Right-o! Let us start! Um...

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((Alright because everyone hates burrshit and Author's Notes, I have decided to put them all at the front so you can just skip them and get to the good stuff alright?))

I have just realized this is my first Hetalia story...I do no know what I am doing. I will tr my best wit this so no promises. Bitte, do not use harsh words when you comment. I may not be the best writer in the world but I will be damned if some rude person stands in my way of happiness and writing! Wait, technically, those are very similar to me. Alright, just to let you all know, sometimes, maybe a little more tan sometimes, my writing can get a little off topic. bitte, ignore it. Same goes for spelling errors. I have fairly good grammar and spelling though, I am a bit Dyslexic. I also tend to talk and/or type too much which is kind of how it is looking right now. ごめんなさい (Gomen'nasai). I wil try to not talk as much.

(By the way, if I think and set a date ahead of time for one of my stories to be out, it will most likely not get done because I will slack off. I do not like due dates.)
Guten Tag to all of mein friends out there!

Mein- German- My
Guten Tag- German- Hello

Bitte- German- Please

ごめんなさい (Gomen'nasai)- Japanese- Sorry

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