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When my mom was in her twenties she was in a bank and watched a kid die. He had been blowing up a ballon, then sucking the air back in. He ended up sucking the balloon down into his windpipe. Because it was a balloon, they couldn't get it out and they couldn't clear an air way. She watched him die. That's not the embarrassing story though. I'm afraid of loud noises. I'm afraid of balloons. The balloons are partly because of what my mom witnessed and partly because of the loud noises. Here comes the embarrassing story. I was at a Fall Out Boy concert with my boyfriend. During one of the songs they released huge balloons into the crowd. They had smaller balloons inside of them. Feeling brave when one came my way, I decided I'd reach up and touch it. As soon as I did, it popped. I screamed and started bawling. As if crying in front of my boyfriend over a balloon wasn't embarrassing enough, I bawled in front of the random people surrounding me. They stood there awkwardly while I wept for 5 minutes straight.

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