Chapter 4

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Both the girls had totally different ways of coping with news. Maddie sat there thinking over all of the new information. Katie, on the other hand, stood up, took 5 deep breathes, and then started to panic. Katie ran out of the room, not wanting Austin to see her having a panic attack. Maddie knew she should go after her, but she couldn't make herself move. She had to put herself first for once and let herself take in this new information. Austin looked where Katie just was and knew she needed someone to talk to. He stood up slowly, glanced at Maddie, and walked out of the room to find Katie.
Katie ran out of the room, not really knowing where she was going. She saw a random hall and ran down it having no clue where it would lead. She got about 1/4 of a mile down the hallway when she collapsed. She sat down in tears. Her breath quicken and she started to cry. Her whole body started to shake and she wanted to scream. Everything around her started to blur. Katie felt herself start to fall in and out of consciousness. In the distance she heard her name being called but couldn't make out the voice. Her mind was locked on the new information. She felt like she had just ran a marathon. She then felt two strong muscular arms swoop her up off the ground.
"It's okay, Katie. I'm here now. Calm down. Nothing is going to hurt you. I promise." Austin whispered in her ear. Katie's breathing slowed down as Austin sat down on the ground and held her for the second time that day. Katie slowly relaxed into Austin's hold and rested her head on his shoulder. Katie's hair, as always, was in tight braids down her back. Austin slowly undid them, knowing that if Katie didn't want this she would go off about it not being lady like. But Katie didn't say anything as he undid her hair. Once he was finished she shook her hair out and leaned back onto his shoulder. Austin smirked know that Katie was choosing this.
"Katie, are you okay with this?" Austin mumbled only half holding himself back from holding her tighter. Katie was tired. And she was scared. And she knew she deserved this. Katie mumbled something along the lines of okay and snuggled closer to him. Austin ran his fingers through her hair, using every ounce of his self power not to pull her up and kiss her. He knew that if he ever wanted a chance with her that he would have to take things really slow.
As Maddie started to process all of the new information, she realized that both her brother and her best friend were gone. She knew that it could be bad but just incase it wasn't, she wanted to give them space. Maddie stood up and looked around the room. She figured she could do some research. She grabbed a book that was bind with copper and slammed it on the table. She opened it to page one and began to read.
"This is so not lady like, but I can't bring myself to stop." Katie mumbled into Austin's shirt. Austin continued to run his fingers through her hair and across her back. He held her tight and prayed that she wouldn't leave him. He held onto her as if she was his last strand to the Earth. And in some ways, she was. She kept him grounded. She kept him sane. Katie kept him being him. Austin pulled Katie closer when he heard her wince.
"Kate, did I hurt you?" He said with panic in his voice.
"My rib, my father broke it again last month, it's still a little tender" Katie said calmly. Austin felt his anger boil up for her father. No one touches Katie. Especially in a harmful manner. He forced it down not wanting to ruin the mood.
"Austin," Katie said quietly.
"Yes my Angel?"
"Angel?" Katie said questing but was blushing madly.
"Um. Yah. Is that okay?" Austin replied hoping the fear in his voice was that noticeable.
Dogging his questions she said, "Um. What- no. How- no. Um. Who- yeah. Who am I to you? Honestly?" Austin felt his heartbeat quicken. He got scared and considered lying. But he knew Katie would find out once way or another.
"My Katie. That's what you are. Or, what I want you to be. Mine. You're beautiful and your smart and your kind and you're a wonderful lady. I've had a crush on you for like, the past 3 years. And it sucks. I'm sorry. I know you don't deserve this. And everything. But that's what you are to me. My crush, my Katie." Katie sat shocked. Scared to move. Katie, who was tired just a moment ago, was alive and alert. Everywhere where he touched felt like fire. And everything that he said felt like ice.
"K. Please. Say something." Austin pleaded. He knew the terror in his voice was known this time. Katie took one hand and laid it on his cheek. Katie leaned over and moved closer. Then she kissed Austin right square in the cheek.
"Sucks? Really Austin, do you have no manors?" Katie said laughing. "But seriously Austin, I'm happy you told me. I've been dying to hear that for years." Austin pulled her closer, careful not to touch her ribs.
Maddie sat and read. She read and read and read. After what felt like forever, 353 pages to be exact, she found some news about the Graveyard Xixa War. Maddie knew she had to tell Katie ASAP. The book was bind in copper making it weigh a ton. It also had this shimmer to it causing it to look like it glowed. It was strangely familiar to her. She reached for it as if it was second nature not thinking about it for a second. Maddie got up and went to find the love birds.
Maddie didn't have to look long, she heard some talking from down one hall so she walked down it. Maddie didn't want to get caught eavesdropping so she hugged the walls and walked silently. She strained to hear what was going on. Suddenly she heard laughter followed by her brother's voice.
"Ma'am, if you could please stop moving, or I'm going to have to set you down."
"But why!" Katie complained. Maddie was a little shocked by the response because she had never heard Katie back talk someone ever. She said it "wasn't lady like"
"Because, if you don't, I'll have a little problem." She heard Austin say. Maddie's mouth opened slightly. She'd never heard Austin speak in such a manner to Katie. Something had obviously happened and she wanted to find out.
   "Austin!" Katie yelled. Maddie heard a slight slap echo throughout the corridor. Maddie was getting bored of the lovey dovey stuff.
   "Guys? Are you all down here?" Maddie's voiced echoed off of every wall. She heard them stand up and a brief reply of yes. When they appeared they didn't look like they had been snogging, but Katie's hair was down, something that only happened when she was going to sleep or about to bath. She gave Katie a questioning stare but only got a shrug in response.
   "Come on, I've found some information."

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