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This chapter is dedicated to my bff!

Song above is Break a sweat by Becky G...

"Every story has an end
But in life every end is a new
begining "


I gaze upon the hazy white barrier that divides the three main realms of our world. It's blurry in appearance, with glowing gold swirls. Radiating powerful energy that repels anything or anyone from crossing over. It also prevents connections from the other realms.

Past this is pure darkness, emitting dark energy filled with grief, pain, and conflict. Without the barrier, the creatures and dark magic will seep into the two realms.

The immortal realm is in the middle, pure and beautiful, this realm houses the angels, werewolves, centaurs, innocent mortals who have pass on, and other creatures who deserved to be here.


I turned around quickly to find Mona with an agitated expression. "Yes?". I asked anxiously.

"Luna, Alpha Caine sent me to inform you on something about your daughter".

I hurriedly thanked Mona and teleported back into the mortal realm. I arrived at the playground of our pack house, kids were playing everywhere, jumping and running around, swinging on the swings, playing with a ball that thinly misses my head when a kid aggressively kick it.

A distressed Caine was carrying Acallia towards me. I rushed over to my daughter worriedly, but immediately frowned in confusion.

"Mommy, look!". Acallia (my little ray of sunshine) pointed to her slightly scraped knee. "I got a boo boo". She said it with a giggle. Not even the least bit troubled.

"Awe, my poor little cupcake.". I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead.

I followed Caine into the pack house and he set Acallia down on the sofa. Acallia grabbed my hand. "It doesn't hurt, Mommy. Tell daddy to stop fidgeting, please".

"How can daddy not be worried? My baby tripped!". He hurried towards her side. "Ohh no, my baby tripped". His eyes then widened, as if only registering it inside his head. He then started fussing over her scratched knee, albeit again.

I slapped my forehead and questioned myself why I married this idiot and smacked him over the head, which made Acallia giggled. "Can you calm down? Our daughter tripped not got kidnapped by rogues!".

Caide (my other ray of sunshine)jumped behind the couch and sat next to Acallia. "Mom's scolding dad again?". He asked so casually and Acallia nodded. He motioned towards Acallia's knee with 'worry' shown on his angelic face.

Acallia gave him a grimace and Caide scowled, they stared at each other, having a quiet mind talk, finally Acallia opened her arms and Caide shrugged and accepted the hug.

I turned towards Caine. "Do our kids have an installed walkie talkie inside their brain? Cuz, they're way too young to be able to mind link like that".

He leaned and whispered. "I read somewhere that siblings have this talent of communicating without words". I gave him a funny look. I glanced towards Acallia's knee and found the scratch still not healing.

Caide and Acallia both haven't shifted, so they still don't have the ability to connect with their wolves and werewolf powers yet.

So  now I get why Caine was being paranoid when I came....

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