Part 3

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"There had better not even be a 'next time'," she said under her breath, "you're just lucky that he didn't get hurt." At that moment, a red sofa that came from a truck that opened during Jamie's joy ride slid down and hit Jamie hard, knocking him to the ground. Jack and (y/n) cringed at the sight, but (y/n) replaced that with a glare.

'Oh boy, I'm in trouble,' Jack thought, seeing her glare. Before (y/n) could make a move, she and Jack heard Jamie say, "Cool a tooth!!" His friends gathered around him to congratulate him and then began to talk about the Tooth Fairy.

"Oh no," Jack said, this was not what he was planning on. He hopped down from the statue following the children, "Oh come on, what about the fun we just had? That wasn't the Tooth Fairy, that was me!" (y/n) then realized, Jack was just trying to make the children believe in him. He positioned himself right in front of them, "What does a guy have to do to get a little attention?" His question wasn't answered, instead, the kids walked right through him, and (y/n) saw the disappointment in his face. Wanting to try and cheer him up, (y/n) flew to his side.

"Jack?" He didn't look at her, "it's ok, I know how it feels to be no believed in. I've been around for 250 years, and no one has ever believed in me. Why should they, I'm nothing great or anything like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy."

"You are great, you should be believed in," Jack said, looking straight into her eyes.

"Oh, th-thanks," (y/n) said, blushing lightly.

"No problem. Hey," Jack added, wanting to change the subject, "wanna hang out some more? You're pretty . . . . uh . . . pretty fun to be around!!" he said, correcting himself at the last minute. (y/n) giggled, "Sure, why not?" Jack just then had an idea.

"Hey, ever flew with the wind?"

"No why?" Jack held out his hand, "Come on, it's fun." (y/n) slowly took his hand, and was surprised, it wasn't cold and his hand fitted perfectly with hers. She turned her head away to hide her blush.

"Oi, what's wrong? My hand isn't cold to you, is it?" Jack asked, trying to look at her face, which she turned even more.

"N-no, it's fine."

"Heh, ok, if you say so," Jack lifted his head and called, "hey wind!!" and instantly, (y/n) felt the wind carry both her and Jack up into the air. She yelped with surprise and wrapped her other arm around his as her grip on Jack's hand got tighter, while he cheered with joy. He looked over to (y/n), who had her eyes closed.

"Come on Angel, open them." Gradually, (y/n) opened her eyes, never in her life had she flown so fast, and then she joined Jack's cheers as they flew together, going wherever the wind took them. They flew over a large lake that was frozen, and Jack had another idea. He removed him and (y/n) from the wind's current, and glided down to the lake, landing them both softly onto the ice.

"Jack? What are we doing here?"

"I couldn't help but to notice you skating earlier today. You skate?"

"Oh yeah, I love it. I'm really good at it."

"Really? You know, I'm pretty good myself."

"Is that a challenge I'm hearing?"

"If you wanna put it that way."

"You're on!"

They skated for hours, trying to outdo the eachother with their skills.

"Out of tricks already!!?" Jack asked playfully.

"Not even!!" (y/n) shouted back, leaping into the air and spinning four times, nailing the landing.

"Can you top that?" she asked, a small smirk on her face.

"Just watch." Jack did as (y/n) did, but when he tried to spin a fifth time, he stumbled greatly when he landed and crashed into (y/n), sending them both to the icy ground of the lake.

"Ow, ok, maybe that wasn't such a good idea," he said, hoisting himself on one hand and rubbing his forehead with the other.

"Ummm, Jack?" he heard beneath him. He looked down, he was kneeling over (y/n), who looked up at him with her bright, yellow eyes. Jack found himself in a trance by the golden orbs that were her eyes, and just stared into them. And now that he was closer, he was able to see how beautiful she really was, and continued to stare.

"Jack? You ok?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! It's just that . . . . . you're . . . uh, I mean . . . . your eyes . . they're so . . . . beautiful . . ." (y/n) blushed, "Oh uh, thank you. Yours are really lovely as well."

"Heh, thanks." Jack helped her up. As the moon shined light down upon the two, (y/n) then realized something.

"Oh dear, it's night time!! I should get to the children."

"Right, I'll fly with you."


"Sure, I can still work on winter while you work on helping the kids." Truthfully, Jack didn't want to leave (y/n) just yet.

"Ok then."


As (y/n) helped children with their fears, Jack flew close, spreading his frost everywhere he touched. They continued on until they got to Jamie's house. Jack got curious and peeked through a window, and saw Jamie happily telling his mom about his sled ride. He smiled, but then frowned when he remembered Jamie walking right through him. He flew back to the roof where (y/n) was waiting.

"Is Jamie really ok?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jack answered. (y/n) noticed something in his voice.

"Jack? Something wrong?"

"Yeah, there's something I'm doing wrong."

"Huh?" He looked up to the moon, forgetting about (y/n) for a moment.

"Can't you just tell me what it is?" (y/n) understood, he was talking to the Man in the Moon, she would sometimes do the same when she was feeling lonely, or if she wanted to ask a question, but the moon was always silent with her. And it seems, he's silent with Jack as well.

"Because I've tried everything," Jack continued, "and no one ever sees me. You put me-" he stopped, "you put me and (y/n) here, the least you can do is tell us . . . tell us why?" (y/n) was surprised with Jack mentioning her, but she listened closely, seeing if the moon would respond this time. But once again, there was silence. Jack just sighed and looked down.

"Um . . . . hey Jack, don't worry, I'm sure the Man in the Moon will tell us someday why we're here," she said, trying to sound hopeful.

"Yeah, I guess . . . . I should get going. It was nice hanging out (y/n), I had fun."

"Same here. We should this again sometime."

