Part 9

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"Hmph, you both are so stubborn. If you two would have agreed to join me, none of this would have been necessary, why, you two would be together forever, being believed in."

"No, we would be feared, and that's not what we want."

"Isn't it better to be feared then loved? Look where love got you, look where love got him! I suggest you put that useless emotion away if you wish to survive." With that, Pitch left. (y/n) finally lifted her head when she heard Pitch leave and looked at what he threw into the cage, it was her teeth case. She paid no mind to it though, her thoughts were only towards Jack. The sound of his scream from pain echoed through her mind. She ran her fingers through her hair, not feeling the headband Jack gave her, she broke out into tears.

"Oh Jack, please be alright. I can't bear to loose you. I . . . . . I love you too much." From the case, she heard the boy's voice call out to her

"(y/n)!! (y/n)!!" The case began to glow brightly.

"Huh? What?" (y/n) picked it up and examined it. She slowly opened the case, and when she did, all her memories poured into her mind like a waterfall. Memories of her life, friends, family, and most of all, her beloved brother, (b/n). Then came the memory of that faithful day, when she sacrificed herself to save him, it all came to her, every detail of it and every thought that was going through her mind that day. She remembered looking up to the moon in her last moments of being human, despite knowing that she was going to die, there wasn't a single trace of fear in her, cause her brother, who saw and believed in her as an angel of light, was more then worth dying for.

(y/n) gasped after her memories returned.

'That was . . . . me . . . I had a family, I had a brother! I saved him!!' Then a different thought came to her, she looked up at the only opening in the cave and saw the faint moon, "That's why you chose me," she said to the moon, "I'm . . . I'm a guardian!" She stood up, "I . . . I've got to get outta here somehow." She inspected the cage, trying to find a weak point or something, even tried blasting the bars with her light, but nothing worked. She kicked at it, making the cage swing a little, "Darn it!!" Loosing her balance from the cage swinging, she fell back down.

'I need to get back to the other guardians!! But how!?'

"(y/n)!!?" Her head snapped up. 'Huh? That voice, could it be?' She stood up and looked around the cave.

"Jack!? Is that you?" Jack appeared at the side of her cage, looking better then ever. Happy tears filled (y/n)'s eyes.

"Jack! You're ok!"

"Of course, I couldn't be ok without knowing that you were alright." He opened the cage and embraced (y/n) in a tight hug.

"I'm just so glad you're ok. (y/n), I'm sorry about the way I acted back at that Easter egg hunt, please forgive me."

"Of course Jack." They separated, "Jack, your staff, how'd you fix it?"

"I'm not too sure myself, but I did. Oh here," he pulled (y/n)'s headband out of his hoodie pocket, "I believe this belongs to you." He fitted it back on her head, "There, you look like yourself again."

"Thank you Jack." Baby Tooth popped out from Jack's hood and gave a happy little squeak.

"Baby Tooth! You're ok as well!!" (y/n) said happily, patting the little fairy on the head.

"Yeah, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have . . . . Oh (y/n), I got my memories back! I remember everything before I became Jack Frost!"

"Me too! I had a brother, I saved him from being swept by a freezing river."

"I saved my sister from drowning in a lake."

"We really were meant to be guardians."

"Yeah, so it seems. Now lets get Baby Tooth's friends outta here as well and get back to everyone else."

"Right!" (y/n) said, happy to see that Jack was back to his old self. Jack flew to one of the cages holding the fairies and opened it.

"Come on let's go!!" he urged, but the fairies didn't fly away, in fact, they were perched on the bars in the cage.

"Wha-what's wrong?" Jack asked, he was expecting them to fly the heck out of there. He looked around and noticed it was the same with all the other fairies.

"None of you can fly?" he asked. Baby Tooth squeaked out, pointing at the globe when she had Jacks and (y/n)'s attention. The lights were
going out again.

