Part 10

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"Uh, yeah once, it's an angel who comes and helps kids who're afraid . . . . . of the . . . . . . dark . . . ." Jamie's speech got slow, for he was beginning to see someone hanging on to Jack from the back, "there's someone . . . . behind you . ."

"Yes! (y/n)! He can see you too!!" Jack said happily.

"He . . . can?" (y/n) asked, feeling a twing of strength come back to her.

"Jamie, meet (y/n), the Angel of Light."

"It's a pleasure . . . to meet you . . Jamie," (y/n) said, smiling at him.

"You're real too!!?" She nodded. Then a strong wind popped Jamie's window open, and in the distance, there was a dark cloud shaping up. The sound of bells and a crash distracted Jack and (y/n).


"Jack . . . . the Guardians." North had crashed the sleigh in the streets due to his powers diminishing. Tooth saw them coming.

"Look! Jack! (y/n)!" She tried to fly to them, but fell to the ground. Jack helped her up, "You ok?"

"Uh . . ."

"What are you two doing here?" North asked, walking to them while using one of his blades as a cane, his face had lost its' glow.

"Same as you." He looked back to Jamie's house, and there he was, running out to see them. His eyes grew bigger seeing North and Tooth.

"The last . . light," (y/n) said, releasing her arms from around Jack. She was able to stand, but not without holding on to something, which right now was Jack's staff. Jamie ran up to North and lightly touched his hand.

"Wow! It is you! I knew it wasn't a dream!" Jamie said, turning to Jack and (y/n).

"Jack . . . (y/n) . . . he sees you," North said, stunned. Jack gave Jamie a little nudge while (y/n) patted his head. She then noticed someone was missing.

"Wait . . . where's Bunny?" she asked.

"Loosing Easter took its' toll on all of us," North said, "Bunny most of all." He looked back to the sleigh, and out hopped Bunny . . . . as a little, normal, cute bunny.

"Oh no . . ." Jack said. Jamie just chuckled as he walked up to Bunny,

"That's the Easter Bunny?" Bunny, although a little happy to be seen by a human, was still kinda pissed that someone saw him in the state he was in.

"Now somebody sees me! I mean, where were you about an hour ago mate?"

"What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool, and now he's cute," Jamie said, scratching Bunny's cheek, which was very delightful to Bunny, causing him to start thumping his foot. (y/n) giggled loudly at the sight. Bunny shook Jamie's hand away, even more ashamed that (y/n) saw him like this.

"Did you tell him to say that?" he asked Jack, he bounced down from the sleigh's wing and kicked at Jack's legs, which he barely felt at all.

"Come on mate, let's go let's go," he put up his paws and stood in an attack position, "me and you, come on!"

"No," Jamie said, kneeling down to Bunny, "actually, he told me that you were real, just when I started to think that maybe you weren't." Bunny just couldn't believe his ears.

"He made you believe? In me?" Jamie nodded. Bunny looked up to Jack with a grateful expression on his face and a smile which Jack returned. This moment was short lived, thunder and lightning shot through the skies. Everyone looked up, and saw Pitch riding on a cloud of black sand. Jack knew that he was here for Jamie.

"Get Jamie and (y/n) out of here," he ordered, handing (y/n) over to North, where she clung to his large coat.

"Jack . . . please be careful," she said.

"I will, I promise." And he flew up towards Pitch.

"Jack Frost!!" Pitch yelled, "let's end this!!" Jack attacked first, but Pitch was able to block it with his bare hands.

"Ha! That little trick doesn't work on me anymore!" Pitch attacked back with his black sand, sending Jack falling. Meanwhile, the others where trying to find a safe place to hide, following Bunny's lead.

"This way this way!!" he shouted, leading them through an alley. It was a dead end.

"Ah! Dead end dead end!! Other way other way!!" But as they turned to leave the area, and crash from a nearby dumpster was heard.

"Jack!" (y/n) said. Forgetting about her weakened state, she let go of
North and tried to go to his side, only to fall to the ground, but she forced herself to get on her knees and crawled to Jack. She was followed by everyone else.

"That was good try Jack," North said, trying to cheer him up, "'A' for effort." Jack got on his knees, "He's stronger, I can't beat him." Tooth and North gave eachother worried looks, both knowing that if Pitch has gotten stronger, there could possibly be no hope. Pitch's evil laugh filled the air. Jack helped (y/n) to her feet and allowed her to hang on to his shoulder.

