really catchy. Who's it by?" I shoot him a look.

"I don't know. I forgot. I need to focus on my work." I snap. I immediately regret it when he looks back down to his work quietly. I feel horrible that I was so rude, but it's just not something I like to share.

As the bell rings, I sprint out of the classroom, not wanting to be asked anymore questions on the topic.

My music is for me. No one else.


Sorry we didn't post for like a week. Just busy and stuff.

A Song For You ( By Izzles_and_McJazzy )Where stories live. Discover now