Chapter Eight: Trip To The Lavatory

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Later that afternoon, I was walking down the corridors trying to maintain being invisible. Then I heard a soft hissing sound. My eyes widened in surprise and I started to run. But it looks like I ran closer than farther from it because it grew louder.

"You're nexssssst..."

I looked around and noticed I was in front of Myrtle's bathroom. I almost dropped the mythology books I was holding. I could be petrified any second now.

~Don't go! That's suicide!!~

But deciding against my thought, I entered the bathroom with eyes closed, ready to die any second. But there was nothing. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. It's as normal as any other bathrooms at Hogwarts except that this one is less kept. There were cobwebs and I swear I saw a mouse ran past. Taking a deep breath, I called out.

"Myrtle? Myrtle are you here?" I said.

There was silence before I felt a cold gust of wind pass through my body. Then she was in front of me.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked.

"Can I talk to you for a while? I promise this will be fast." I pleaded. "Please.. It's important.."

"Okay. I have nothing to do anyway. So what do you want to know?" She said.

I was surprised that she agreed so quickly but I took the chance before it slips away, "well, I need to know what you saw. Over there." I said pointing to the row of sinks.

"Ahh.. you're here for the Chamber of Secrets aren't you?" She said.

I nodded. "Yeah. I heard you saw it move and knowing that you rarely go out, what do you know about Harry, Ron, and Hermione's petrification?"

"Hmm.." She thought, floating for a while "Well, that was true. I was just here in my toilet when I saw the sink split open and I heard this hissing sound. Then, a tall woman came out. She was hidden under a cloak but I'm sure that she's slim and fit. She turned around and I must say that she's very very beautiful. Oh how I wish I could be like her. But there's something funny about her..

"And that is?" I asked curiously.

"Her locks. Instead of hair, there were snakes. Hundred or even thousands of little snakes. But they didn't bite her. In fact she even talks to them. Aside from that, another thing was her eyes. When I looked at it, I felt...drained. It seems like I was dying for the second time. Oh it was horrible. But I was still there. Not really dead because I already AM!" She shouted the last word before floating away, filling the whole lavatory with her shrieks, wails, and sobs.

I knew I was pushing my lock by staying here for more than a minute but I followed her inside her cubicle and asked as nicely as I could. "Can you go on? Please??"

"Why should I tell you!?! It will bring nothing for me! For I am already dead!!No! I'm not saying anything else!" She snapped.

I pleaded again and it seems like she was already losing her temper. She flew towards me and filled my lungs with cold air. I dropped the books I was holding and clutched my throat. I coughed like crazy and said "What was that for?!"

But she wasn't paying attention to me. She was looking at the mythology book that was turned open. She tried to reach over but her slender fingers just passed through it.

"That perfectly carved nose. I'd know it anywhere. I want to be like this too.. Except for the hair.. And her eyes.. her creepy, life-sucking eyes. It shined like those of a sneaky snake..It's her. It is her who I saw emerging from the chamber.." She said, gazing at the photograph in the book.

I was irritated a little and I said "What are you talking about? Who?" Then I looked over her shoulder and I stood there, frozen.

Then it hit me. I should've figured out earlier just from Myrtle's description. The hair and the eyes. It's her. No doubt. I have gotten our creature and she is not just like any creature. She is thousands of years old and was practically already dead but being immortal, she was reborned over and over again. She was once very beautiful and had many suitors. But because of an unknown scandal which was being debated by many philosophers and historians, she was turned into a monster. A monster that is now living in the depths of the chamber of secrets at our school Hogwarts.

"Bingo. I guess I have our creature figured out." I whispered.

Quickly, I picked up my books and headed towards the library in search for some information about our new monster.


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