Chapter Four - whereas Kimberli decides to help, a little bit

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Kimberli's P.O.V
I gasped and dropped the file on the table shaking my head furiously. 'No, no, no' I thought 'They think that I killed my family, No.' I moved backwards.

 "What's the matter." Stark asked walking up to me and I leapt out of the way hissing, I landed in a crouched position fear etched on my face. Fury put his finger to his ear.

"Stark get back to the lab" Fury commanded angrily before sweeping out of the room. I shuddered as the door slammed shut. I plopped down onto my backside whimpering again as the accusation of the pirate sunk home, and flashes of my past blinded me quickly as I sunk into a stupor

I had just begun to spin my ring on my index finger when the Helicarrier jolted sharply, I yelped and sprinted to a corner and pushing myself in as far as I could get. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rocked myself back and forth slowly humming a lullaby to myself.
Footsteps thundered past, I huddled down further memories flashing to the front of my mind, "Subject AA1 is out of control, I repeat subject AA1 is out of control." Footsteps pattered in the hall and the guards burst into the room shooting at my father, my mother leaped in front of him, she fell shot in the heart, I turned away sobbing softly as the thud of my father's falling body rang through the lab.' I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door flying off its hinges and Loki stood in the doorway his blood stained scepter falling to his side gracefully. I leapt up growling.

"Be at peace mortal, I will not harm you yet" I stopped growling and stood, quivering slightly, watching Loki carefully "Come" he said, his voice had a slight British accent that I hadn't noticed before. I stood still, not trusting him to keep his word. He gave an exasperated sigh before stepping towards me.

I growled and skipped around him sprinting headlong through the door. Suddenly he stood in front of me, I skidded to a stop. I jumped and started squirming as a cool arm snaked its way around my waist the Loki in front of me shimmered, causing me to gasp, "Clever isn't it" Loki drawled before hoisting me up onto his shoulder. I squirmed harder trying to get down before he shot a ball of blue energy past my face, I went rigid in shock and when he was satisfied that I wasn't going to try anything he began striding down the winding corridors, before coming to a man with unnatural blue eyes . Barely stopping he shrugged me off his shoulder pushing me towards someone else. "Take care of her Barton" he muttered before stalking off. I yelped and struggled violently in the Barton's grip, trying my hardest to get away, visions flashing to the front of my mind.
'My sister lay still, I clutched her battered body growling softly. "Harrison, take care of her" Aaron ordered turning away. Harrison and another couple of scientists  walked to my cage Harrison opened the door ushering for the two others to enter, one pried my fingers from my sister's corpse holding me back while the other dragged her away'
I snapped out of the memory as I was clipped and handcuffed into a seat by another blue eyed minion, I shuddered hoping that I would not become one of them. I glanced around the plane noticing a few normal eyed individuals scattered around, I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them humming softly under my breath. The jet landed softly, I sat still unwilling to face the terrors that may come my way.

Tony Stark's P.O.V

Coulson was dead and I was ready to avenge him, but I couldn't do that with just Capsicle, Legolas and Natasha I ran to the room where they were holding the supposed assassin girl, on getting there I found the door ripped off its hinges, pushed in from the outside I cursed loudly kicking the wall, Loki had gotten here first. Well we'd just have to make do, huffing I strode off to meet the assassins and the Captain by the jet hangar, we were going to destroy Loki. I grimaced, I had become one of the super-secret boy-band.

Kimberli's P.O.V
Loki wrenched me from my seat after dissipating the cuffs, waving his scepter quickly to create a new pair of handcuffs encircling my wrists before pushing me down the ramp onto the top of a building he walked down to a balcony pulling me with him, he linked the blue light to a pole and disappeared for a few minutes, returning with a sick grin on his face, untethering me from the post, leaving just the glowing blue cuffs. We stood waiting, and sure enough we came to watch the Iron Idiot flying towards us, he attempted to destroy the device, I supposed, that sat above us, before falling a little from the rebounded energy. Quickly he righted himself coming to land on a runway, he began to walk. We walked with him, arriving inside I watched in wonder as the machines took off the suit until Tony Stark stood before us. Loki began to speak.

"Please tell me you've come to appeal to my humanity" I grimaced, Loki had no humanity as far as I was concerned.

"Ah actually I'm planning to threaten you" Stark corrected. I face palmed, and apparently Stark had no self-preservation skills either. 

"You should have left your armour on for that" Loki stated, I couldn't help but to agree, and to my surprise Tony agreed as well.

"Yeah" he said "But it's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the glow stick of destiny" I giggled slightly at his forwardness he smiled the added "Do you want a drink?" Loki snickered.

"Stalling me won't change anything" he stated.

"No, no, no" Stark exclaimed "Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one and what about you sweetheart?" I shook my head politely growling slightly at the nickname.

Loki walked over to the window "The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?" He turned looking at Tony. 

"The Avengers" He replied Loki looked confused so Tony continued "It's what we call ourselves, sorta like a team. Earth's mightiest heroes type thing"

"Yes" Loki hissed "I've met them" Stark smiled.

"Yeah, it takes us a while to get any traction. I'll give you that one, but, let's do a head count here, your brother the demigod, a super soldier living legend, who kinda lives up to the legend." I saw Stark placed bracelets on his wrists as Loki's back was turned, my eyes widened. He put his finger to his lip in a shushing gesture, I nodded once to let him know I understood he smiled before continuing "A man with, breath-taking anger management issues, a couple of master assassins. And YOU" He said pointing accusingly at Loki "Big fella managed to piss of every single one of them"

Loki smiled "That was the plan"

"Not a very great plan" Stark scoffed, I laughed and Loki glared, I smiled innocently raising an eyebrow challengingly "And" Tony continued drawing Loki's attention back to him. "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you" 

"I have an army" Loki said confidently. 

"We have a Hulk" Stark retorted. 

"Oh I thought the beast had wandered off" Loki jabbed back. 

"Yeah you're missing the point, there is no throne. No version of this where you come out on top" Tony took a breath "Maybe your army comes, and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the earth, then you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it" He took a sip from his glass. I gave him a short round of applause before being silenced by a glare from Loki.

Loki began walking slowly towards Tony. "How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you" The scepter began to charge. I closed my eyes, as the clink was audibly heard, then another clink, I opened my eyes "This usually works" Loki exclaimed. I looked up now" he muttered rising from the floor, before being grabbed by Loki again.

"You all fall before me!" Loki growled in Tony's ear.

"Deploy" He gasped "Deploy" Loki then threw him out the window my breath caught in my throat as I rushed over to the window to see Tony falling. Loki turned to see a red pod deploying from hidden compartment in the wall. It blasted past him knocking him and I over, unfortunately I fell not onto the floor, but out the window.

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