"All this fuss over one little boy? And still he refuses to stop believing," Pitch's echoing voice said, "very well, there are other ways to snuff out a light." The lights around them were destroyed, making the ally even darker. The Guardians, Jack, and (y/n) stood in front of Jamie protectively.

"If you want him, you're gonna have to go through me," Bunny said, hopping out into the clearing. A shadow of a hand appeared on the ground, a finger attempted to caress Bunny.

"Look how fluffy you are, would you like a scratch behind the ears?" Getting freaked out, Bunny hopped to (y/n), onto her shoulder hiding behind some of her hair.

"Don't you even think about it!" he said, trying to stay brave.

"I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this," Nightmares emerged from the darkness, Pitch was riding on one, "you look awful. Especially you little Angel," Jack tensed at Pitch mentioning (y/n), "seems like you couldn't protect her after all, eh Jack?"

Everyone backed up, feeling extremely cornered by the Nightmare King.

"Jack," Jamie said, catching (y/n)'s attention as well, "I'm scared." Both Jack and (y/n) had flashbacks, having heard those two words form someone else.

"Jack, I'm scared," Jack's sister said, standing over the cracking ice.

"(y/n), I'm scared," (b/n) said, clinging to her coat as they were lost in the snow. The they both remembered what they said to that.

"We're gonna have a little fun instead," Jack said.

"There's nothing . . . to be . . . . afraid of," (y/n) said.

"That's it," they both said, "that's my center." Jamie gave them a "WTF" look as they finally realized their center. Pitch let out another laugh.

"Hahaha, so what do you think Jamie?" Pitch asked, "do you believe in the-Ah!" Pitch was cut off when a snow ball hit him in the face. Everyone let out a laugh. Jack played around with a snowball, showing that he was guilty. He saw some stuff nearby that would make great substitute for sleds.

"Now let's go get your friends," he said to Jamie. Pitch wiped the snow from his face, and then a frozen path was created, and everybody was gone.


They all laughed with glee as they slid down Jack's icy trail, each on something that can slide on ice. Tooth was on a trash can lid, North on some wood, Jamie on a short ladder, and (y/n) and Bunny were both on a broken sled. With Jack's help, Jamie called his friends, at first they couldn't see Jack, but after a little help from his magic snow, they too were able to, and grabbed their warm clothes and sleds and joined in on the fun.

"Merry Christmas!" North shouted.

"Happy Easter!" Bunny shouted.

"Don't forget to floss!" Tooth reminded. Jack continued the ride, then stopped when he saw a huge herd of Nightmares coming in their direction. Up in the sky, Pitch looked down on them.

"You think a few children can help you? Against this?" he gestured to the dark clouds making thunder and lightning and his Nightmares. North tried to hold up his blade, but with his powers gone, he was acting his age. Jack turned to Jamie, "They're just bad dreams Jamie."

"They're nothing but illusions," (y/n) added, she no longer stuttered over her words, although she still needed help standing, which she got from North.

"Yeah, we'll protect you mate," Bunny said.

"Aww, you'll protect them? Hahaha! But who'll protect you?" Jack began to step forward to face Pitch, but then Jamie's voice stopped him, "I will," he said, stepping out with Jack.

"I will," a girl by the name of Cupcake said. Then all of Jamie's friends came forward, even a little scared, nerdy kid. Pitch laughed at this.

"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogieman?" Then the whole herd of Nightmares charged at the group, but everyone stood their ground.

"I do believe in you," Jamie said, "I'm just not afraid of you." The herd gathered and lunged. But before it could strike, a bright light shone from around the children. It moved around in a familiar manner to the Guardians. As it did, Tooth felt herself able to fly again, North's strength returned to him, his face got back its' color, and he was able to wield his blades again. Pitch knew that this was turning out bad for him.

"No! Get them!" he ordered his Nightmares. They obeyed. Bunny was waiting for his turn to get back to normal.

"Oh yeah, come one come on." His ears picked up the Nightmares coming at him.

