I Need My Girl (I Found)

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Chapter 3 - I Need My Girl (I Found)

I Need My Girl - The National

I Found - Amber Run

Five Days Later

While in each others proximity, they spent their days in comfortable solitude. Their visible scars were healing, and so were their emotional ones.

The coleaders only ventured to the surface when they needed to hunt of collect water. Other than that, they slept in until midday, learn about one another, and entertain themselves with board games, books, and art supplies that had been left behind.

Bellamy was reading "Rubicon: The Triumphs and Tragedy of the Roman Republic" while he nestled on the velvet couch, when he suddenly slammed his book shut. "I'm sick and tired of being isolated in this bunker," he stated, darting his eyes at Clarke who sketched in her sketchbook.

Clarke looked up swiftly from her drawing of the Dropship, her eyes locked with his. She mentally took in the frail details of his face. His scars we're healed, his freckles mapped across his face, there weren't dark bags under his eyes. He looked so innocent, the definition of a young man who seemed like he hadn't faced the cruel world.

"Where do you plan on going?" Clarke asked, challenging him as he gave her a smirk.

She felt a flood of excitement when Bellamy gave her his goofy, lopsided smirk. It made him look so much more human, so full of life. She hadn't realized she missed that stupid smirk until he did it.

He shrugged his shoulders. "There's a whole world above us, Princess. And it's ours to explore," he said, inspired.

Clarke furrowed her brows in confusion, she had never seen him so careless before, so relaxed. It was a foreign sight to her. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss the way he was authoritative and stubborn. But this new Bellamy seemed so surreal to her.

"And you think that's a good idea? The Grounder coalition is in pieces, Arkadia is in pieces-" rambled Clarke as Bellamy briefly interrupted her.

Bellamy responded with another shrug as he laid on the couch. "Why not?"

Bellamy's phrase obviously silenced her because she averted her gaze towards her sketchbook, as she continued to shade in the trees.

He noticed Clarke back away from the conversation, something she tended to do more often compared to when she first arrived on earth. She used to challenge him on every little thing until things went her way.

He was so close to her, but it felt like her mind was in another place; a darker place.

"Clarke," he said, "why are you so hesitant to leave?" Bellamy gently placed his book on the coffee table and glanced at her.

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