Rosethorn's Destiny

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Rosethorn lay in the nursery beside Silverwing, who was now mates with Blizzardsplash. "I'm getting too old for this," mewed Rosethorn, closing her eyes. She was expecting Darktalon's kits, while Silverwing was nursing Blizzardsplash's kits. Falconblaze was the new deputy of RiverClan, and was very exited. "Hush little ones," Silverwing calmed the three kits at her belly. Snowkit looked exactly like Blizzardfur, she was all white with blue eyes. Then there was Streamkit, who was sliver like her mother, and Cloudkit, who was a grey and white tom. "I'll go get some prey," purred Rosethorn. Leaving the den, she was stopped by her mate. "Your too close to kitting to leave." He said sternly. Rosethorn rolled her eyes. "Then bring me some prey, enough for both of us," mewed the she-cat. Darktalon nodded, then ran off. "Never mind, Darktalon is getting it." Rosethorn mewed to her denmate. Then she felt a sharp kick in her side, "The kits are kicking me again, not long until I start kitting." Rosethorn lay down, then started grooming her belly. There was another kick, followed by another. "I think my kits are coming." Silverwing looked up, alarmed. "Want me to fetch Icestep and Stormwater?" She asked, and Rosethorn nodded. Once they arrived, Stormwater gave her a stick. "Bite this when it hurts." Icestep was feeling her belly, "Three kits Rosethorn. You'll be a mother of five." His sister nodded, grasping the stick in her jaws. "Now!" Mewed Stormwater, and Rosethorn pushed the first kid onto the ground, feeling the stick crunch in her teeth. "A tom, now, again!" The second kit fell to the ground, "A she-kit!" Rosethorn pushed once more, and the stick splintered. "Another she-kit," purred Stormwater, licking all the kits. "They're beautiful," mewed Silverwing. Her kits were brought to her side, and Rosethorn glanced over them all, purring greatly. There was a black one, like the father, a she-kit, a reddish-brown tom like Rosethorn, and a brown she-kit. "The tom will be named Reedkit, the black she-kit will be Nightkit, and the brown she-kit will be named Larkkit." Rosethorn nosed her kits to her belly, who immediately began nursing. Soon Darktalon came in. "They're amazing," he breathed, "What are their names?" Rosethorn nosed each kit in turn, "Reedkit, Larkkit, and Nightkit." She was exhausted, and just wanted to be left alone. Icestep saw this and mewed, "Give her space, she is tired." Darktalon licked her ear, then they left the den, leaving Rosethorn and Silverwing space, and they soon fell asleep.

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