"Oh cricky!" He ran for his little bunny life. North pulled out two snowglobes and smashed them onto the ground, his yetis came to fight, some of his elves, and even some of the toys. Bunny was able to hide under a car, but a Nightmare got a hold of his tail. When the
Nightmare pulled, Bunny was returned to his normal self.

"G'day mate," Bunny joked, and destroyed the Nightmare. He tapped the ground with his foot, and the egg columns came.

"Come on!"

A stream of light surrounded (y/n), circling her. Instantly, her eyes gained back their golden glow and she felt her powers return to her. She flew up into the air, blasting some Nightmares with her light as she did, happy to be back and able to fight. Jack went after Pitch after destroying some Nightmares. Pitch launched a dart at Jack, but a shield of light protected him. Jack looked up to see (y/n) floating in the air, smiling and looking better then ever. from a nearby chimney, Bunny popped up.

"Ho ho ho," he said comically as he threw his boomerangs at the Nightmares. Meanwhile, North popped out of another chimney with a war cry, but then noticed that there was no one around. He looked back and saw he missed the house by a chimney.

"Wrong roof."

The Guardians worked together to fight Pitch, and they eventually got him off his horse and onto the streets.

"It's over Pitch, there's no place to hide," Jack said. Pitch smirked and hide in the shadows, his laugh echoing in the air. Everyone looked around, trying to find him. Unknown to them is that Pitch has reappeared on the same spot, his black sand forming into a scythe and aiming for Jack. Bunny noticed first.

"Jack look out!" he warned, throwing his boomerang. It stopped the first attack, but Pitch was able to get it ready for an easy second.

"Jack!!" (y/n) rushed to him and held him close, ready to take the blow along with him in hopes of lessening the pain for him. But Pitch never delivered that blow, a rope made out of golden sand lashed out, tied itself around his wrist, and stopped him. Then in a blink of an eye, Pitch was pulled towards a huge orb of light, where something, or someone, was taking form. It was Sandy. Pitch's eyes grew with horror. With Pitch still attached to the rope and a strong punch, Sandy sent Pitch high into the sky.

"The Sandman!" one of the children said. Sandy made a little hat out of his sand and greeted the children with it. When he felt the rope get straight, he pulled, and Pitch crashed onto the ground nearby. Jack, (y/n), Tooth, and North surrounded him, happy to see the little dream spirit again. Sandy motioned for (y/n) to take his hand, which she did. He took her up into the skies and his streams of sand went their way, helping children get their sweet dreams back. (y/n) created her Sparkle fairies and helped spread her light. As they worked, more lights on the globe began to appear, Tooth's little fairies got their own powers back. They escaped from the cages they were being held in and flew to the pile of teeth cases, opening them to help the children remember what they believe in. The remaining Nightmares were struck with Sandy's sand and transformed into their original state. There were unicorns, dinosaurs, fishes, and creatures of the sea walking or flying through the air. Everyone enjoyed the sight, it was truly marvelous indeed, until Jack started a snow ball fight, which everyone joined in on. As they all had fun, North stood by Jack and asked, "Your center?"

"Well, it took a while, but I figured it out." North smiled, "And you (y/n)?" he asked, "sorry, but I'm not sure if I caught your center."

"Everyone isn't without fear," she said, pulling out the little doll Jack had thrown at the Easter egg hunt from her dress pocket, "but even as a child, and in this life, I always faced my fears head on, even if I was scared stiff. That's what courage is all about, facing your fears, even if you're afraid."

"Hmmm," North said, taking back his doll.

"And you know what?" (y/n) added, "when you combine fun with courage," she looked shyly at Jack, "you get adventure." Jack shyly smiled back. North had a big grin on his face, he then chucked something to both spirits, it was a little doll of themselves. They both chuckled along with North, then he was hit in the back of the head with a snowball. Two children pointed at an elf.

"Haha!! You're all on naughty list!!" he said, readying a snowball, "Bunny! Think fast!!" Sadly, Bunny didn't, and was knocked to the ground. They all continued to have fun, meanwhile Pitch struggled to get up and saw them all enjoying themselves. He couldn't accept his obvious defeat.

"No . . . You dare have fun in my presence!? I am the Boogieman!" he only caught the attention of the Guardians, "and you will fear me!" He went for Jamie, but he walked right through him.

