Reaching the Town

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A/N: Hey people! This chapter is dedicated to sorayashera! You are my fiercest follower who made me write this chapter😉 This is for you.
Abby's POV:

"Land ahoy," John mumbled. "But then again...we're already on land."


"Look," he pointed ahead of us.

There, right before our eyes, was a little town. Men were talking loudly, and women held childrens' hands tightly as they walked across the streets.

We all started crying and cheering for joy. I pulled all of my friends into a hug, and before I knew what I was doing, I kissed Michael. Right on the lips.

I had never kissed a boy before. Most boys were thoughtless and didn't deserve my time. However, Michael was different.

Electricity coursed my veins, and something ignited inside of me as I kissed him.

He seemed surprised and tense, but then he relaxed.

Embarrassed, I pulled away. Heat crept up my neck.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

He smiled warmly at me. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "'s go in the town. Keep your heads down. The person who carved the message into that tree may be here."


Michael's POV:

In a way, I was terrified when she leaned in. I hadn't expected her to do that, and it didn't seem right after what happened with Natasha. However, in another way, it was right. Completely and utterly right.

She pulled away and apologized. I was confused. Why was she apologizing? I simply smiled and told her that she had nothing to be sorry for.

After that, we headed into the town, and I took Jonathan to buy food with the little money we had brought.

Abby and Bella went to buy new blankets (the ones we had were soiled with rain) and supplies (ours were almost gone).

At the market, I grabbed grains, dried meat, and dried fruit. John was staring with wide eyes at a small, decorated cupcake on a counter. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. The poor kid probably hadn't had a sweet treat in a while. I took the cupcake, put it with the rest of the food, and payed the man for all of the things.

John thanked me and hugged me before eating the cupcake in one bite.

When we met up with Abby and Bella again, they were carrying sleeping bags, knives, and string.

We looked at each other, and then we all started talking at once.

"Should we stay here for the night?"

"We can't stay for long...the orphanage can still find us here."

"I'm really tired."

"Let's just bring our stuff and stay at that hotel."


"Yeah! Great idea. Let's go."

So, we headed towards the hotel. We got a room to stay in, and we fell asleep quickly...

Unknown POV:

"I see them. Let's move to plan A."


A/N: Are you about ready to kill me?😂😂😂

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