{{Roc P.O.V}}
Roc: Mimi can we talk about that later. Mimi: But? Roc: Please, it's been a long day and i really want to get you home! Mimi: ok she sighed. Roc: i love you i said and her picked her up bridal style. Mimi: Roc! Roc: Hold on to me tight babe. she did as she was told and held her arms around me tight. Mimi: Ok no what now? Roc: This i smirked and took off running super fast to her house. We got there under 2 minutes!! Mimi: OhMyGosh babe super speed, you have to change me.
Roc: Babe i said and gave her a look. Mimi: Ok Ok will talk about it later she pouted. Roc: You're so cute when you do that i chuckled. She opened her front door and started walking inside. Mimi: Aren't you coming in? Roc: Umm no not yet, i gotta be somewhere but I'll be back later kay. Mimi: But the suns down she said and looked her phone. its 9:14. Roc: I'll come by around 1 k. Mimi: Ok, well let me watch this blood off before my mom freaks out and starts asking questions, she said and started closing the door, i stop it with my foot.
Roc: Wait! Mimi: What is i- i cut her off by kissing her passionately. i pulled away and laid my head on hers and whispered "You mean so much to me, i love you so much Mimi" Mimi: I love you too she whispered back. Roc: I'll be back later ok. Mimi: I'll be waiting she smiled and closed the door. i sighed and started walking to Prod's house.
{{Deja P.O.V}}
(At Prod's house, in the living room)
Deja: Prod that's so not far. Prod: Babe it's just a game, plus you're winning! Deja: Yeah because you're letting me win. Prod: Only because you kiss me everytime you win. Deja: Well no more kisses for you untill you actually try to win. Prod: Pleaseee he said came closer to me. Deja: Nope! Prod: Aww come on you can't resist these lips. Deja: Yes i can i giggled. Prod: Really!? he said and got closer to me looking at my lips. Deja: Ok maybe i can't i smiled and was about to kiss him but then the door bell rung.
Prod: Ugh he groaned and got up to answer the door. it was Roc. Prod: Hey man what's up? Roc: Can i talk to you, it's important. Prod: Sure come on in he said letting Roc walk in. Roc: Hey Deja! Deja: Hey Roc, are you ok? You look pale. Roc: Yeah, I'm fine! Prod: Babe me and Roc are gonna be in my room. Deja: Oh cool can i come? Prod: NO i mean it's guy stuff babe, nothing important. Deja: Umm ok i said and walked into the kitchen.
{{Prod P.O.V}}
Prod: She'll be fine, lets go!! i said while me and Roc walked into my room. Roc: Close the door. Prod: Alright i said and closed the door. What's up? Roc: Mimi knows! Prod: You mean........ Roc: Yes! Prod: How? Roc: Long story but Sean got to her today and he showed her what he really was. Prod: Did he... U know! Roc: No he didn't kill her or bite her. I got there in time and i killed him. Prod: You did the right thing Roc i said patted his back. Roc: I know but then Mimi was bleeding and i couldnt control myself, i almost killed the love of my life today, she was so scared, Prod the look in her eyes tore my apart inside. And now i can't stop craving blood, im thristy. Prod: But you stopped yourself right? Roc: Of course, i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i ever hurted Mimi. Prod: K you did good by stopping yourself but We need to get you some blood asap, Deja was right you are looking pale! Roc: Sometimes i hate being a vampire cause you have to suck people's or Animals blood just to live, it's gross! Prod: Tell me about it. Come on lets go out my window, i don't want Deja to start asking questions. Roc: Ok he said and flew out of my window. I followed him.
(Walking around outside)
Prod: There has to be someone or some animals out here. Roc: Yo Prod look over there he pointed to two guys who were trying to Rape this teenage girl in an alley.
Prod: Dinner time!? Roc: Dinner time! come on lets play it off like we did last time. Prod: haha lets do it, we did our guy hand shake and walked over to the guys in the alley.
