Chapter Twenty-Four - During which Loki 'sets his mind straight'

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At that moment Thor came into the room, Loki trailed behind him. I stood, and walking up to Loki, I stood in front of him glaring.

"I am usually, kind, gentle, caring, it is in my nature. But know this Loki, when it comes to protecting, my friends and my family. Do not trifle with me for then I will become the most powerful and relentless creature you will ever know. Just thought you should know this before you tried to take one of my family hostage again, if you lay one evil intent their way, you will be going back to Asgard in a match box" I turned to the array of surprised faces. "So get you mind protected you fool" I joked.

"Speaking of trifle, who wants some?" I asked they all nodded dumbstruck.

"Lady Rose, I must take my brother back to Asgard, I cannot stay for this trifle you speak of" I nodded smiling, he had finally got the hang of his inside voice.

"Have fun" I said moving to the kitchen to find the trifle necessities. I began to hum the trifle song, as I chopped up the fruits and diverted Tony attention away from the baking by shoving an afghan in his mouth and pushing him out of the kitchen.

"Seriously, you guys act as if you're married" Nat said.

"I know I told her that and she threatened to throw me out the window" Bruce replied, Nat laughed I shook my head and took the sponge out of the oven and sliding it onto the bench and turned to look at them, I raised an eyebrow and put on a straight face, they both looked at me, with equally straight faces.

That was until Ace jumped up on me, pushed me over and started to lick my face, I giggled attempting to push him off, his tail waved madly, I squirmed trying to get him off me, I could hear laughter and Tony asking JARVIS to record, I morphed into a silver dog and managed to escape from under Ace, I crouched down, my tail in the air, an invitation to play, he yipped happily before playfully biting my shoulder, then I decided that Tony needed to join in and Ace and I leaped onto him showering him with slobber, I turned and everyone backed up, holding up their hands I let out a doggy grin and began to chase them round the house, Ace by my side. We all ended up in the living room, flopped on the floor breathing heavily, I morphed back into human form, and began to laugh hysterically.

For some reason I found everybody being covered in slobber hilarious, suddenly the T.V screen lit up, JARVIS then proceed to show the footage of the game starting at me and Ace chasing each other around the kitchen, and then Tony literally dripping with dog saliva, I began to laugh even harder completely forgetting about the happenings of nearly three hours ago, suddenly Tony decided that he needed to plot some revenge on me, unaware that I could hear him he began a plan to get me back for giving him an early bath, Clint's eyes lit up, and he began to smile.

I watched intently as they finalized their plans, that stood and began to step towards me I smiled, "Ha, no" I said before leaping out the window, letting wings sprout on my back, and I lead them on a merry chase around the city. That was when I saw the fire. A building not even a hundred meters away was burning, I winged my way towards it, landing next to a distressed child on the pavement,

"Hey" I said "What's the matter" The small boy wiped his eyes.

"M-My mummy's in there and she can't get out" He said choking on tears I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll go and get her then, shall I?" I asked and turned to the building, I saw a woman leaning out of the window, I shook my head before springing up into the air flapping up to the woman.

"Hey are you the only one in here?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"My sons" She said.

"How many?" I asked as I placed her on the pavement, the boy from earlier ran up and hugged her, she pulled him tightly to her.

"One is still in there" She managed to say I nodded and ran into the door of the building, dodging fallen debris and flaming items. It turned out there was more than just one small boy in the building, I managed to get them out before I found the small boy, but now my lungs were burning from the smoke, I found the boy, he was more of a teenager, lying on the floor, I sheltered him with my wings as a burning plank fell from the ceiling.

"Hey" I said while we were under my wings "Hold on there buddy, I'm gonna get you out" I told him, he nodded and I pulled him over my shoulder and stood.

I wobbled down the flight of stairs gasping for breath. Somehow I managed to stumble out onto the pavement, I lay the boy down and bent over in a coughing fit as an ambulance officer ran up beside me.

"Are you okay Miss" He asked, I nodded and pointed to the boy who was lying on the pavement, the officer then pulled him up and onto the stretcher that had followed him to me. I decided to listen to see if anyone was still in the rapidly deteriorating building, I heard a soft scream, I took a deep breath, expanded my wings and began to flap up to the owner of the scream.

It was a small girl, and she looked terrified, she was standing on a very unstable plank of wood, she looked up at me, her fear was evident on her face, I smiled "Hey honey" I said trying to calm her down, she looked at me, whimpering. I smiled reassuringly "Have you ever seen a Pegasus?" I asked, she shook her head, I had to calm her down before I could get to her, "Would you like to see one?" I asked again, she nodded enthusiastically, I smiled and turned into a silver winged horse, I tentatively took a step towards her, she edged towards me slowly and I knelt so she could get on my back, I was just in time, the board erupted into flames, I stood turning to the sliding door, I trotted to the edge of the balcony and spread my wings leaping off leaving the burning room behind me. I could feel her clinging to me tightly and she marvelled at the fact she was on a magical being, ten floors above the ground.

"Do you poo sparkles?" She asked gingerly, I laughed and tossed my head gently.

I landed next to the paramedics kneeling down so the girl could slide off my back, she began to look terrified again, and she clung to my neck, I nuzzled her gently staying with her as the paramedic tried her away and lifted her onto a stretcher, she wrapped a small fist in my mane, suddenly a hysteric woman ran up and pulled her into a hug, her hand slipped from my mane and I took a step back morphing into a small silver dog, I heard her tell her mother that a Pegasus that pooped rainbows saved her from the building, I smiled and weaved through the crowd watching in satisfaction as the patients were treated, I morphed back into myself, adding wings as I was about to fly away before a coughing fit erupted from my lungs.

"Hey, who are you?" A stranger asked. "I'm-" I coughed "Mo-" I coughed again "ah F-" I was cut off by Clint appearing next to me, giving me a giant fright which sent me into another coughing fit, I could feel darkness spread over my senses, I wobbled on my feet and fell onto the pavement. I heard echoing voices and tried to focus on them, but my body had other ideas, I drifted into a deep slumber.

"Mother?" I asked, she stood there a sad smile on her face, a longing look in her eye, footsteps echoed through the dream world, I turned to see my father walking towards us "Dad?" I asked again, "Am I dead?" They both glanced at each other.

"Only if you wish it, though I'm sure that the billionaire that you are so fond of will try everything to get you to stay" My father said with a disapproving glare.

"Dad" I told him "That is not your decision to make, he was the only one to understand, they all were" I turned to my mother "You approve, don't you?" I asked, she smiled again.

"That is not my decision to make, it is yours, and I will go with you till the end" I cocked my head.

"I cannot stay, I cannot just leave those who gave me shelter, a reason for my existence, And I most certainly cannot leave Rebekah, she cannot take another death, she is barely hanging on as it is, I would just send her over the edge" They nodded.

"We wish you the best of luck my dear Kimberli Rose Lawrence, take care of your family" My mother said.

"And remember we love you Lee" They chanted before vanishing with a slight breeze.

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