Part 2

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on her own face. Twirling a lock of her hair with her fingers, she noticed a little girl being bombarded by snow balls from bigger kids. Frowning at the sight, (y/n) created a light shield around the girl. Since it was day time, it could not bee seen, but it did block all the snow balls being thrown at her. The bullies where dumbfounded by the snow balls crumbling in thin air, but continued to attempt to pelt the girl with snowballs. After a minute, they eventually gave up and left her alone. The girl herself had a shocked look on her face, she looked around, down and up. (y/n) smiled, recognizing the girl now that she fully saw her face. It was a cute, little blonde girl named Sophie, she's been able to get over being scared of the dark not too long ago thanks to her.

(y/n) floated elegantly from the post down to Sophie.

"They shouldn't bother you anymore, now while I'm around," she said, despite the fact that Sophie couldn't see or hear her. Sophie just shrugged her shoulders with a smile and went on her way.

(y/n) chuckled, she knew that Sophie was a special child, and she would go far someday. (y/n) walked around a bit, liking the feeling of the snow under her feet. All of a sudden, she felt a snow ball hit her behind the head, knocking her to the ground.

"What the-!? What was that!?" she said out loud, wiping the snow from her face and shaking her hair to get the snow out of it. She turned around. Standing a few yards away was a young boy who looked to be about 16 or 17, her age when she became the Angel of Light. His short, messy hair was white like freshly fallen snow, his skin pale, but it somehow gave him a handsome appearance, his eyes a piercing blue color, he wore a royal blue sweatshirt that appeared to be decorated with frost, his brown pants were in the same condition, and just like her, he was barefooted. In his hands was an oddly shaped staff that appeared to be made out of wood. Both of them just stared at eachother, until the mysterious boy spoke up.

"Uhh, hey . . . . . you can . . see me?"

"Yeah. You can see me too?"

"Course. Wow, never met anyone like you before, no wonder why you're dressed differently then everyone else."

"Hm, who are you, and what's your name?"

"Jack Frost, the winter spirit. What about you?"

"(y/n), the angel of light."

"Angel of light huh? Never heard of you."

"I'm not much of a myth nor am I a popular one. And by the way, were you the one who threw that snowball?" Jack smiled mischievously.

"Maaaaaaayybeeeee," he said, leaning against his staff.

"Hey! Don't play with me, it was you! Wasn't it?"

"And what if it was?" (y/n) quickly scooped up some snow, shaped it into a snowball, and threw straight at Jack. But the winter spirit had seen this coming, and leaped into the air, flying up to a nearby tree and sitting on a low branch.

"Heh, you missed, Miss Angel," he taunted. With his powers, he created a snow ball and threw it at (y/n), getting her right in the face, knocking her over once more. Jack burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahaha!! Oh man that was good!!" But unlike last time, (y/n) didn't get up. After a few moments of silence, Jack saw that (y/n) wasn't moving.

"Huh? (y/n)?" He flew down to her and knelt down by her.

"(y/n)? Angel!? Hey!! Oh man, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" Before he could finish, (y/n) sat up, arm held out, hand glowing, and aimed at Jack.

"Gotcha!" and she shot a blast of light at Jack, sending him yards away form where she was.

"Owowowowowowow!!!" Jack cried, rubbing the back of his head, "what was that for!? All I did was throw a snowball at you! And you shoot me with your light!?"

"Oh relax, my light doesn't do serious harm to anyone. Besides," (y/n) rubbed her cheeks, "that really hurt."

"Ok ok, I guess we're even," Jack said, "but I really am sorry, guess I don't know my own strength."

"Apology accepted. I'm sorry too, guess I got a little carried away with my light powers."

"Don't worry about it, I did kinda deserve it after all."

"Heh, that you did," (y/n) said, playfully giving Jack a shove.

"So what's your deal anyway? Mind telling me a little about yourself?"

"Well, there isn't much to say, the man in the moon made me who I am now. I help children with their fear of the dark. And I also keep them safe and help them any way I can find."

"I see."

"What about yourself?"

"Same as you I guess. Woke up with only the knowledge of what and who I am now."

"Heh, guess we're in the same boat."

"Seems so. . . . . Hey, wanna fly with me for a while. I could . . . . use a bit of company while I make winter for a change."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah really."

"Well, it's not every day I get to fly with someone," (y/n) smiled at Jack, almost making him blush, "sure, why not?"

"Great," Jack flew up into the sky, "but try and keep up!"

"Heh, no problem." And the two raced in the sky, playfully doing tricks and flips while flying.


Night began to settle, and (y/n) and Jack were just chilling on the roof of a house, chatting. (y/n) stood up and stretched her joints.

"Whelp, I better get going, the children need me."

"Same here," Jack said, getting up as well, then he added, "today was fun, I've never actually had a flying buddy before."

"Heh, same here, but it was nice though."

"Yeah, well, better get going." As Jack began to fly away, (y/n) called out to him, "Jack wait! Will I . . . . ever see you again?" Jack looked back and smiled sweetly at her, making her blush, "Of course you will. See ya around Angel!" and with that, he was gone. (y/n) blushed even harder at the new nickname Jack had created for her, but had a small smile on her face.

Jack Frost . . . . .

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