I could barely hear my thoughts over the large din caused by the rustle and conversations flooding the cafeteria.
"If I have to deal with this everyday I swear to God," I mumbled under my breath, maneuvering through the crowd. I bumped in shoulders rather roughly with a guy with brunette hair that swooped across his forehead right above his eyes. He was actually slightly smaller than me, but it's kinda cute.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."
"No problem, don't worry about it!" he replied, smiling a little.
His ID read Christopher Willams. Not that it mattered. I just met him. None of what he did is relevant. Although he is pretty c-NO.
"You alright there?"
"Oh yeah, yeah. Just got...um...sidetracked, I guess." I sounded like a complete idiot. Ugh why do I even try?
"I didn't catch your name. I'm Chris. You are?"
A girl crept up behind him and put her arm around his shoulder. "Who's this girl, babe?"
"Huh, way to be subtle," I said softly, making it hardly audible.
"Oh was there something you were trying to say to me?" she asked, moving her hand slowly over to Christopher's lower back.
"Leave her alone, Morgan. She didn't say anything that wasn't true, if I'm being honest."
"Well she should've just kept her smart mouth shut. And btw, don't try to make any moves or whatever you're planning on doing to my boyfriend, because I'm not afraid to ruin everything you hold dear." A sarcastic smirk spread from ear to ear.
I immediately turned my back around to her and Christopher and made my way to the table of my middle school friends. A few tables over I spotted Hannah with another girl. They had similar dirty blonde hair, but her hazel eyes opposed Hannah's brown ones. They turned to me and waved, so in response I waved awkwardly back. She motioned me over with her hand, but I shook my head and kept moving to my other friends.
"Wow Tab, took you long enough."
"Yeah well I ran into some people, one of them was pretty rude. And she wasn't even the one I ran into! But anyway, how've your first few classes been?" As the girls surrounding me chatted relentlessly about their first day experiences I blanked out, searching for Chris. But to no avail.
"So how about you?"
"Oh yeah sorry...well I'm not dead. Get that squared away. I met someone in first period, she's in my choir class too. So it's good to have someone to talk to."
"What's her name?"
"Hannah Riddick? Or at least I'm pretty sure."
"Aw you poor thing." Her statement was laced with sympathy, for what reason though?
"What's that supposed to mean? She's cool. She recognized my Sherl- my pin from one of the shows I watch."
"Take my advice, don't get involved with her. 1.) she was the Student Of The Year at L.W. so obvious over achiever and teacher's pet. 2.) she hangs out with some...interesting people. Good thing you only have to deal with her once or twice a day right?"
"Right..." Instead of arguing with her, which would be like talking to a brick wall, I held my tongue.
Hannah's POV
I tried inviting Tabatha to sit with me and Mandy, but I guess it's fine if she wants to sit with her friends. I'm probably coming off a little pushy.
"Did you see her and Chris talking? She got closer to him than we were able to in the ten years we went to school with him," I stated, fairly impressed.
"Well of course. It's because his girlfriend micromanages everything and hovers over him like a ghost or something. That would explain why she doesn't have a soul."
"You're not wrong. Looking for the lie."
"I bet they would make a good couple. Hmm. christabor or tabother?" Mandy giggled to herself, probably illustrating fan fiction scenarios in her head.
"Tabother." I replied, "just because it sounds like the autocorrect version of together. And you know together...like a couple...funny jOKE"
"Honestly I don't know why I'm friends with you Jesus Christ. All you do is make jokes my dad would make."
"Oh shut up, you love it." I said, putting my hand under my chin and pulling a cheesy smile.
"The thing is I really I don't though. I could just get up and leave you right now and make you fend for yourself." She retorted. Slowly she raised herself into a standing position.
"Just sit down and give me your goldfish. I'm hungry and I left my chips at home."
"Fine, nerd."
A/N Happy Easter! I decided to put this out earlier because
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