Chapter 6

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I went straight to the lounge that Bobbi Lynne had picked and found all the girls there waiting for me.

"Hi," I said giving them a little wave.

"Hi Josie," Bobbi Lynne said. "I'm so glad you could make it."

The waitress was at the table almost instantly.

"Chocolate Martini, please," I said.

"Ooh, that sounds good," Bobbi Lynne said. "I'm going to try that next. Sheesh, if I keep trying new drinks, I'm going to be completely sloshed by the time this night is over."

I kind of liked Bobbi Lynne and her golly gee attitude. It was very refreshing from all the usual cynics.

My drink arrived.

"Well girls," Jennifer said raising her glass. "To the Bridesmaids."

"To the Bridesmaids," we all repeated and clinked our glasses together.

I noticed that Rebecca kept looking around the lounge.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked.

"Just wondering where the hell the photographers are," she said.

"To tell you the truth, I was kind of hoping they wouldn't find us," I said. "I'm not really used to all this attention."

"Same here," Jennifer said.

"Really?" Rebecca said. "I've always got photographers around. I'm a model, so I guess it just comes with the territory."

"Oh yeah, I was wondering about that," I said, smiling. "I thought your picture on TV looked like a professional photo."

"Yes, it was," was all she said.

Boy, some people just have a way of making you feel stupid, I thought to myself.

"So Josie, what do you do?" Jennifer thankfully jumped in.

"I'm a copywriter," I said. "How about you?"

"IT," she replied. "You know, fixing everybody else's problems."

I nodded. "And Bobbi Lynne, what do you do?"

"Well," she said with great enthusiasm. "I guess you could call me a starving actress. I moved out here to be close to Broadway. I just love stage acting. But for now of course I'm doing the waitressing thing until I get my big break."

"Well this Bridesmaid thing should sure get you some attention," I said. "I find it almost overwhelming."

Rebecca made a weird noise, almost like a snicker only snottier, as she continued to survey the room. "I have to go to the bathroom," she announced and got up without looking at any of us.

"I'll go with you," Bobbi Lynne said, apparently not phased at all by Rebecca's rudeness.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and continued straight for the restroom. Bobbi Lynne just bounded behind.

"Thank God there's another normal one," Jennifer said to me. "I'd love to strangle that model snob, and that country bumpkin is annoying as hell."

I laughed. "Yeah, Rebecca seems like quite the diva, but I think Bobbi Lynne is kind of sweet."

"Yeah, for about five minutes," Jennifer said smiling.

I was relieved that she'd said it with a smile. Truthfully, I also thought that Bobbi Lynne's hillybillyness would probably get a little annoying after a while.

Bridesmaid Lotto (USA Today bestselling author)Where stories live. Discover now