{{Mimi P.O.V}}
I opened my eye's slowly, everything was still blurry and my face still hurted from that guy scratching me, i hope Roc doesn't see it. I tried looking around and as soon as my vision got clear i noticed I was in a old bed room, it was dirty, cold and gross. I looked to my right and i saw Roc passed out on the floor not to far from me. I looked around the room but i didn't see Deja, Destiny, Ebony, Prod, Ray or Princeton.
If i had to guess they probably put each couple in there own room.
Mimi: Roc, wake up!! Roc: ...... Mimi: Roc pleasee wake up! he started moving but then he's body went back still. I wish i could go to him but I was tied up. I sat there, thinking about the guys who kidnap me, what was there plan? And what they plan on doing with me and my friends?
?1: Well, well, well. look who's awake. one of the guys said while walking into the room. Mimi: If my hands weren't tied together so help me i woul- ?1: Shut up! he said. i gave him a death glare. 1?: I do think I've introduced myself, my name is Derek. Mimi: What do you want with us? Derek: We just want you, Deja, Destiny, and Ebony the guys are just here to enjoy the ride! Mimi: Were are they? Derek: My friends are getting them just like I'm about to get you. He said and grabbed me roughly, I decided to act like I couldn't walk, so i was setting on the ground. Derek: Please, that's not gonna stop me for carrying you out. Mimi: ROC!!!! Roc started moving, trying to lift his body. Roc: Mimi.
Derek: Come here you stupid B*tch he said grabbing me by waist and throwing me over his shoulder. Mimi: ROC HELP ME!!! Roc finally got up, but he was still weak. They must've hurt him bad!? Roc: Mimi... Derek: Mimi's coming with me. he said walking out the door still carrying me, I was kicking my feet, and hitting his back trying to get him to let me go.
Derek: Ugh Stop kicking. he said and closed the door behind him. Mimi: ROC!!! i called for him either tho we couldn't see each other anymore. Roc: MIMI!! BABY WERE ARE YOU? he called for me. Iooks like he's back to himself. Before i could respond Derek took off running super fast. I obsereved my surroundings, It looks like were in some type of old mansion. He ran down downstairs and I saw Destiny, Deja, and Ebony all tied up to chairs. They were separated though about 4 yards from each other.
Ebony had her feet in water. I guess it's to stop her from using electricity, cause water and electricity do not go together. Destiny had gloves tied to her hands tight, so that way she doesn't touch someone while she's pissed. Deja had nothing on her, she was just tied up, i guess she still doesn't have her powers yet but she had smirk on her face.
That's weird.
?2: Welcome beautiful I'm Max he smiled at me. I hissed at him because he was the guy who banged my head against the wall. Derek: Don't get him mad, he'll loose control and attack that person who made him upset. Mimi: Well then someone better tie him up because I will be the first to get him mad. Max: You want another scratch on your face? Mimi: Why not! i said sarcastically. Max: Owwww girl don't tempt me. Mimi: whatever. Derek: Aye shut up he said setting me in a chair not close but near Deja. Deja: You too! Mimi: Yeah.
Derek: Set still. He let my hands face each other, my hands looked like praying hands. He then tied my hands together tight, way to tight!! Mimi: Ouch Stop!!! That hurts. he smirked and kept pulling the rope tighter. Mimi: AHHHHH STOP!
?3: Aye man that's enough!! Derek: Chris what is up with you? Why do have such a soft spot for her? You didn't even do what you were suppost back at her house, you had max do it. Chris: Man whatever!! Just stop so we can contiue on the plan he said then looked at mr with sorry eye's. Did he really have a soft spot for me? Derek: iight he said and walked away from me twoards some other guys.