"The lights . . . ." Jack flew down to the globe with (y/n) close by, "they're all going out . . ."

"How can this be? Were my Sparkle Fairies not enough?" (y/n) said, devastated that all her efforts may have been in vain.

"Only six left!!" a voice said, it was Pitch, he was standing on the globe, "Six precious children who still believe in the guardians with all their hearts. I must say, nice show with those fairies (y/n), but sadly, they were no match for my Nightmares."

"No! You destroyed them, didn't you!!?"

"So what if I did?" Another light went out. "Oh . . . . actually, make that, five children who still believe." Pitch chuckled gleefully, getting excited on how there were only five lights left. He comically stepped on the next light as it went out, "Three! Two . . ." he snapped his fingers, expecting for the last light to go out. But to his surprise, it didn't. He snapped his fingers again, the light continued to shine.

"One?" he growled. Jack flew to the light and recognized the location of the last child who believed.


"We have to get to him!"

"Oh no you're not!!" Pitch suddenly made an arrow and fired it at Jack.

"Jack!! Look out!!" Running on adrenaline, (y/n) launched herself to Jack, shoving him out of the way and taking the blow of the arrow. She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground.

"NO!! (Y/N)!!!" Jack screamed, reliving the moment Sandy got hit by one of Pitch's arrows. He ran to (y/n)'s side, holding her gently as if she would break.

"Jack . . . . you're . . ok . . ." (y/n) said in a weak voice.

"Not for long he is!!" Pitch fired another arrow, but (y/n) put up a shield protecting both her and Jack. But when the arrow hit the shield,
it cracked. And when it did, (y/n) let out a little yelp.

"(y/n), stop using your powers! You're hurting yourself!" Jack suddenly gasped, (y/n)'s eyes were starting to loose their beautiful golden color and turning into a dull grey.

"What's happening?" Jack asked no one in particular.

"Hmph, she's slowly loosing all her light powers, soon she'll be nothing but a useless spirit. I did wish to turn her into an Angel of Darkness, but I guess I'll have to change those plans." Pitch fired another arrow which (y/n) blocked again, but the shield was even weaker then before, almost shattering.

"Jack . . . forget about me . . . . go to Jamie . . . please."

"No, not without you." (y/n) felt something wet hit her face and slide down her cheek. (y/n) looked up into Jack's bright, blue eyes, they were filled with tears. He was crying.

"Jack . . .?"

"I-I don't want to loose you."

"Awwww, isn't that sweet, it almost pains me to end this," Pitch drew his arrow, "but sadly I must." Drawing out the last of her light, (y/n) shielded herself and Jack from the arrow. Her shield shattered like glass would. She let out a yell from the pain of loosing the last bit of her powers, the pain almost knocked her out.

"(y/n)!!" Jack scooped her up in his arms and flew right out of there before Pitch could attack again.

He flewfast in the direction of Jamie's house and landed on the roof of his house,taking in a few deep breaths.

"Whew. Oh man, I've never flown so fast in mylife." He looked down at (y/n), she was really still.

"(y/n)?" he said, carefully laying her down onthe roof. He pressed his ear against her chest, the very faint sound of herheart gave him relief, and more relief came to him when she slowly opened hereyes halfway, the golden in them was almost completely gone.

"Ja . . .ck?" she forced out. He took her handin his and held it close.

"Yes (y/n), I'm here."

"I feel . . . so . . . weak . . . ."

"Don't worry (y/n), everything's gonna be ok,I promise," Jack mustered up all of his strength to keep himself from crying.(y/n) gave him a weak smile, "Jack . . . . Jamie . . please . . . make sure he. . . doesn't stop . . . believing . . ."

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? Don'tworry."

"Heh . . ."

"I can't leave you here, Pitch's nastyNightmares could get to you, can you at least hang on to me?"

"I'll . . . try . . ." Jack helped (y/n) situp, which resulted in her almost falling back down, but she managed to stayupright on her own. He then helped her to get on his back and wrapped her armsaround his neck.

