"Shhh, come on Blizzardkit!" Rosethorn purred soft as a minnow swims as she heard Falconkit whisper. She lets out a super-quick paw and blocks the entrance without opening her eyes. "Where do you think you're going?" She opened her eyes as the kits froze, and Blizzardkit yowled, "She's on to us! Quick!" They leapt over her paw as stealthily as a trained warrior and raced out of the den before she could leap up and grab them. They raced across the clearing, Rosethorn's quick paws gaining on them. The stopped right at the edge of the creek so Rosethorn leapt over them into the water. They fell over, purrs erupting from their throats and their eyes shining with joyous laughter. "Going for a dawn swim?" Asked Icestep, returning from the elder's den, smelling of mouse bile. Blizzardkit and Falconkit brushed against Icestep's legs, purring harder. He licked them, and mewed, "Let me wash this yucky stuff off my paws." They leapt back and raced toward the apprentice den, looking for Pumapaw, Littlepaw, and Meadowpaw, who had been apprentices for just over a moon. Rosethorn purred an dleapt out of the water, showering her brother with the refreshing Green-leaf water. He growled, playfully, and dunked his paws in the water. Once they didn't smell bad anymore, he backed away and licked Rosethorn's deep auburn fur. She rubbed her muzzle under his chin, happy for this occasional to share tongues with her brother. "Tonight's the gathering. Are you going?" Icestep asked her as they lay down in the warm sun watching the new apprentices teach Rosethorn's kits battle moves, claws sheathed. She nodded, well aware that Badgerclaw was going to be there. "Good. We haven't been to one together since we were apprentices." Just then, Timberstar called the clan together. As the sleepy cats gathered in the warm sun, Timberstar said, "I just want to make clear that these cats are going to the gathering. Myself, Owlfur, Icestep, Stormwater, Flamebreeze, Rosethorn, Mintwind, Redfur, Pumapaw, Littlepaw, Meadowpaw, Jetfoot, and Owlwhisker. And of course, Leafwater, Wolfleap, and Littleshine." Wolfleap and Littleshine, Rosethorn and Icestep's mother, had joined the elder den, and since then, Rosethorn had just started to notice the gray hairs on Littleshine and Timberstar's muzzles. After Timberstar had finished and padded away, leaving the cats in the clearing to melt away to their normal duties, Rosethorn padded up to him and rubbed her chin against his muzzle. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me, and the whole clan. I miss you sometimes, but it all turns out for the best." Timberstar purred, his voice soothing to Rosethorn, and replied, "I miss you too." Rosethorn got up, and went off to find her kits. "Watch this!" Blizzardkit yowled, his tail bushed out twice its normal size. He leapt up, slid under Pumapaw's outstretched legs as she tried to block him, leapt on her back, pushed her over, and leapt off, all in less than a few heartbeats. "Wow! You have to show us that sometimes." Meadowpaw's quiet voice was filled with joy and amazement. He nodded vigouresly and purred back at her. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath me for a clan meeting." He had called the clan together more than a few moments ago, but something important must have come up. Rosethorn's tail fluffed up. Her kits were six moons now! She raced to her kits before they got to the group of gathering cats, and quickly groomed them, ignoring their mews of protest. "Your about to become apprentices, so you need to look nice!" They froze, letting Rosethorn make them look presentable, and once she was done, with eyes filled with gratitude, they padded up to the group, with Timberstar waiting. "Blizzardkit, Falconkit, please step up." They padded up, making no noise on the soft sandy camp flooring. "Falconkit, Blizzardkit, do you both promise to learn and obey the warrior code?" Timberstar paused as Falconkit answered, "I do." while Blizzardkit nodded. "From this day forewards, Blizzardkit, you will be known as Blizzardpaw until you earn your warrior name. Jetfoot, I give you this apprentice to train, and I hope you pass down your loyalty and courage to this young cat." Jetfoot nodded and touched noses to Blizzardpaw. "Falconkit, from this day forewards, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Falconpaw. Flamebreeze, I think it's your time to have an apprentice of your own to share your bravery and honor." Flamebreeze, almost as exited as Falconpaw, touched his nose with hers, and the camp broke out with cheers for the new apprentices. After the noice quieted down, Timberstar continued, "I also think that Falconpaw and Blizzardpaw should come to the gathering with the rest of us." He mewed. The new, young apprentices eyes filled with joy and shock as the leader finished and the clan departed.
Rosethorn's Destiny
ФанфикThis a story I wrote a while ago-- Please ignore the spelling mistakes. This is my first Warriors fan-fic, and I hope you enjoy!