For My Help (Here with Me)

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Chapter 4 - For My Help

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Chapter 4 - For My Help

For My Help - Hayden Calnin

Here with Me - Suzie Suh

One Week Later

The rusty walls of the Dropship surrounded them as the co-leaders entangled themselves in each others warmth. They decided to visit the Dropship before they returned back to Arkadia. Bellamy claimed that their first few minutes on earth was the closest feeling to the freedom they've had.

Clarke was in his arms at last, officially his to call his own. She nestled into his arm as he pulled her close to his chest. Their hearts were beating as one. Bellamy gazed at her, her mind stuck in a daydream as she looked out the entrance of the dropship. He gently pulled back a piece of her hair that blinded her face.

They were in the middle of the Dropship as they gazed out into the open field, where the society they had built, once stood. It's hard to believe that even though they come from two different worlds, they collided together. They built their empire with nothing but their bare hands. Bellamy imagined what the camp would look like now if the Grounders hadn't attacked.

They were two stubborn people who once despised each other and now can't spend a minute apart without feeling like they lost a piece of themselves.

They were the selfless soldiers that marched on, even though they past their breaking point.

He thought that it was impossible to not love her as much as he already did. While he lost himself in her gaze, he realized that he had been wrong. His racing heart swelled in content as he understood that his love for Clarke Griffin was infinite.

Clarke glanced up to see Bellamy's softened smile, she stared at how he was so understanding and gentle towards her. She brought her lips to meet his, nervousness pulsing in her veins as she was lost in Bellamy's touch. She pulled back to see him smirk and he pulled her closer his arm locking around her waist.

Bellamy sat in the Dropship, the landscape was as beautiful as a well-articulated painting. The various trees and plants blended together in harmony. The sky was a mixture of pink, orange, and yellows, accommodating the setting sun which started to sink behind the horizon. He noticed a flock of birds escape the sea of green and into the sky, where they soared freely.

"Are you ready to go back home?" softly questioned Bellamy as he used his calloused finger to lift up her chin, eyes locked with hers.

"I'm home whenever I'm with you," Clarke confessed, red in her cheeks.

She was the privileged princess who challenged his whole demeanor. She was the one who fought by his side against the world. She was the one who left him to suffer. Whoever said "Love is Weakness" was a liar. Love doesn't make you weak, it makes people fight for what they believe in, it makes people the best version of themselves.

She changed the way he saw the world.

He was the arrogant asshole who was too cocky for his own good. He was the one who went to extremes to protect his sister. He was the one who had demons that needed to be slayed, but couldn't do it alone.

He was the one who changed her.

He showed her the world. Not the world that she was living in, but a world where only he and her existed. A world where they were the rulers, the king, and queen. The Rebel King and his Princess. He taught her how to be adventurous, how to find beauty in the simplest of things.

He taught her how to live.

He showed her a world that was beyond the universe, and it was within her mind.

He showed her a world that was beyond the universe, and it was within her mind

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