"No!" Pitch cried, "No . . . ." Before anyone could think, Pitch ran away into a nearby forest. As he ran across a frozen lake, he suddenly crashed into something big. It was North, and all the other Guardians.

"Leaving the party so soon?" North asked quizzically.

"You didn't even say goodbye," Tooth said, tossing Pitch something.

"A quarter?" Pitch asked, wondering if this was some kind of joke. Tooth flew up to him and punched him square in the face, knocking out a tooth.

"And that's for my fairies."

"You can't get rid of me," Pitch said, getting up to his feet, "not forever. There will always be fear."

"So what!?" North said, "as long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear."

"And as long as I'm here," (y/n) said, stepping forward, "I'll be here to help conquer it."

"Really? Then what are they doing here?" Pitch pointed to the new Nightmares surrounding the lake. North only laughed.

"They can't be my Nightmares, I'm not afraid," he said. Pitch's smile faded. Jack then understood the situation.

"Looks like its' your fear they smell," he said. With a loud "neigh," every Nightmare charged at Pitch, engulfing him in the black sand and dragging him back down under that broken bed Jack had found, where he will stay, hopefully, forever.

Tooth happily gave both Jack and (y/n) a hug as a congratulations on finding their center.

"Are you ready now Jack and (y/n)? To make it official?" North asked. They both only smiled, which North took as a "yes." A yeti walked by and handed North the big book form before.

"Then it's time you two take oath," North said, flipping through the pages.

"Will you, Jack Frost and (y/n), the Angel of Light, vow to watch over the children of the world?" as North said the oath, the children, yetis, and elves came to watch.

"To guard them with your lives, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams; for they are all that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be." Jack and (y/n) looked back at the children, and saw Jamie give them a nod. They looked at eachother for a minute then faced North.

"I will," they said in unison. "Then congratulations Jack Frost and (y/n), for you are now, and forever more a guardian. . . . . . . and husband and wife!" he added with a silly grin.

"Eh!!?" both Jack and (y/n) said. The children behind them laughed, and so did the rest of the guardians. (y/n) and Jack had a huge blush on their faces.

"You may now kiss the bride," North said with a laugh.

"Uhhhhhh North, isn't this a little awk-" (y/n) couldn't finish, Jack pulled her close to him and kissed her full on the lips. The girls cheered while the boys make grossed out faces. Bunny had a bit of a jealous face, but eventually gave a little smile. Tooth's fairies formed a heart in the air with themselves, one of the elves randomly gave another a kiss on the cheek, which earned him a punch to the face. Eventually everyone cheered. Jack and (y/n) parted.


"Guess now's the best time to say it since we're 'official'." Jack said with a laugh, "I love you (y/n)." (y/n) threw herself to Jack, hugging him tightly, "I . . love you too Jack." They stared lovingly into eachother's eyes before sharing another kiss. A huge boom in the sky made everyone turn their heads. It was North's sleigh. The children awed at it when it landed, checking it out.

"Everyone loves the sleigh," Bunny said to North. North smiled, then said to Jack and (y/n), "Time to go." Sandy, to set the mood, shot his sand up and created fireworks that rained down his sparkling sand. (y/n) decided to join in and created her Sparkle Fairies to do a little dance for the children. While the children enjoyed the show, Jamie had a look of distraught.

"You guys are leaving?" he asked, "but what if Pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you-"

"Hey hey, slow down slow down," Jack said, kneeling down to Jamie's height, "you tell me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?"


"Do you stop believing in the sun when the clouds block it out?" (y/n) asked, standing behind Jack.

"Heh, no."

"We'll always be there Jamie," (y/n) said.

"And now, we'll always be here," Jack added, pointing to where Jamie's heart is, "which kinda makes you a guardian too."

"Hm, that's right." Jack stood up right and began to walk to the sleigh
with (y/n) following him.

"Jack! (y/n)!" Jamie called. They both turned around, and were surprised when Jaime wrapped his arms around them both. Each gave
Jamie their own personal hug before hopping onto the sleigh. With a crack of the reigns, the sleigh was off with the Guardians. Jack and (y/n) continued to watch the children, who waved goodbye to them, as they rode away. When the children were out of sight, Jack and (y/n) settled down in the sleigh, holding hands and sharing another kiss, happy to know that they finally found their purpose and also the place where they belong: with each other.



I don't own the story. 

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