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"So... what did you guys talk about?... I over heard my mom's loud voice so you must have been talking to her, right?"

Youngjae nodded slightly and plopped himself on the bed

"I promised her I'd take care and protect you..."
He hastily layed down next to Daehyun and turned his face to face him directly.

"But... that's my job.." Daehyun replied back, embarrassed as he draped the blanket more on both of them, making them feel at least bit comfortable.

"Well right now, it's mine... whether you like it or not.."
Youngjae closed his eyes softly and inhaled a lot of air through his nose, before releasing it all out.. trying to calm his nerves..

"Had a rough day, Dae..."
He slowly reached a hand out to cup Daehyun's cheek but retracted it as soon as it made contact with the sick man, yelping in surprise about how hot the latter was.

"You're burning hot again..." he looked him intently in the eyes.

Daehyun stared back at him with half-lidded eyes before reaching up to Youngjae's cheek with his own hand..

"Well.. you're ice cold.."

he merely retracted his hand before moving closer to Youngjae, as if he was trying to even out their body temperatures.

"What are you doing?"

Youngjae asked as he observed Daehyun's slightly bulky arms wrap around his small frame.

"Trying to even out our body temperatures..with me burning hot and you, ice cold, it makes sense if I do this, right?"

Youngjae nodded in response... He had swore to himself to never go with Daehyun's reckless ideas after the train-being-indoors- convincing-act but this idea wasn't half bad at all. So without a thought against it, he gave in to Daehyun's warmth and let slumber claim him.

"Y-Youngjae wake u-up..Y-Youngjae.."

Youngjae's eyes fluttered open at the sound of pained whimpers calling out to him. He immediately shot up, realizing it was something urgent and directed his gaze on Daehyun.

He crouched down by Daehyun in a hurry, shock at how ragged his breaths were

"Y-Youngjae h-help help"

"What's going on?! What's happening to you?!"
He screamed in panic, swiftly getting off of the bed.

"I can't breathe- Y-Youngjae h-help me"

He wasted no time at all as he literally screamed at the speaker after pressing the buzzer beside it.

"Daehyun has trouble breathing!! Come quick!!!"

He paced back to Daehyun's side before helping him sit up and rubbing his hand on both his chest and back in circles.

Daehyun heaved to and fro, his pants getting prominant by the second.

"Hang in there, Daehyun.."

another minute passed by before the doors bursted open, revealing three nurses in their uniformed hazmat suits.

"We're going to have to need you to wait outside, Sir.."

One nurse told him as the other two set up some sort of device on Daehyun that Youngjae couldn't see because they were blocking his view.

"But he's my best friend.."

He pleaded with sad eyes

"Yeah? Well call his parents to inform them then, like a good best friend would do.."

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