Chapter Twenty-Three - wherein traps are set and sprung

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So, it was a trap. I growled 'Where is Rebekah you poor excuse of a god' I told him pushing past his mind defences, I noticed that I was quaking, not from fear, but anger, Loki however mistook this for fear.

"Scared are we mortal?" He asked mockingly.

"Oh yes, Terrified" I said in a mind voice that dripped with sarcasm "Now I suggest that you release Rebekah now or do I have to take your head off?" I asked noticing my silver fur going darker gradually.

"Well now, that's not a very nice greeting" Loki said, smirking, I growled again.

"Last chance Laufeyson, hand over my sister or I will tear you to shreds and send you to Asgard in a match box" Loki just smiled.

"If you want her come and get her" He said.

'With pleasure' I said and I leapt my fur changing into a solid black colour, Loki looked slightly scared but he soon wiped all expression from his face, I landed on him sinking my claws in his chest, 'Where is she?' I growled, he just moved his head in the direction of the front of the jet, I saw Rebekah lying there unconscious.

Just when I was about to run to Rebekah, I noticed something in the back of Loki's mind, a dark energy, it seemed to be strangling his mind, I growled at it. I looked to Rebekah, she looked safe enough and her mind was quiet, I turned back to the God below me and delved back into his mind, my hold on his mind was a light silver-grey colour, the dark magenta reared up at my grip.

I chuckled darkly, my hold expanding. The dark mass retreated into a small hole in his mind. I frowned, it couldn't be this easy, a highly talented God who played mind games wouldn't have been taken over easily. A sting in my side loosened my hold on him, I looked down to see a blue hand, belonging to Loki, I hit him over his head with a paw knocking him out efficiently. I then returned to ridding his mind from the darker minds grip.

Finally, I managed to cast a shield over his mind that expelled the purple hold, I cut the tie to his mind leaving the shield in place as I ran to Rebekah, she moaned and I found the Purple presence had taken up residence in her mind, I began to shove it out when it spoke 'Why are you so persistent Mortal?" It asked

'She is the only blood related family I have left; I am not about to let you take her mind." The being growled

"Loki is not family, he is a frost giant, a higher being not of this world"

I smirked as his hold grew weaker "No, but Thor helped me when I needed it most, I am only repaying the favour" Something clicked in my mind, the changing eye colour the different attitude to 'mortals' You know, this reminds me of another time not so long ago, and if I'm not mistaken you tried to do something evil again, there is no version of this where you come out on top" He laughed.

"You have an uncanny ability to remember thing that should not be remembered" I sniggered, gaining purchase on over half her mind

"If you don't want things to be remembered then don't make them memorable" He released his final hold and Rebekah awoke her eyes the electric blue that she showed when her electric powers are being used. Loki looked on amused, he had woken up sometime during the expelling of the ethereal being in Rebekah's mind.

Suddenly Nat appeared "Nat take Loki and get out of here" I told her pushing Loki towards her and turning back to the, literally, glowing Rebekah.

"Hey Becs, what's up" I began to chat to her like I did when our parents were alive. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Bruce, I smiled gently "Becs, shall we go back to the tower, Bruce is here and you can help him with whatever you guys are doing, come on" I said holding out my hand as I edged closer to her.

"Stay away" She signed "I could hurt you"

"No you won't Bekah, you can't hurt us" Bruce said, a flash of electricity flashed out and hit Bruce in the chest. He rose, his skin taking on a green tinge "Really" I groaned "Really, I don't usually complain but, you had to hit the rage monster, honestly" The Hulk roared, and just stood still "Riiiight" I mumbled, I edged past the giant green person.

"Hey Becs, um, well, I'd prefer it if you didn't aggravate Bruce, I really am not in the mood and" I took a breath, this wasn't working, Rebekah glanced at Bruce the electric blue began to fade out of her eyes as she gazed at the Hulk.

"Bruce" She gasped "Bruce, I'm sorry Bruce" She ran up to him and hugged him before slumping to the floor. Bruce began to shrink into his less green, less angry person. I smiled before throwing a jacket at him.

"Jeez man put some clothes on" I joked before picking up Rebekah, and cradling her to my chest.

Back at the tower I was ignoring Tony, it was childish yes, but I was mad and didn't want to turn to drastic measures, I just wanted him to know.

"Kimberli" I jerked my head up to see Steve looking at me.

"What" I asked.

"What on earth are you doing on the floor" He asked.

"I told you, it helps me think" I said referring to the day we found Rebekah.

"Oh yes, you did, but could you perhaps move you thinking elsewhere, I need to train" I laughed.

"You train everyday" I told him removing myself from the middle of the training room floor "Doesn't it get boring" Steve glared and I decided to leave, I entered the lounge to see Tony drinking from a bottle of vodka.

I glared at him and pulled the bottle of alcohol from his grasp, tipping it down the sink.

"Talk" I said leaning on the bench, facing Tony, he just pulled another bottle of the wrenched liquid out of the cupboard, this too I grabbed and tipped down the sink "I will tip one bottle down the sink until you tell me what's wrong with you, so talk"

Tony glared at me before he sighed looking at his hands, "I was terrified when I woke up and you were nowhere in the tower, and you were asleep so JARVIS couldn't see where you were, I thought that you had been taken while you were out and I had no way to see where you were, or find you so I started to panic." He paused "I just" He paused again "I just didn't want to lose you as well" My eyebrows furrowed, it was kind of sweet.

"I sure as hell am not letting one of those blood thirsty researchers get their filthy hands on me again, the only way that they got me last time was because I gave myself willingly to them" I paused "And I wouldn't let them keep me away from you" I whispered the last part so he couldn't hear it.

"What did you say" Asked Tony.

"Nothing" I murmured, "Absolutely nothing"

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