Chapter Four

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I felt like I'm floating on cloud nine. Tiny sparks were rising within me. And Dawn keeps on jumping up and down.

Suddenly I felt an abrupt stop. I jerk forward hitting my head at the dashboard.

"Shit. I'm sorry Aura, I didn't mean too". I felt someone gently pulling me from the dashboard and pain shot through in my head. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Aura. Princess I'm sorry. There was a cat crossing so I stop. I'm sorry". He said rubbing my back.

I wanted to awe at him. But my head is pounding and I cant barely see whats going on around me.

"My head hurts". I groaned as another pain shot through my head. He instantly grab my cheek gently and checked my head.

"Shit! You have a large bruise". I raise my hand to touched it but Caine grab my hand. Stopping me.

"Princess, don't touch it". He leaned to me from his sit and kissed my throbbing forehead. "Don't worry princess. We're just a couple of miles away from the pack house. When we get there I'll call the pack doctor to checked that bruise". He kissed my cheek and leaned, he grabbed the seatbelt and pulled it around me keeping me safe next time, he abruptly stop. My breath hitch at the close proximity.

I tried to get back to sleep but he didn't let me. ''Please princess. Try to stay awake, were almost there". He kept holding my hands.

Whenever he would let go of it. I would instantly feel cold.

What did mom told us? Always wear your seatbelt!

I just looked out the trees. Not bothering to answer my wolf. I felt bored. I looked at the radio but looked away.

This is not my car. He should be the one to turn it on not me. If he wants to. Not me. "You can turn it on princess, I wont mind". I stared at him and smiled. I turned it on and 'The Judge' by Twenty One Pilots was playing. A grin was immediately plastered on my face as I rank up the voume.

I tap my fingers along with the beat and silently sing the lyrics. "You're the judge, oh no, set me freeee. You're the judge, oh no, set me freee".

My eyes widen when I heard another vocie singing, I craned my neck to look at Caine and he was already looking at me. "Eyes on the road, goofus".

"Got a very wonderful voice, princess". He said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are your ear drums alright? I practically sounded like a hyena being drag by a car".

"Are you joking? Your voice is amazing!".

"Yup, I definitely have broken his ear drums". I muttered silently.


Minutes later we arrive at seems to be the pack house. A gasped left my lips as I Stare at the massive house. It almost look like a medieval one. With stone bricks and a few vines crawling to the top of the house. Red and white roses, where planted at either side of the gravel path leading to the house. Two ponds where either side of the gravel path. And lily pads float beneath the water. Different kinds of cars lined up at the side of the house, which I presumed is the garage.

This is our new home Aura

It's amazing Dawn!

"It's so beautiful". I gushed. I held my head in my hands as it started throbbing again.

"Not as beautiful as you. Now come one, I'll walk you to my. Our room. And call a pack doctor to check you up". He put his hand at my small waist. And led me inside the house.

Em I ready to sleep in the same bed with him?

Hell no!

Your overreacting. He's not gonna do anything to us

I'm just not comfortable sleeping with someone in the same bed

You should start being then. I'm not letting you sleep in another room. Do what I say or I'll take over

Fine fine. Calm yourself!

Even though I hated the fact of sleeping with Caine. I have to or Dawn would take over us. And goodness, what would she made us do, if that happened. I shivered at the thought

Caine noticed my uncomfortableness. "Is everything alright?". He said caressing my cheeks.

"Yup. All ok". No one seemed to be awake, considering that it's 2am already. He led me through halls and halls. All both eerily quiet. Until he stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway and opened it.

His scent immediately filled my lungs. I stared at the room. Taking in the new room that I'm gonna be staying in.

The room is consist of either white or black. There was a king size bed pushed against the wall at the middle of the room. All I want is to drop dead and sleep. It looks so comfortable.

A cushioned sofa was placed at the left side of the room along with a Led TV and a mini fridge. I noticed two doors one at the left and one at the right. Figure it's the bathroom and the walk in closet.

"Alpha, you've called me. What seems to be the problem". A man in a white cloak with a stethoscope around his neck.

"Yes. You see I was driving and there was a cat so I stop and I didn't realise she wasn't wearing any seat belts. And she hit her at the dashboard". He scratch the back of his neck. Still feeling guilty for causing me to have a huge bump on my head. The doc look at me.

"Hello, Ms. My name is doctor Greg. Will you please sit down so I can have a look at your head". I sat down at the bed as told. And he inspect my head. "Your lucky she didn't have a concussion. Just put an ice pack for about 20 minutes to reverse any swelling". He said while looking at Caine, whom still had that guilty look on his face.

He left after that, and I laid at the bed. "I'll just go and get you an ice pack". I nod and he went out the room. I felt exhausted.

Minutes later, Cane came back. He put the ice pack at my sore head, after pulling a chair beside the bed. "You can rest now, princess".

"How about you?". Now it was my time to felt guilty. He can't sleep for unlease another 20 minutes, to hold the ice pack in place.

"Don't worry about me. After 20 minutes I'll join you. Now sleep". He moved the ice pack and kissed my fore head. I closed my eyes but sleep didn't come to me. I opened my eyes again.

"Can I just wait, I can't sleep". I stared at him pleading. He chuckled and removed the ice pack away from my head. Soon enough he joined me and I cuddled beside him.

Who's so afraid to share a bed now?

Shut up Dawn

We continued to stare at each other for another minute until my eyes drop. Slowly drifting to oblivion.


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