Chapter 6

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Katie was walking down a hall with no real reason. She needed to escape her friends eyes. Tears started to slide down her face. Katie blushed, not from embarrassment but from frustration. I'm stronger then this. I have made myself stronger then this, she thought to herself. Katie slipped into her thoughts and kept walking.
Maddie was confused. Very confused.
"Austin, can you point me in the direction of a room where I won't be bothered?" She asked. "Please," she added as a second thought. Austin simply pointed at a door and gave her an tired look. Maddie walking into the room, closed the door, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened her eyes.
The room she was in would be titled as a ballroom. There was windows surrounding the place looking out on a peaceful plain. There was rolling hills and a couple of bushy trees. And illusion or something. Obviously. The ceiling was stunning. There was shining stars and a vibrant moon. The sky was so realistic. Maddie could hear the crickets and katydids. Even a river rolling in the background. The ground was made of a mineral that looked like a dark ruby. The sound of her boots on it sounded as if a horse was walking down a paved road. Nothing had ever calmed her like this before. Laying down, she took 3 deep breaths and let sleep engulf her.
Austin let out a frustrated breath. He walked up to one of the rock walls, that looked as if it was radiating with heat and light, and punched it. He felt his knuckles split. He knew that this was a bad idea. Austin let out a scream, not of pain, but of complete frustration. Nothing. Nothing is going right. They are supposed to prevent the Xixa War. He was supposed to impress Katie. His Katie. All he had done was make her run off and have panic attacks. Austin took a deep breath. He prided himself on how patient he was, but at the moment, nothing seemed to be harder to do.
He looked over at the wall and sighed. To think, earlier he had been holding a sleeping form of Katie right there. Austin felt scared. And feeling scared, scared him even more. Austin rarely was frightened. He was often confused, but not frighten. He always had a plan. Could always see what was coming. But this, all he could see was red. Everything, Red. Blood red. Thick, dark, red. Not just about Katie, but about everything, the Xixa War, his sister, Katie's family. Everything. "I have to escape this. I have to." Was all he could think. He worked with what he knew, he needed to solve many things but decided to chose just one for now. With that in mind, he set out to find Katie.
   Katie had been walking for over a hour by the time that Austin found her.
   "Kate!" Austin hollered and jogged toward her. When Austin caught up to her he turned to look her in the face. Katie's face was masked. There was no expression on it to be found.
   "Hey," she finally said in a flat voice. "Where's Mad?"
   "She's in one of the rooms near the Hang. Don't worry. She's safe. It's the such a beautiful room. There's not even words to describe it. It's very calming, just what she needs."
   "The big center room. That's what I call it. I have a map in the Study. It's not complete yet. The Bat Cave is way to big. I don't know if I'll ever map it all the way. The room Maddie's in is called the the Green Ball Room. It's one of my favorites." Austin explained. Katie had started walking again.
    "I'm apologize, for earlier. Maddie was right. It wasn't very lady like and I do deserve to be punished, but my reaction was worse." Katie's voice was strong and clear. There wasn't a hint of emotion. It was like the past 3 hours had never happened. Austin stopped in shock;Katie kept walking.
   Austin grabbed her elbow, pulling her to a stop, then wrapped her in a hug. The hug was loose, so that she wouldn't feel trapped in the embrace. Katie stood shocked. This wasn't what she expected.
   She pulled back lightly and looked at his eyes; emerald green with hints of golden the right and silver in his left eye. Katie's expression said everything.
   "Don't worry, I'm not pitying you or comforting you. I just needed a hug." Austin said, even though the lie was clear in his voice.
   "Sureeeee you do. I believe that just as much as I believe that Maddie is actually being productive right now and finding more information," Katie said sarcastically.
   "Speaking of that demon, we should really go find her you know." Austin had a horrible feeling that something was wrong with Maddie. "Like. Now." He added.
   Katie didn't have to be told twice. She knew that Maddie could be in trouble so she took off in a steady jog down the corridor. Her dress was heavy and it hit her legs hard. Her stockings were tight and awkward to run in. But the worst of it all was her shoes. Her feet ached and the blisters were there, for sure. Despite these struggles though, she kept a quick and steady pace.
   Austin ran after her. He was a good runner, but Katie was better. By the time he caught up to her in the Hang, he was panting and completely out of breath.
   "How the hell do you run so fast and keep your breath?"
   "One of the few things I picked up from having to wear a dress all the time." Katie chuckled. "Where the Green Ballroom?"
   Austin led Katie straight to the door. Something didn't feel right though. Katie felt it instantly. It was the same type of attraction she had to the book. Magic. The word seemed to blind her suddenly.
   "No! Don't touch tha-" Katie hollered as Austin reached for the door nob, but it was to late, he was already swinging the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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