I looked over at the girls. Mimi: What happen to the guys?? Destiny: Princeton was passed out when Brain came in and took me away i was kicking but that didn't work, i tryed getting mad so i could kill him but that was a fail, I couldn't get mad enough. Ebony: I was knocked out and woke up in this chair. They must've thought i was gonna stirke them with my power..... They're Smart boys cause that was what I was going to do! Deja: with me. Prod was knocked out but he woke up as soon as Mike came in and took me away, he was shouting my name. Mimi: Same here with Roc. except Derek took me away. Destiny: Mimi what happen to your face?? Mimi: Max. I'm hoping Roc doesn't see it tho. Ebony: Why?? Mimi: Ebony come on now, we're talking about Roc. The guy who will beat up anyone who lays a hand on me. Ebony: Oh yeah!!
Derek: Aye! Max you got Mimi, Brain you got Deja, Mike you got Ebony, Devin you got Destiny. Destiny: Devin? Devin: Did ya miss me!? he smirked at Destiny.
Derek: The rest of us are gonna go get Roc, Prod, Prince, and Ray.
Max: iight man. He said and the rest of the guys went upstairs, there was 4 of them that went upstairs. Max started walked twoards me. Mimi: Don't come near me. Max: To late he said was up in my face.
Max: You know, this could be your last night alive practically, why not give me a kiss before you're no longer around. huh? I spit in his face. Mimi: You wish! after I did that he slapped me hard on the side were he had scratched me. (The left side) Max: Derek told you about making me mad. he said then slapped me again. Mimi: ahhh. Ebony: DUDE YOU'RE SO LUCKY! THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME FROM KICKING YOUR A$S RIGHT NOW IS THIS WATER. That's my best friend your laying your hands on. Mike: Aye shut up, he does what he wants. He said and raised his hand at Ebony.
Ebony: Ray!! Ray: Im right here babe, don't worry. Roc: Mimi! Mimi: Oh no i said turned my face, to were he can only see the right side of my face.
{{Roc P.O.V}}
Something is wrong with Mimi she's only showing my the right side of her face. Roc: Mimi look at me baby. she didn't do as she was told, something was wrong. Derek: Keep it moving he said shoved me. Me and the boyz were tied up good, like Im having a hard time getting out of this rope. Princeton: Dude I know you did not just push me. Chris: i did, so what! he said and pushed Princeton again. Princeton got up in Chris face. Derek: AYE!! KNOCK IT OFF. he said and grabbed Princeton away from Chris.
{{Mimi P.O.V}}
The four guys Derek, Chris, Trey and Marcus? made the guys stand up facing me and the girls direction. Derek: Ok. Mike, Max, Brain, and Devin you know what to do.
Max: iight man, but if Mimi makes me upset, Imma slap her again.
Roc: Again? What you mean again. Max: Look for yourself. he said and grabbed my face and showed Roc the right side of my face, he could see the huge scratch and everything. Max: Nice view huh! he smirked at Roc. Roc eyes turned Red. Roc: Imma mess you up so bad. Max: You can try! he said held his hand out to me. Brain did the same to Deja, Mike did the same to Ebony and Devin did the same to Destiny.
Mimi: What are you do- before i could finsih my sentece I went flying twoards the wall. Ebony got struck by a nevgative charge. Destiny eye's went white and she was screaming in pain. Deja body began to freeze, like ice was coming out of Brain's hand.
Prod: What's going on?? Derek: Looks like they've found there opposite match. They're the only ones who can defeat them. We would have girls go against them but our vampire girls are just not strong enough. And you know we can't let them live, all you guys know that. It's just how things are suppose to be! Chris: I'm against this! I really don't want to see Mi- I mean them get hurt! Roc: dude tell me you were not about to say Mimi!? Chris: I wasn't dang! Derek: The girls have no chance he smirked. So let the battle begin....
......... The battle is about to start >:) muhaha and so much more is going to happen but for now. find what happens next in chapter 11 -Aaliyah(:

I'll Love you Forever
VampireVampire/Action Pack/Love/Unforgettable Story you'll ever read. By the time you're into you'll wish your life was like this/ Not gonna spoil anything, get reading (;