Chapter 1

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The door busted open.
"Katie, where are you?"
"I'm in my room as always Maddie!"
After 9 years you'd think she understand that I am always in my room Katie thought silently. Maddie sprinted up the bamboo stairs and down the hallway that was covered in old paintings of past royalty. Katie was a little startled to have her door nearly blown off the hinges when Maddie busted through the door.
"Mad, what in the world is wrong? Is Austin okay?" Panic spread through Katie when she saw the look on Maddie's face.
"Yes, Austin is fine. Really can't you get over my brother yet. But anyways. I think I have found something that might explain our past."
"What!" Katie hollered. "We'll show me already you idiot!"
Maddie and Katie meet when they were 9. Now as 15 year olds they couldn't imagine their life without each other. Throughout the past 6 years they had in counted unexplainable events. Such as a book that was made of real flesh or Maddie's personal favorite, hard core karma. When someone bothered either of the girls the other person would get the worst karma of their life. No one believed them, which was understandable considering it sounded like they needed to go to a mental hospital. They had been looking for some sort of explanation for why this happened to them only. Neither of the parents had ever said anything about it happening to them when they were younger. Since they were 10, Katie searched the books for some sort of evidence and Maddie had the physical evidence. They thought they had found an amazing lead when they were 12 but it came to a complete dead end. They consider quitting the investigation then but after much thought, they kept at it.
"Well come on then," Maddie said.
As they walked out of Katie's house, an old almost abandoned looking log cabin, and across her lawn, Maddie ramble about how she came across it. Katie's mind was everywhere but on the topic at hand. Her mind had other things to worry about. And mainly that consisted of Austin. Oh. Austin she felt a pang of pain shoot through her like a knife. The biggest problem with Austin was that he looked at her just as his sister's best friend. Katie had just recently told Maddie about her crush on her brother and while she hoped that one day they would be something, she knew deep down that would never happen. Austin was Maddie's twin so there was no way she could ever go for him. She daydreamed about what he would say to her if he loved her too.
"Katie! Kat! K!" Maddie yelled. "Are you even listening to me! This is actually important for once you know!"
"Oh good heavens! I apologize Mad. I should have been listening. My mind has just been some place else. I am truly sorry. If you could please repeat it it would be greatly appreciated." Katie spilt out. By this time they had barely crossed half of her front lawn.
"Like I was saying, I was wondering in the woods behind your house a couple of weeks ago. Near the bat cave." What was she doing in those woods. We haven't been back there since we were 11. The bat cave, that cave has to be destroyed by  now. It was crumbling at the seam when we left. Katie thought silently.

"And the bat cave is destroyed or so I thought. I was running around trying to clear my head. When I felt something grab my ankle. Not like it snagged my trousers. It completely yanked at my ankle. I of course wasn't expecting it and fell. I kicked my foot free but when came with it was worse then it would have been if I had never got my foot back. When I looked there was a hand connected to my foot. Only half of the skin was there and it looked like it had been feasted on before." Maddie paused to make sure Katie was following. We were almost to the backyard by now, not really remembering walking across the front lawn. Katie kept up pace and push Maddie to continue silently.

"I thought it was absolutely grossum and it completely destroyed my shoes. If my mother knew of this the amount of trouble I would be in."
"Wait one moment please." Katie interrupted, "What in the world were you doing out in the woods. How did you get out of wearing your dress, stocking, corset, socks, dress shoes, and without your hair up." Maddie smiled mischievous
"Austin actually. He thinks I should be able to live my life free and not constricted to the rules of being proper. So once a month he will tell mother that we are growing to the town library, and we will seek into the woods. He helped me change in and out of my dresses and corsets. Oh. He is my brother but it still was horribly embarrassing. Then he would give me some of his clothes to put on so I could run around and not ruin my dress. Only thing he forgot a few weeks ago was shoes. That is why mine were ruined. When he heard my screams from falling and having a hand holding my ankle he dashed to find me. I hate to admit it but when I found me I was laying on the ground hyperventilating with buckets of tears rushing out of my eyes. We didn't bother to look for the rest. He just took me to the edge of the woods, cleaned me up, and helped my change. When we were about to leave that when I realized my shoes were destroyed, there was blood and mud all over my beautiful black shoes. Together we got it to where it was hard to tell and then we buried them in our backyard." Katie sighed quietly. The thought of Austin helping Maddie like that almost made her feel jealous. But she knew better. She had been raised to become a proper young lady and ladies don't let their feelings be negative.
"Okay that is very heartwarming, but what does I have to do with our past?" Katie questioned.
"Oh everything. Don't you see. Even though my brother protested he took me back to the woods only once. And in that time I went back to the cave. This time the cave was uncovered with our names engraved on the top. Our names! It said ' Madison L. Weems and Katie P. Talor ' So, naturally I went in. Only about 1/8 a mile though. No need to fret. But inside there was this paper and it could have been around when Jesus was born. It was very old but was written in English, so I couldn't read it well, I'm hoping you'll be able to translate all of it. What I was able to pick up on was that there was two girls and they would meet. Blah blah blah. At the end it said ' Maddie or Katie if you are reading this. Take this key and open the box beside of this letter. But be warned. I do not suggest doing it without the other by your side.' They turned the corner to the bat cave. Maddie hadn't been lying, though Katie had full faith that she never was, both of their names were inscribed upon the wall.
"You ready for this Mad?"

Maddie scoffed. "Look at me. I was born ready."

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