{{Mimi P.O.V}}
???: Mimi... Mimi: huh? i said while trying to set up but i feel back. My head was killing me and my back was sore. ???: Just lay down ok. you need your rest. I finally got my eye's open to see who was helping me. Mimi: Chris! Chris: Heyy. Mimi: Where am I? where's my friends? Where's Roc? Chris: Calm down Mimi, You're in your room, safe and sound. And your friends are fine, there all home except Roc he's down stairs making you something to eat with your Mom But Deja took care Brain, Destiny never let go of Devin, And Ray took care of Mike. Mimi: As in? Chris: They're dead. Mimi: So now that they're dead, there free? Not worrying about there killer trying to kill them? Chris: That's correct, but there are always vampires out there looking for a fight. Mimi: What about...... I just looked down cause i couldn't even say his name. Chris: You're talking about Max. huh? I just nodded my head yes. Chris: He's dead. he said looking down. I-I killed him.
Mimi: Why? Why did you even save me? You don't even know me! Chris: Because when I look at you, I see a beautiful girl with a amazing smile, a nice heart. he said coming over to my bed side where i was laying at. "And when I saw Max getting ready to end you, I wasn't gonna set there watch you die." Mimi: Chris. I'm flattered but I still don't even know you and does Roc even know you're here?? Chris: Then get to know me. Besides the fact I was hanging out with bad vampires doesn't mean imma bad vampire who kills other as while. I'm a real good guy Mimi... Mimi: Ok but you didn't answer my question does Roc know you're here?? He didn't respond he just moved his face closer to mines and kissed my cheek. Chris: If you ever need me just call my name.
Mimi: I can take care of myself, plus I have Roc. Chris: Alright but one day or night just remember I will always be there to help you. Mimi: Bye Chris. Chris: See you later. he said getting ready to fly out the window. "Oh yeah one more thing." Mimi: What? Chris: Roc didn't know i was here. he said and flew out the window.
Mom: Knock Knock. How are you sweetie? Roc told me about you falling out of tree. What were you thinking? Mimi: what?... Oh yeah, you know me climbing up tree's I gotta stop doing that. Mom: You better. I'll be down stares. Roc's gonna keep you company. she said while Roc walked in, holding a bowl of soup. Roc: hey babe good to see you awake he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him even wider cause seeing him made so happy. Mom: I'll leave you too alone she said walking out my room closeing the door behind her. Roc: I brought you some soup. he said setting next to me.
Mimi: I'm really happy to see you Roc. Roc: I'm even more happy to see you awake. You scared me back there. I didn't know what I was gonna do, if he killed you. Mimi: well I'm alive well kinda. I giggled to myself. Roc: yeah he smiled at me. Oh yeah I almost forgot I brought you this he said holding a cup. Mimi: What's that? Roc: blood he whispered to me. Mimi: ugh do I have to drink that? If you want your strength back. Yes. Mimi: fine I said and took the cup from him. I took sips of the blood. Roc: Babe it's not that bad. Mimi: but still it's blood, it's gonna take me some time to get use to this. Roc: ye- he got distracted but noticing my window was open. Roc: why is your window open? He said going over to it and closing it tight shut. Mimi: I'm not sure. I woke up and it was just open. Roc: that's strange but anyways don't worry babe, Imma be working out later with Prod. Mimi: why?? Roc: Because the next time something happens to you I'm not Gonna be held down by two dudes. Mimi: well atlases there's no school.
Roc: I know right, we have exactly 2 weeks off and today is Friday. Mimi: yeah. Roc can I ask you something? Roc: anything babe! Mimi: can you hold me? I said placing the bowl of soup and empty cup of the blood I drunk on the dresser next to my bed and then laying down. Roc: sure. He said getting next to me them wrapping his arms around my waist. Mimi: I could lay like this all day.
Roc: I could you hold you in my arms all day and never let go. Mimi: Why am I so tired. I with a yawn. Roc: well it's 5:45 in the afternoon. Maybe you hair a long day yesterday. Mimi: I guess. Roc: go head and take a nap babe. Mimi: you'll be here when I wake up? Roc: I promise. Mimi: ok I said with a smile. I closed my and instantly feel onto a deep sleep.
{{Mimi's Dream}}
???: hello Mimi! Mimi: Sean? What!! I thought you're dead. Sean: I am. You're dreaming Mimi and I'm here to warn you. Mimi: about what? Sean: about Roc, he won't be able to save you. Mimi: Save me from who? Max is dead! Chris killed him. Sean: Mimi, you're the most powerful vampire I'm history, right after your dad. Mimi: my dad? How do you know him? He died before I was born. Sean walked closer to me. Sean: your dad was head vampire. Powerful of them all but no one liked him after he got a human pregnant and feel in love. Mimi: my mom! Sean: exactly, it was against all vampires to mate with a human but since your dad was leader he didn't care but others did. They killed your father and now since you carry your fathers power you are gonna be wanted even if you think your killer is dead. Mimi: I have the power to lead vampires? Sean: ugh Duh!!! But It won't matter. Mimi: why? I asked he stepped closer to me. Sean: Mimi I saw it already!! you're gonna die! A vampire who you'll never except to take you out will be the one to take your life. Mimi: you're lying!!! I DONT BELIEVE I yelled at him. Sean: I'm warning you Mimi don't trust anyone! Mimi: SHUT UP. I said covering my ears with my hands. Sean: MIMI.!! Mimi: NO. Sean: Roc won't be there in time, he'll be to late! Mimi: STOP!!!! Seam: He'll be late!
{{Dream Over}}
{{Roc P.O.V}}
I was laying next to Mimi just watching over here and she began to move around. Her eyes let tears fall. She was burning up and She was mumbling no, stop. I began to shake her awake. Roc: Mimi baby wake up!! She didn't wake up. I began to shake her a lil harder. Roc: MIMI. Her eyes shot open and before I knew it She was in arms curled up, holding on to me tight. I held on to her as well. Mimi: Roc please don't let no one Hurt me. Please be on time, don't be late! Please be on time, don't be late. She kept repeating those words "please be on time, don't be late" over and over. Roc: I promise babe I won't!! I promise i said and kissed her forehead. But In my mind I was thinking "Don't be late for what?"
...................... I kno this is short BUT lol it's late were I'm at and I have school tomorrow BUT haha after tomorrow I'm on thanksgiving break so I'll be able to write lots more :) Chapter 13 is coming -Aaliyah

I'll Love you Forever
VampirVampire/Action Pack/Love/Unforgettable Story you'll ever read. By the time you're into you'll wish your life was like this/ Not gonna spoil anything, get reading (;