"Sure, later Angel," and instead of flying away, Jack just walked from the roof to the power lines, freezing them. (y/n) knew that Jack was feeling really down, but what could she do? As she walked away, she herself looked up to the moon.

"Sir, for years, I've been doing what I felt like I was meant to do: help children become brave and courageous, but . . . . Jack's got a point, you put us both here, but why? Please, I beg of you, tell me. Why are we here?" She waited patiently, and just like Jack, she got no answer. She deeply sighed.

"Might as well keep going, it doesn't matter I guess, the children need me." But as she stopped on a roof to enter an open window, she felt something whoosh past her.

"What the!? What was that?" Curiosity getting the better of her, (y/n) followed to where she believed the blur went to. She looked around, it wasn't in sight, but behind her, it whooshed again, and she both ran and flew, trying her best not too loose whatever that was. (y/n) kept going until she ended up in an alley. Looking around again, she saw no one, but knew that there was someone nearby.

"'Ello love," an Australian accent suddenly said from the shadows. She turned around, startled. She was able to make out a bunny figure, it was twirling what looked like to be a boomerang in between its' fingers.

"Seems like this is the first time we meet, so allow me to introduce myself," the speaker came out of the shadows. It was the Easter Bunny himself, standing at an intimidating height with her coming up to only his chest.

"The name's Bunny, the Easter Bunny."

"Oh my."


"Oh, pardon me, it's just that, you're not at all what I expected you to be."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's a good thing, I didn't expect you to be so . . . . cool looking." Bunny smiled at this.

"Why thank you love."

"You're welcome. Oh right! My name's-"

"(y/n) is it not? The Angel of Light?"

"How did you-!?"

"It will be explained in due time," he looked behind her, "fellas?" Two yetis suddenly appeared behind (y/n), making her jump.

"Yikes!!" They talked to eachother in their yeti language, then one of them pulled out what looked to be a snow globe, said something, and threw it on the ground. A portal opened up.

"Go on love," Bunny said.

"Uuuuummmm, aren't you coming?" (y/n) asked, not wanting to be taken to a strange place without someone she trusted, and right now, she trusted Bunny the most.

"Don't worry, I'll meet you there. Don't worry about them," he gestured to the yetis, "they're friendly if you're on good terms with them." He tapped the ground twice, and a rabbit hole appeared.

"See ya back at the pole," and he dropped himself into the hole. When it closed up, a little red flower grew.

"Wow." One of the yetis began to "speak" to (y/n). (y/n) focused on his body movements, and came up with something.

"You want me to go through the portal?" Both yetis nodded, "Well, ok, here goes nothing." Closing her eyes, (y/n) jumped into the portal with the two yetis following behind her.

Insidethe portal, (y/n) felt like she was swirling in midair.

"Whoaaaaaa!!" she shouted whilespinning. After a few seconds, she suddenly felt herself hit a carpet on a hardwooden floor.

"Ugh!! Ouch!!" she grunted, gettingonto her knees.

"Ah! There she is!!" a deep, Russianaccented voice said. (y/n) looked up and her eyes grew big. Before her stoodSanta Claus (otherwise known as North), the Sandman, and the Tooth Fairy (well,she hovered). She took a moment to look around, it looked like she was inside atoy workshop. Then she realized she must be in North's workshop.

"Wow, this is amazing," she said.

"Oi! Boys, help the lovely lady to herfeet!!" North commanded. The two yetis who had gone to get her gentlygrabbed one arm and hoisted (y/n) up to her feet.

"Oh, thank you," (y/n) said, tryingto be polite.

"Welcome (y/n), it's great to finallymeet you face-to-face," North said, walking up to (y/n) and gathering bothher small, dainty hands into his two, massive ones, "we are very pleasedthat you could be here."

"Uhhhhhh . . . . . . uuuuummmm . . . .." (y/n) cleared her throat, "it's nice to me you too, Mr.North."

"Please please, just call me Northda?"

"Oh ok, North." North walked back tothe other two myths and introduced them.

"I'm sure you've heard of the ToothFairy." At the sound of her name, Tooth flew close to (y/n) with herlittle fairies right beside her, "Hello (y/n)! Wow, so you're an angelhuh? I'm sure your teeth are just as pretty as you are!!"

"My . . . what?"

"Oh let me see, let me see!!" AndTooth stuck her fingers into (y/n)'s mouth, prying it open and admiring (y/n)'sbright, flawless teeth.

"Ah. Ahhhhh!!"

"Oh my!! They're so white andperfect!!"

"Tooth!!" North scolded.

"Oh sorry (y/n)," Tooth said,backing up a little.

"Don't worry about it, it's ok." Twoof Tooth's fairies flew close to (y/n)'s face, still trying to see her teeth.

"Girls! You heard North. Give the angelsome space," Tooth ordered (she's one to talk, lol), one obeyed, but theother, seeming to have taken a liking to (y/n), sat on her shoulder and nuzzledagainst her cheek, tickling (y/n) with her feathered face.

"Hehehehe!! Hey, that tickles!"(y/n) said.

"Baby Tooth!!" Tooth called. BabyTooth gave a sound of disapproval, but flew off (y/n)'s shoulder, but was thenstopped when (y/n) cupped her hands over her and held her in her hands.

"It's nice to meet you too," shesaid with a smile and patted Baby Tooth with a finger. Baby Tooth smiled backand waved her little arm at (y/n) and if to say "thanks" and joinedher friends.

"And the Sandman," North continued,but then saw that Sandy had taken a trip to "sleepy town."

"Sandy!!" Sandy's eyes popped open,and he quickly waved and smiled at (y/n), showing that he was delighted to seeher. (y/n) waved back.

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