Chapter 5

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The Alpha's Reject

Chapter 5

Tom's POV

I stood in the bathroom, after the little stint I had with Hunter. Man she drives me insane. Stepping out of the bathroom, and walking out of the room all together, I smashed my my face on Matthews forehead. It hurt like hell. 

Matt stood back and looked at me. It was getting awkward as I stood there shirtless, with him oogling my body. I knew that, there was something going on, but I was to scared to find out. I didn't want to let go of Hunter. I loved her a lot.

"Um,.... hi" I stood there just as awkwardly as I sounded.

Matt smiled, yet it didn't show in his eyes, they were filled with pain, hurt and suffering. I watched as he passed with tears forming in his eyes. I couldn't help with what I did next. I pulled him to me. Matt burst into tears and all I felt was electricity running through my body. This was the way I felt when I first held Hunter in my arms too. I held him, till he stopped, he looked so vulnerable, it was almost sexy. I last focus on what I was doing and just did what my body and heart told me to.


Waking up next to Matt were the least of my problems. It's the fact that I'm naked, I dan't remember what happened and worst of all, Hunter was standing in the door way, her eyes filled with tears and shattered glass around her.

It was only then when I realised what was going on. I tried to pull away from Matt with out waking him up. But my attempts were too late, Hunter had already run out, steping on the shards as she went.

"Hey....What's going on?" Matt asked still half asleep. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't even remember I had ruined  Hunter's life, all I saw was my mate.

Nathan's POV

I watched in the shadows as Hunter ran from her room. I wanted to go and hold her but I knew It was impossible, well almost. I struggled in the shadow, I knew I was the last person she wanted to see even at this point in time.

I wish I didn't tease as she grew up, I wish I would have known how special she is to me, before I lost her.

I kept following her as she made her way to the forest, leaving a trail of blood as went. She wouldn't heal because the glass hadn't been taken out of her foot yet and she still wouldn't stop. Worry started to eat at me, she could get an infection at this rate.

She made her way into the middle of the forest before she stopped. And that's when I saw it. The way she broke down, made me think is that she was when I destroyed everything.

[Of course you, idiot] My wolf replied. But it's not like I'm totally to blame right? I mean did you see the size of her before, she was like a rhino.

[It's all you're fault, you dumb twit. She became that size because of you. You use to push her and send hate mail, to her. I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you.]

Hunter still didn't notice me standing behind her in the shadows. She stood up and began to walk again. I could sence she had taken the glass out of her foot. I kept track of her, as I recalled the words Dereck told me, to just try and be her friend. At the rate she's going, I'm gonna be her saviour.

I kept going. Where the heck is she going? I could hear the sound of water rush around. As Hunter kept walking, well more like limping, the sound got louder, yet more calm. Hunter climbed over a Gigantic rock, to what seemed like the edge of a river bed. sneeking through without being spoted, I saw Hunter sit with her feet in the river sitting on sand.

[She look's beautiful, doesn't she?] He asked. I couldn't help but agree with him. Her long dark hair blowing softly in the wind. Her eyes bright. tears glistening in the sun. The most amazing sight anyone could see. There were no traces of make-up. her eyelashes stood bold, showing off her eyes. Her lips soft and supple looking.

[You know you want to, just walk up to her and sit down] My wolf was beginning to pester me. It was starting really annoy me and I just wanted him to stop.

[I'll stop if you just do as I say, go up to her]

Giving in, I made the lonely walk up to Hunter. She side ways glanced at me.

"I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to come out of the shadows, glad you can join me" Hunter stated. I was stunned, how did she know I was there? I tried my best not to go noticed.

Her musical sounding laughter filled up the forest.

"By the look on your face, I Guess you were trying to be sneaky."She chuckled again. "Nathan you're not the most silent guy. I could here you from when you walked out the house behind me." She stated matter-of-factually.

  OK, Hunter is really good at sensing things around her.

[Yeah she has to be, to keep your ass in check, oh wait she doesn't need to. YOU REJECTED HER]

I just wish he would stop being so snide, sarcastic, and just plain mean.

"Silent arguments going on there?" Hunter laughed even more at my internal battle with my wolf.

She looked unbelievably sexy. I couldn't resist, I wanted, no needed to kiss her.

I leant in gave her a simple kiss, and it was like a tension unveiledit's self and just made things harder to do. I coundn't breathe, my heart rate was off the chain and I think all resources of reasoning had melted into a pool of jelly. All because I looked at Hunter.

I don't know who did what first, but we were kissing, and not the slow and sweet kind of kiss. It was more like a if-we-keep-kissing-we'll-start-a-fire sort of kiss. It was rapid and hot. I was getting into it, when my wolf butted his way in.

[Yo, butt wipe, stop kissing Hunter or else she's gonna beat the crap out of you for going to fast in this weirdass relationship of your's] Knowing he was probably right I pulled away.

Our breathing heavy, the tension still in the air but none of us wanting to act on it.

Hunter was putting her shirt back on while handing mine back to me and giving me my belt back. Well when the hell did this happen? I didn't go anywhere near her shirt, did I?

[You're a moron, if you didn't realise what you were doing] Was his only remark on the whole situation. And if things couldn't get any worse. Dereck had walked up to the side of the river and looked at us with that look, that made you feel like an ashamed teen, who just got caught.

OK Well we did get caught.  But there was no need for us to ashamed or act like teens again, was there?

"I hope nothing bad happens to my little sister because I really hate to leave you're pack without a proper Alpha." Dereckturned and headed back, leaving this awkwardness behind. I turned back to Hunter.

"We need to talk"

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