Chapter 2

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Together they stepped into a different world. There was rock in every nook and cranny and even though the temperature outside was well into the negatives, it felt as if it was an oven in there. Both the girls quickly stripped of their coats, hats, and gloves and set them nicely on one ground all folded and neat. Light bounced from wall to wall as if there was a candle or a torch was lit but as they could see there was no source of the light. It smelt like Christmas with holly, peppermint, and vanilla. Something of it reminded Katie of home back in England when she was just a little girl, but she couldn't figure out what exactly it was.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Katie cried out. The only response they got was the echo of her voice bouncing off of the walls.

"Come on K. This way." Maddie mumbled.

They walked down the corridor a little farther before coming to an opening. Where they saw the podium where the letter laid. They rushed to the middle of the room with their adrenalin high. Both of them knew this wasn't very lady like but at this point neither of them cared at this point. Katie went to translate the message but a voice rang in her ears. A voice from another life. She stood petrified as if she had just seen a ghost.

"Katie? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Katie screamed and dropped to the floor, hands over ears.

"Go away! I didn't mean too, I'm sorry! Leave me alone!" Katie vociferated.

Maddie started to panick, this didn't happen to her. Katie continued to cry like a banshee. Maddie was focused on Katie praying this would stop soon. She was very worried Katie was screaming and crying now. Rushing footsteps rang throughout the cave. Maddie's blood turned ice cold.


Before Maddie knew what was happening Austin slid next to Katie and pulled her to his lap. Her eyes were wide but they weren't looking. Her hands were still over her ears and shouts were escaping her lips, the sight was so different than what Maddie was used to, the calm and collected Katie.

"Don't just stand there help me! Grab the paper and get it to the entrance, Now!"

Without any hesitation, Maddie took the paper and ran back out into the cold, cold outside. As soon as it was out of the cave, the hollering stopped.

"Maddie, you can come inside now, bring the paper." called Austin.

When Maddie returned to the group, Katie was passed out in Austin's toned, tanned arms. Even though Maddie and Austin were the same age, Austin looked much older than 15. Maddie had to admit, her brother was very handsome. Slowly, within minutes, Katie started to come to. Austin continued saying words of encouragement until he was sure she could completely comprehend what he was saying. He looked down at her, her pale face and tan arms, her hazel eyes, and her dark long hair. He longed to run his fingers through her soft long hair but knew that isn't the way to treat a lady. When Katie finally understood what was going on and that she was in her dream boy's arms she didn't want to get up.

"I won't set you down yet if you don't want me to." Austin whispered kindly in Katie's ear, his warm breath tickling her sensitive ear. She just shook her head no in response. Austin's arms wrapped tighter and more protectly around her. She knew that he was doing this only as a kind gesture and in a brotherly way but she couldn't help but let her mind wonder about the possibilities that it was more.

"How ya feeling Kate?" Maddie ask quietly.

"Scared." Katie simply replied.

"It's okay, we're here now. It won't happen again, I promise." Austin said in a soothing voice.

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