Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Dedicated to....Panda_Owl_Girl and _zxo_1

Song above is Be With You(Nedu Remix) by Akon

"Forgiveness doesn't mean accepting someone's apology It means understanding
fully that a person made a mistake
but is worthy of a second chance"

~Chapter Twenty-Six: Forgiveness Is The Key For Peace~

"I'm so so so sorry!". Cane trapped me in his arms. I sighed contently. Happy to be back in my mate's arms again.

You must be thinking that I'm crazy for forgiving him.

It wasn't his fault. Entirely.

The cause of all this is that bitch Rica, her maniac mate, my asshole of an ex best friend, and that evil Centaur King.

We we're all victims, of their evil plots and doings.

And this war is not ending without Zeke and that Centaur Kind being dead.

They've done enough damage around the world.

"Dammit Aura! Why would you just drop from the face of the planet! After I was done getting my dress, I came looking for you in the food court, cuz you know, your you. But your not there! I started being frantic and called Aidan! And then called Dean! My gosh!". I blinked at her. She calmed her breath and tried to kill me by sucking the air out of my body by her tight bear hug. "I even looked around the entire mall but didn't find you! Then I look around the parking lot! Then-

Dean patted her shoulders and cut her rant.

"Um...". I hummed while looking through my lashes up them. Tugging at the hem of the long white shirt that Cane handed me.

Yes, I'm just wearing a shirt over my naked form.

"I'm so glad your ok!". Aidan murmured from my shoulder, I patted his back reassuringly that I am in fact ok and in one piece.

Something changed. I didn't felt comfortable while Aidan hugged me.

A low growl came from behind me and came two strong arms. Engulfing me. Aidan release me and raised his hands up.

"Chill dude". He said while backing away. A grin made its way to my face and I turned around and crashed my lips to Cane.

Our lips move furiously against each other. Pouring every emotion to the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms snaked around my waist.

"Ehem, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we need to go, like right now!". We pulled back and send Tessa a glare. "What?". She asked innocently.

Don't you what me!

~Time Lapsed~

"Are they here? Where are they?". I heard a woman's voice asked.

Woman and children came rushing out the pack house to greet their love ones.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw a woman drop to her knees besides a man lying on a stretcher bed. She whimpered beside the man.

Guilt surged through me.

Its my fault that her mate's dead, my fault. Its my fault that some are dead. I've cause everyone's life in danger.

Suddenly, I was engulfed by two arms. I hugged my mom tighter. She cries silently on my shoulder and continually apologise.

"Mom its ok, I'm ok". I said reassuringly. "Mom stop crying". She nodded her head and wiped her tears away.

I've always hated seeing my mother cry. The only time I see her cry is when she's watching one of her romantic films.

"Aura!". Ceous shouted. I turned around and stumbled back by the force from my three brothers. I made a little choking sound and tried to escape from them.

"I know you miss me guys, but can you like let go?". They smiled sheepishly and let go me. I sighed internally.

I miss this goofus

A high pitched squeal came from behind me. "Perfect! This is so perfect!". Milla said happily.

"Are you my auntie?". A little girl asked. I crouched down to the girl's level.

"Who might you be?". I recognised her eyes. Same hazel eyes. I look at Ceous questioningly. And he nodded his head. I jumped up and clapped my hands repeatedly

"I'm an Auntie!''. I exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"My names Popey". She said with a giant grin that showcase her pearly white teeth. I calmed down and crouched down again.

"Hello Popey!". I chuckled and stand up. "Where's Aicle?". I asked while looking at Ceous.

I need to see that girl. We have a lot to talk about. Alot.

Their faces resembles, like those who are in funerals. Ghe ones that look at their dead relative or friends while they lie on their cassette.

Popey sniffed and wiped her tears. I crouched down and carried her. She laid her head on my shoulder while I patted her back.

"Before she gave birth to Popey. A rouge attack her, it was just a small one, but it manage to drew its claws on Aicle's stomach. We rushed her to the pack's clinic, and the doctor said, they needed to get the baby out. Aicle was both tired from giving birth and losing blood. So she...". A small tear run down his cheek. "Didn't make it".

"Mama died because of me". Popey cries on my shoulder.

"No Popey, it wasn't your fault". Ceous said, and took Popey out of my arms. He put his hands on both side of her cheeks. ''It wasn't your fault".

~Time Lapse~

"Welcome back Luna!". Some girls greeted. I smiled at them and said my thank you.

I walked up the stairs and to Cane's room. Not even knocking, I opened the door and walked in.

Completely regretting it after. I screamed and covered my eyes.

Standing there. While chuckling is Cane, naked.

I turned around and rushed out the room.

You do not see it.

You do not see it.

"Keep saying that, but we all know that you see it". Dawn mused.

I shut her out of my mind and continued my journey. She's right, I did see it.

Seeing my mate in his naked form made a little tingling sensation on the pit of my stomach. I reached for the mark on my shoulder, and smiled contently to find his mark on me.

Thank you guys for getting this
story to reach 20k reads!

So so sorry for the late updates!


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