"You good?"

"Yeah . . . thank you . . . . . Jack."Carefully, so (y/n) wont slip down should she loosen her grip, Jack hopped downto Jamie's, half-opened bedroom window. He saw him sitting on his bed, astuffed bunny in front of him.

"Ok look," he heard Jamie say to the bunny,"you and I are obviously at what they call a crossroad, so here's what's gonnahappen, if it wasn't a dream, and if you are real," Jamie bent over closer tothe bunny, "then you have to prove it, like, right now." Jamie waited for a
quick while, but nothing out of the ordinaryhappened. Jamie tried again.

"I believed in you for a long time ok? Like mywhole life in fact," he picked up the bunny, "so you kinda own me now. Youdon't have to do much, just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything atall." Once again, nothing happened. Jamie hung his head in disappointment, "Iknew it," he said, releasing the bunny and letting it fall to the ground.

"No . . . . Bunny . . . ." Jack heard (y/n)say. He slowly pushed the window further and entered the room. He knew that hehad to do something, that if he messed up, the Guardians will disappear, and(y/n) too if the world is consumed in darkness. He touched Jamie's window andfrost was creaked, making a crackling sound, catching Jamie's attention. OnceJamie was looking, jack drew on the frost a picture of a decorated egg. Jamiegasped.

'Could it be . . .?' he wondered, looking downat the bunny on the floor. More frost was created on his window, Jamie stood onhis bed and watched as a bunny was now drawn.

"He's real . . ." Jamie whispered to himself.Jack grinning, and then looked back to (y/n).

"Hey (y/n), watch this." He concentrated, andthe bunny came alive, bouncing around the room. Jamie laughed as he tried tocatch it.

"Lovely . . . ." (y/n) said, resting her chinon Jack's shoulder, trying to get a better look. The bunny hopped to the top ofthe room and exploded, causing it to snow in the room.

"Snow?" Jack said. A flake landed on his nose.Nipping it. And that's when Jamie realized who was doing all this.

"Jack Frost," he whispered. Jack flinched atthe sound of his name.

"Did he just say . . . .?" (y/n) smiled, "He .. did."

"Jack Frost?" Jamie said again, thinking thathe heard someone. Jack lightly gasped, not believing his ears, "He said itagain, he said-. You said . . ." Jamie was turning around when he heard thevoice again.

"Jack Frost." (y/n) giggled softly, "Yup . . .he . . sure did."

"That's right!" Jack exclaimed. "That's me!Jack Frost! That's my name!You said my name," Jack said directly to Jamie, whohad his mouth wide open and was looking right at him for the first time.

"Wait. Ca-can you hear me?" Jack asked. Jamiecould only nod.

"Ca-ca-can you see me?" Another nod. Jackcouldn't contain his excitement.

"He-he sees me!" He felt (y/n)'s arms aroundhim get tighter, "I'm so . . happy for you . . . . Jack." He did a little leapin the air.

"You just made it snow!" Jamie said.

"I know."

"In my room!"

"I know!"

"You're real?

"Yeah man! Who do you think brings all theblizzards and the snow days? And you remember when you went flying on that sledthe other day?"

"That was you!?"

"That was me!"



"But what about the Easter Bunny? And theTooth Fairy. I mean-"

"Real real real!! Everyone of us is real!

"I knew it!!" Jamie shouted with a jump.

"Jamie! who're you talking to?" a voicesuddenly asked from outside Jamie's bedroom. It was his mother.

"Um . . ." Jack made a gesture with his headthat said "go on, tell her."

"Jack Frost?" His mother laughed, "Hahaha,ok." Then both Jamie and Jack laughed. But then something kinda bothered him,Jaime didn't seem to be able to see (y/n).

"Uh Jamie, haven't you ever heard of someonecalled the Angel of Light?"

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