
298 14 2

Your age: 16
Dante's age: 16
Y/n's View

"Okay class, as you all know we've been studying lady Irene for the past few weeks and I've decided that we'll make this more fun"Ms.Emmalyn smiled.

"I'll give you all partners and you have to write a 3 page essay about her"the class groaned. A student raised their hand.

"Yes?"Ms.Emmalyn asked.

"How is this fun?"they asked.

"Well, I could make you guys read 10 chapters-"

"No, no, no!"the whole class quickly said at the same time.

"Great! Then it's settled! The project is due in 3 days"Ms.Emmalyn smiled. The bell rang and everyone started getting up.

"The buddy list is at the back of the class! Be sure to check it!"Ms.Emmalyn yelled over us. Some students left while the rest checked their buddy.

"I hope I get Dante, he's so handsome"a girl dreamily sighed. I rolled my eyes, almost gaging when I heard the blue head's name.

"Excuse me... Sorry... Oww!..."I said as I pushed through the small crowd. I got to the paper and my eyes widened as I saw who my partner was.

"You have got to be kidding me..."I mumbled. I turned around and walked to Ms.Emmalyn's desk.

"Uh, Ms.Emmalyn?"I asked.

"Hey sweetie-"she smiled. "What can I do for ya?"

"I was wondering is I could possibly, maybe, change my partner..."I nervously said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/n but it's too late for that..."Ms.Emmalyn said.

"Oh, okay... Thanks anyways"I nervously smiled at her and started walking away.

"No problem pumpkin!"she called out.

No, I can't be partnered with Dante! He's such a jerk, I don't know why girls even like him... I mean, yeah he is kinda cute... BUT he has the worst personality in the world! He's selfish, mean, a jerk, and way too flirty... Irene why me?

My thoughts got cut off my someone bumping into me. I looked up and saw him. The person I bumped into was Dante. Out of everyone in the school it had to be him.

"Ah, it's you, so, how have you been?"he asked a smirk on his face.

"Dante, go away"I groaned and walked past him.

"Hey! Wait up!"he yelled from behind me. I saw him get to my side some seconds after. I just pretended not to see him.

I got to my locker. Dante leaned on the locker next to mine, both his hands in his pockets. I put my History book away and grabbed my Math book.

"Dante-"I sighed, and slammed my locker closed. "What do you want?"

"Oh, feisty, I love it"he mumbled the last part and buy his lip. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious Dante! What do you want?!"I asked getting impatient.

"We need to start on the project"he sighed.

"Oh my Irene... Dante cares about something? This must be a dream"I sarcastically said.

"Ha ha ha"he laughed sarcastically.

"Okay, so what about it?"I asked him.

"Meet me on the football field after school, we'll talk more later"he said and walked away.

"I'm Dante and I can do whatever I want, blah blah blah, ugh! I hate him..."I said to myself.

I walked off to my next class, a sigh escaping my lips.

This should be fun...


I sat in the bleachers, doing my homework as I waited for Dante. I've been waiting for 20 minutes now. If he doesn't show up soon I'll-

"Ah, so you showed up"I looked up to see Dante.

"Well, I want to finish this project as soon as possible soo..."I trailed off.

"Adorable"I heard him chuckle.

I'll just pretend I didn't hear that...

"Okay, let's go"he said, grabbing the folder out of my hands and putting math homework in it.

"Where are we going?"I asked. Dante shoved the folder in my backpack.

"My house"I suddenly got nervous.

"Y-your house? Why not m-mine?"I asked.

"What? Scared? Don't worry, princess, I don't bite"he walked closer to me, a smirk on his face.

"Scared? Me? Nope! I'm not s-scared..."I trailed off as Dante's face was centimeters away from mine.

"Really babe? Because it seems-"he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "-like your nervous"

My breath hitched as I felt Dante's hot breath on my lips. My eyes traveled down to his lips. I immediately looked back at his eyes, noticing what I was doing. Dante smirked. I just wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"I knew you'd fall for me"he let go of me and grabbed my bag. Dante put a strap on his shoulder and walked away.

"I'm not falling for you..."I mumbled.

I looked down and followed him. I kept thinking about what happened just some seconds ago.

He almost kissed me... Dante almost kissed me... He probably does this to every girl. He is know as a "player" anyway. But... why didn't I do anything? Why was my heart racing when that was happening? Wait... am I possibly falling for him?

Okay! This is just the first part! There will be another one coming soon! I don't really have anything to say... but I hope all of you have a great day!

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