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Dad sighed as he drove me to Buckner. "I'll just have to try again.." he murmured.

I sighed. "Dad... she hates us."

Dad looked at me surprised. "Oh, no, sweetie. She doesn't hate you."

I sighed again. "She walked away."

"From me," Dad said softly. "No one hates you, Desiree. She's upset with me. Not at you. Okay?"

I swallowed. "That didn't go well at all."

"I know, sweetie, I know..." Dad stopped in front of Buckner. "I'll find a way to fix this. I promise." Dad rose an eyebrow.

I nodded smiling weakly. "Okay."

"Are you ready to go in sweetheart?" Dad asked nodding at the big school in front of us. Buckner.

Swallowing I nodded. "Yeah."

And so we went inside... Buckner.


"And Daphne you will have an-" the lady paused, Kathryn Kennish?, when she saw us.

Dad walked in behind me stopping so suddenly.

Another lady smiled at us. "Hello and welcome to Buckner Hall. Are you here for the tour? I'm Ms. Charlotte."

Dad grinned. "Yeah. Desiree's here for the tour. Are we late? I'm sorry."

Ms. Charlotte smiled softly. "Its all right." She turned to Daphne and signed as she spoke. "Daphne, this is Desiree Sorrento. Desiree.. this is Daphne Vasquez."

"Hi," I said lifting my hand up in an awkward wave. I didn't know sign language. "It's umm.. nice to meet you."

"Oh, are you going to go here? It's an amazing school," Kathryn gushed.

"We're considering it," Dad said nodding. "I'm Angelo. Angelo Sorrento."

"Is it okay if I look around?" Daphne signed as she spoke. She spoke good for a deaf person.

"Of course, honey," Kathryn said enthusiastically. "Go on."

Daphne smiled and walked away.

Dad looked at me. "Darling, what do you think?"

I shrugged. "Its nice."

Dad nodded at the Kennish's. "We should get going. Nice to meet you guys."

"Yeah," Kathryn said nodding. "Bye."


"Well," I mumbled. "That was weird."

Dad held up a hand silencing me. "I'm sorry, Des. I didn't know Daphne was gonna be there."

"We're lucky she had no idea who we were! What if she mentions us to Regina?"

Dad sighed. "She won't."

"Why wouldn't she?"

"Because there's no way Regina would approve of her going to Buckner."

"And if she did?"

Dad shook his head. "Regina doesn't know, okay? You're fine, we both are."

I swallowed. "I miss it just being us. I miss having you all to myself."

Dad sighed sadly. "Desiree, you'll always have me. Trust me on that." Dad reached over touching my hand. "Okay?"

I shrugged and sighed. "Okay."


I was walking down the streets aimlessly when I saw a sign that read Mission Hills. Curiously I continued walking. The Kennish's lived in mission hills and now so did Regina and Daphne... and my brother. Jasper.

The houses were huge and I knew I looked lost.

"Hey," a boy.. Toby Kennish, said. "Are you lost?"

I shook my head. "I'm looking for somebody."


I nodded walking past him.

"Hey, hey," he said walking faster to match my pace. "You don't look like a mission hills girl."

"That's because I'm not one."

"Who you looking for? Maybe I could help you?" Hę smiled hopefully.

I laughed softly. "This is a more.. personal project. I don't want them knowing I'm looking.."

"No problem. Who is it? a guy?"


"Who then?"

I sighed. "My mom."

Toby's eyes softened. "You don't know where your mom lives?"

"My dad and her separated when I was two. I just moved from Italy."

"Cool!" I looked at Toby and he coughed. "I mean the Italy thing. That's cool."

I giggled. "I guess."

"I'm Toby," Toby said looking at me. "Toby Kennish."

I smiled. "Desiree Sorrento."

"Well, Desiree, it's nice to meet you."

I sighed. "Can you take me to your house?"

"What?" Toby looked at me confused. "Why?"

"My moms name..." I swallowed looking at him desperately. "My mothers Regina Vasquez."

Hey 😂 so what do u guys think? I love u guys.
Go ahead and follow @ inmentions BYE! 😊

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