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I was on the phone with Skye when dad knocked on my bedroom door. "I have to go," I said quickly hanging up. "Come in," I called reaching for my guitar.

Dad stepped in and quietly closed the door behind him. "Hey."


Dad nodded at my guitar sitting on the corner of my bed. "Were you playing something?"

I shrugged. "I was going too."

Dad smiled. "I've been looking up places to live in Kansas. I found an apartment."

"That's great, dad."

Dad looked at me carefully. "We're leaving in two days."

"2 days?" I repeated. "That's so soon."

Dad sighed. "Des, you can stay here. I'm not forcing you to move to Kansas with me."

"We talked about this, dad. I want to go." I looked down at my guitar. "I'd like to meet them."

Dad wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close. "And you will."


I walked out of the gas station when I saw Alex. I smiled and then walked to my car.

"Desiree," I heard Alex call. I turned around. Hę was walking towards me with one of his friends. Wearing gang clothing. "Hey."


His friend nodded at me and hesitantly I waved. Alex grinned. "My friend, Sam. Sam, Desiree."

"You know," I reached for my car door. "I really have to go."

Sam chuckled and shrugged. "Bye." Hę turned around and went back to his friends.

"There's a party tonight." Alex glanced at me.

"Another party?"

He laughed. "Come with me."

"Alex, I have no interest being jumped into a gang just because I'm Latina." I crossed my arms.

"You aren't going to be."

"I don't date guys in gangs, Alex."

Alex peered at me. "Okay then. As friends."

I laughed. "I really have to get home. I have to finish packing."


I nodded. "Yeah. My dad and I are moving."

Alex crossed his arms, leaning against my car. "Where are you going?"


"When are you going?"

I sighed. "Tomorrow night. I have to go." I opened my car door as he reached forward touching my elbow.

"Hey, it was nice meeting you." Hę stepped back as I got into my car.

"Bye, Alex," I said and I drove away.


I was packing when I heard dad call my name. "Des, you have a visitor."

"Coming," I said opening my door and rushing down the hall. Dad was at the door talking to... Alex. "Alex."

He looked up at me and waved. "Hey. Can I talk to you?"


He stepped towards me and dad smiled. "I'm going to finish up dinner. Is he staying?"

I looked at Alex and he shrugged. "Sure. I'd love too."

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