Prod: Hey you stop that leave that girl alone. Guy1: Get out of here punk. Roc: Let her go man, that's not right! Guy2: Says who? Roc: Says me. Guy2: Oh arent we big and bad he said getting up in Roc's face. Roc acted weak which was so funny, Roc is the strongest Vampire in the vampire world! Guy1: I suggest you guys leave and let us finish our business. Girl: Pleasee help me! Roc: Don't worry we'll handle these fools. Roc hit the secong guy but not hard. Guy2: hahaha you call that a hit? he said and punched Roc in stomach. he was about to throw another punch but Roc caught his fist in his hand and twisted the guys wrist. Guy2: Ahhhh Fu*k.
Guy1: Yo. Prod: What? Before i could respond the guy hit me knocking off my glasses causeing it to break. Guy1: Awww i broke his glasses! Prod: Ok plays time over!! Guy1: What are you ta- i showed him my fangs and he screamed like a 2 year old girl. Prod: Bad guys don't belong in this world, i said and grabbed him and bite his neck Hard!! Guy1: AHHHHHhhh....... the guy grew silent and his body started to get weak. i sucked all the blood from his body. when i was done i dropped his life less body on the ground and the girl screamed and ran off. Prod: ATLEAST YOU'RE SAFE NOW!! i shouted at her as she was running away. Prod: Roc? Roc was still sucking the blood from the other guy he was already dead but Roc refused to let one drop of his blood get away! Prod: Roc, i think you're good now!! he stood up and licked his lips. Prod: Better! Roc: Yesssssssss he said while smiling wide!! Prod: Good! but i gotta get back to Deja, i don't want to leave her alone knowing Marcus, Devin and Luke are still out around here. Roc: True, imma go to my house and wash up before i go back to Mimi's. after today i wouldn't want her to be alone!! Prod: Alright man. I'll see you later. Roc: Bye. We both flew to each of our houses.
{{Mimi P.O.V}}
Mimi: Ugh there is nothing on t.v. i said and layed back on my bed and looked at my ceiling. Mimi: today was crazy, To be honest im still afraid of Roc now, today seeing him chase after me trying kill me was terrifying. but he didnt hurt me but what if one day he does? NO no no i know Roc he would never do that! But he said i have powers, that i was powerful, and that i don't have my powers yet becuase im in human form! I want to be a vampire now to protect myself and learn the ways of a vampire. It's my choice not Roc's so if he wont change me, ill find someone who will.............................
i looked at the clock it was 1:00am. Mimi: And Roc is still not here. i stood up and went to close my window but before i could Roc appeard at it. Mimi: OMG.... ROC!?!! Roc: Hey babe, can i come in? Mimi: Sure come in! i moved to side letting him float his way in. he closed the window behind him. And looked at me. Roc: I thought about it and Yes! Mimi: Yes what? Roc: Yes I'll change you, but you must know you will live forever. You: And that would mean I'll be able to love you forever i smiled at him.
Mimi: So how does this work you just bite me and boom bam Imma vampire or? Roc: First i have to Relax your body. Mimi: Relax? What do you mean by that? Roc: You'll see he said and pushed me on my bed, climbing on top of me. Mimi: I think i understand now. He smirked and kissed me once softly. Roc: Are you sure? I nodded my head yes. he kissed me again this time roughly, he made his way to my jaw line and then to my neck kissing it softly. i tryed to hold in a moan but one slipped out. I felt him smile against my neck. Mimi: You're enjoying this aren't you. Roc: Very much. Yes! he said and continued kissing my neck, he pulled away to look at my face, like he was trying to see if I was relaxed or tensed. Roc: It wont hurt i promise! Mimi: Alrig- before i could finish what i was saying i felt a sharp pain in my neck that wouldnt go away, i screamed in pain but I soon started to get quiet, My vision went blurry, my hands went cold and i found myself falling into a deep sleep.
............. Chapter 6 up soon :)

I'll Love you Forever
VampireVampire/Action Pack/Love/Unforgettable Story you'll ever read. By the time you're into you'll wish your life was like this/ Not gonna spoil anything, get reading (;