Rosethorn's Destiny

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Rosethorn lay beside Darktalon, who was licking her ears lovingly. They watched their kits, who were now warriors, Nightsong, Reedfang, and Larkwind. They were coming back from hunting, carrying fish in their mouths. "Remember when we were that young?" Rosethorn mewed, croaking. She and Darktalon, along with Owlfur, who had retired as leader, were in the Elders den. Falconstar was leader, and his deputy was Speckledwing, Moonfeather's kit. Across the clearing, Blizzardsplash was laying with his mate, sleeping in the sun. The camp was so peaceful, no signs of enemy clans or foxes and badgers, or twolegs. "I love you, Darktalon." Rosethorn mewed gently. They looked into each others eyes, purring. Rosethorn laid her head down, closing her eyes. She was close to StarClan. But she wanted to survive long enough to make sure her kits would be fine. 'So this is my fate.' The brown and black she-cat thought. "Here," mewed Larkwing gently, dropping her biggest catch beside the elders. "Thank you, Larkwing." Purred Rosethorn, sitting up. The elders began to eat, telling tales to the kits of the clan, about hunting and fighting, and Rosethorn told about the battle on the day she became an apprentice. "Rosepaw! Icepaw! They called our names, and we were just getting ready to leave with our mentors..." The sun shined down, warming the backs and bellies of all the cats in the forest. It was a peaceful day for the clans.

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