3. Lizzie

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Kaitlin's POV (This chapter contains swearing. You have been warned.)

I tried to focus on my next two classes but my mind was clouded with guilt. I may have just ruined what could have been a great friendship with Noah.  After long contemplation, I decide that after school I would go over and apologise.

I look up at the clock and see the bell for lunch goes in one minute I pack my things ready to bolt out the door.

The second we're dismissed I head to the cafeteria. I spot my two best friends sitting at a table in the corner. The wave cheerfully at me. I wave back.

As I sit down and begin to chat with Bianca and Carter, I faintly hear the sounds of heels clicking against the floor.

"Hi girls." Her sickly sweet voice sent unpleasant chills up my spine. I spun around in my seat and faced her.

"Lizzie." I acknowledge her timidly. Suddenly one of her little followers pipes up from behind her.

"Actually, only her friends call her Lizzie. It's Eliza to you." She points out. I'm slightly taken aback by her sass but choose to ignore her completely.

"Shut up Jemma. Kaitlin's my friend." Eliza smiles at me, but I can see the evil in her eyes. She turns to her followers.

"Jemma,  Amanda, get me some food and sit down at a table." And with those words, they scurry off. She spins back around, her too perfect bleach blonde hair swishing around. She leans down and whispers menacingly.

"You," She starts, glaring at me. "Stay away from him."


"I don't know what you mean." I reply as calmly as possible. I knew what she was capable of and it terrified me.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know what you're planning and I don't like it." I just shake my head, too confused to answer. Carter stands up quickly and walks around the table to Eliza.

"You listen to me ok? She clearly has no idea what you're talking about. We've all had enough of your bullsh*t so just leave us alone." She snaps. Bianca stands up and joins in.

"Do you seriously have nothing better to do?" I smile to myself, amazed at the loyalty of my friends. Eliza huffs in frustration and storms off.

Bianca and Carter high five before sitting back down.

"Thanks guys. I don't know what I'd do without you." Bianca smiles and waves it off. Carter carries on eating.

"Yeah yeah we love you too." She says as she stuffs her face with fries. I laugh, just as three more people walk up.

"Is everything ok? I saw Eliza walking away before and she didn't look happy." I look up and see the tall figure of Josh towering over me. Carter looks up a strange expression on her face.

"No it's not ok. She won't leave any of us alone. Can you not control your twin sister?" Josh sighs at her words.

"You know I would, but that's not in my power." Adam chuckles at that.

"We all know you're scared of her." Josh opens his mouth to protest, but closes it knowing there is no use in denying the truth. Adam goes around the table and sits next to Bianca. He kisses her cheek sweetly.

"Hey princess." She blushes. I aww at the cute couple while Carter pretends to gag in disgust. I laugh at her immaturity.

Josh rolls his eyes at the scene unfolding in front of him and clears his throat gaining our attention.

"Anyways, I wanna introduce you guys to the newest member of the football team. This is Noah." My eyes widen as I look up, meeting Noah's gaze.

"Hi." I say happily. Noah doesn't tear his eyes away.

"Hey Kaitlin." He replies surprised. Josh looks back and forth between us.

"You guys know eachother?" I nod slowly, watching as they both sit down at the now crowded table, Noah sat on my right and Bianca sat on my left.

"We kind of live next door to eachother." Carter finally looks up from her meal to acknowledge the two boys. She extends her hand which Noah carefully shakes.

"I'm Carter. Kaitlin's best friend. I own a gun." She informs him nonchalantly. Noah nods and looks to  Bianca who was also extending her hand.

"I'm Bianca. Also Kaitlin's best friend. I don't own a gun." She jokes. Noah smiles slightly.

"I'm Noah as you know, I just moved here from Chicago." He explains. Once the introductions are over, everyone breaks into seperate conversations around the table. He leans over to me and says quietly,

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't know it was something you didn't like to talk about I guess." I shake my head.

"No that was my fault, I had no right to snap at you. Sorry about that." He smiles that smile. I love it.

"That's ok." Bianca taps my shoulder and I turn to her.

"What?" I ask. She glances around before responding.

"Is it true what Eliza said? And who was she talking about?" I shrug lightly.

"I honestly have no idea." That wasn't entirely true. I have an idea of who she's talking about, I just don't understand what she means by what she said.

Bianca sighs and runs a hand through her straight raven black hair.

"When is she gonna leave you alone?" She mutters quietly. I look down at my lap.

"I don't know."

Sorry for not posting for ages. We're back now and will be posting as much as we can. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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