Chapter Seven: The Fight

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The both of us reached the quidditch pitch and we found Malfoy sitting on the bleachers.

We walked up to him and I sat down. Cedric remained standing.

"Hey. How are you? Renee told me everything I need to know. How are you holding up?" Cedric asked, worried.

Malfoy stood up and faced Cedric "You..You will be helping me with this but it doesn't necessarily means we're on good terms, Diggory. Remember that."

Cedric furrowed his brow and answered "I ain't doing this to help you Malfoy. I'm doing this for Weasley, Potter, and Granger. Remember that."

They were about to jump at each others' throats so I faked a cough and said "Both of you. Quit it. Fighting over this will NOT help us solve anything. So, let's work thing out okay? You two, make up."

Cedric looked away but offered his hand. Malfoy glared at him before looking at me. I gave him a stern face and he sighed, finally shaking hands with Diggory.

"Better." I said before breaking their linked hands and pulling both of them to sitting position. "Okay. Before we go through everything, we need to learn what each of us know. You first Draco. Tell us everything."

"Well.." He started. "I heard the voice after Hermione came back from the dead. I was walking down the corridors when I first heard the voice. It was a hissing one like a snake. It said 'Come heir, we shall feast. You shall help me rise and I'll give you your heart's greatest desire'. I was stunned at that moment but followed it. It lead me to the second-floor girls lavatory. I entered and it was-"

"You entered a girls' lavatory?!" Cedric interrupted, a smile forming on his lips.

"Shut up Diggory!" Draco snapped. "Well, I did because it's where the voice was coming from!"

I gave Cedric a disapproving look before telling Draco to go on.

Malfoy glared at Diggory before continuing "Well, as I was saying I entered the bathroom and it was quite empty. The wailing girl wasn't there. But the hissing sound grew closer. I walked towards a sink and suddenly, it began to move. Like opening some passage. I was scar- surprised.. So I rushed out of that place as quickly as I could. The following days, the hissing kept on bugging me. One night, it got to the extreme. I dreamed about this lady. She was tall and slim. And undeniably beautiful. She waved her hand and told me to write a message on the corridors' walls. Then there was a blast of light which jolted me awake. I was stunned when I saw my hands are bloody. I didn't know what to do so I followed the lady's orders. I wrote on the wall. I few hours after it was found out, the hissing sounds turned louder. It was like she was whispering in my ears. Then she told me to bring Hermione to her. To get revenge, she said. I don't know what she's talking about but I refused to do so. That's when she..She..Threatened me.. She said she'll kill my family.. "

"The time I found you.." I whispered.

He nodded a little before straightening up "That's just it. That's all I know."

"Is she bothering you still? Right now, do you hear the whispers?" I asked.

"That's funny.. I just realized that no. I haven't heard from her. Since that incident.." He said thinking.

"Okay then if that's all you know. What about you Cedric? I'm sure you've got ears around.Being a prefect and all.. " I said.

"Hmm.." Cedric said, looking thoughtful. "Well, yeah I guess.. There's a word around that the trio, you know, Granger, Potter and Weasley, were found on the same spot. Outside Myrtle's bathroom.. The thing is, if you said that the 'creature' targets muggleborns then...why was Harry and Ron attacked too?"

Before Draco could answer I said, "I think I know.."

"You do?" They both asked.

I dug my toe on the ground and answered "Well.. You see, I..I thought if someone could get to the bottom of this. It would be them so I kinda..Told them about you..Draco.. And they were, I guess..Investigating when they were petrified."

Draco stood up and glowered at me "You..You go walking around spilling my secrets to everyone."

"I was just trying to help!" I snapped.

"Help? Trying to help? Then look at what your help ended up doing! Three students petrified and it's all because you told them to act as superheroes trying to save me! To tell you the truth, I actually think all of this is YOUR fault!" He shouted.

Cedric was now looking back and forth between me and Malfoy. I stood up and faced Draco "My fault? How is it my fault?!"

"You think just because you are in gryffindor it means you can save everyone! Just QUIT on trying to help me, Sparks! Because in fact, you're NOT helping to solve the problems. You're helping to make matters worse!"

"I'm not trying to help or save you, Malfoy. I'm risking my life not because of you! Why would I? After all, you've been a complete jerk to me all these time! Why would I want to save you? I'm doing this for my friends. Not because of some ungrateful cretin like you!" I shouted before storming off.

~I will not cry. I will not cry. He's just some insensitive jerk who's not worthy of my tears. I will not cry..~

But as I set foot on the Hogwarts castle, tears flowed unwanted.

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