Chapter 1: Moving Day

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Louis' POV
Already half way through my graduating year at Manchester University, and I'm super excited. Zayn, my best friend, and I agreed to travel the world after college. Zayn always says my parents won't allow it, but I think they will if they know it's important to me.

I roll out of my apartment dressed in my laid back clothes. This is the only time I can wear this stuff. Mother and father doesn't approve of it, thinks I look "dirty". Although, if they knew half of what I did, I guess I would look "dirtier".

As I walk out the apartment, I look at my phone and notice the time: 9 am. Well that explains why Zayn wasn't home, he's in class. I start walking in the direction of Manchester uni. You're probably thinking.. Oh why doesn't he just drive his car there!!? Well because I'm pretty sure I'd crash it so I try to keep in the best condition possible. On my walk, I stop by the same cafe place I always do, and get Yorkshire tea.

As I get closer, I notice that new people are moving in next door to a cute flower shop. The workers are covered in tattoos but look friendly by how they keep pointing to the flowers in awe. I'm a bit hyped for the new shop being put in, because if it's a tattoo parlor like it was before it closed down... Zayn and I will be getting some more tattoos.

I arrive at university and head towards my class when I feel a body jump on my back before I stumble forwards. I hear Zayn laughing as I fall, and he jumps off right before impact. He puts his hand out and helps me up as I glare at him. "Sorry mate. I couldn't help myself." He smiles cheekily at me. I groan before wiping the dirt off my clothes, "yeah yeah. Same old and lame, may I remind you, apologize. You'll still do it." Zayn hugs me before we start heading towards world business. "So, do you think your family would mind splitting break between my family and yours?" I shrug, "no, I hope not. They already said it was okay as long as Easter was there." Zayn nods before we enter the class, I speak again, "did you see the new workers taking over the old tattoo parlor?? Maybe they'll revamp the place!" Zayn smiles wide at the thought, "more tattoos. That'd be sick!" I nod in agreement. "I want to get a compass to finish the whole arm!" Zayn nods before saying, "how'd you come up with the whole 'lost at sea' idea? Like I know usually sleeve tattoos have a theme, but how?" I shrug, "I dunno. I think it was something to do spending summers at camp away from my family. I dunno. Something new." Zayn and I sit down and class begins.

Harry's POV
First day in Manchester, and I'm left alone. Liam and Niall had to go set up the shop because they want to open as soon as possible. I tried writing songs but I'm completely not inspired at all. I need a muse, so I turn to Facebook. Maybe see a pretty face or something tragic to trigger my song writing abilities inside.

I keep searching, and look at some cute clips of dogs and cats. Before I know it, I'm look through this guy named Zayn's page. Probably creepy but it said he was mutual friends with some girl I went to high school with, so I say why not. I hear a noise downstairs, which means that Liam and Niall are home. I close down my laptop and sigh, looks like I'll try again tomorrow.

I walk downstairs and see Niall eating some Doritos. I frown, "Hey! Those were mine." Niall looks down at the bag before eating them again. Liam comes out of the bathroom and looks between the two of us before sighing, "I'll buy you new ones, Haz. Don't freight." I beam at him before sticking my tongue out at Niall. Niall shrugs, "I think we should go out tomorrow. Maybe Harry, here, can help us set up." Liam nods with his idea, "alright with me. Up to you, Haz." I shrug, "sure but where would we go?" Niall scratches his neck, "I dunno. A bar." Liam sighs at the idea but nods, "yeah that'd be good."

The night gets later and I'm lying in bed. I grab my laptop and see Zayn's page is still open. I'm about to close out of it, before I notice he posted something in the last hour.

"Great night with @louistomlinson. Next time, might want to not call your mom."

I laugh because he was probably drunk and called his mom. I noticed there was a reply

"I only did because you were a scared little bitch. You're so lucky she said yes. @zaynmalik"

I snort at the response before clicking on his page. I gasp at how beautiful Louis is. I, without thought, requested to be his friend. Louis Tomlinson was beautiful, and I think I just found my muse.

The end of chapter one!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it :) IM SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!!! Thank you for reading it!! Please enjoy!! -Tory

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