Chapter Four: Stone Statues

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"Renee!! Earth to Renee!!"

Suddenly snapping out of my daze, I saw Hermione waving her hand in front of my face. "Uh..sorry what?" 

"I said, can I have some parchment? " Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Oh..sure" I said handing some over.

She took it and placed it on the table. We were at the gryffindor common room working out our homeworks. Well, she was actually. Not me.. I'm still preoccupied about the Draco thingy..

"Hey, Renee. What's wrong? You seem out of yourself today. Problem?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

~Should I confess??~

I thought for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Okay I'll tell you. But this is top secret. We need to go someplace where no one can hear us."

She thought for a moment and decided "I believe that the girls' dormitories are empty right now."

I nodded and dragged her upstairs.


"Okay. Now would you tell me what's going on?" Hermione asked me.

I looked around to make sure no one's eavesdropping before finally telling her everything. She just listened intently, nodding and gasping at some parts. When I finished, I asked her "What are we gonna do? I know he's a jerk and everything but if you could only see his face. You'll be desperate to help him. Please Hermione. Besides, you guys figured out the mystery of the chamber during your second year. I'm sure you can do it again."

"What do you mean we? YOU are going with US." She declared.

My eyes widened and I shook my head "Oh no. no no no. NO. I'm not like you guys. I'm not brave, Wonders why I'm in gryffindor. I'm not like you guys. I'll just die trying in the process. I'd just be another luggage for all of you. I'll be there but I won't be able to help. Not at all."

"So, you're saying that you want to save Draco but you wouldn't want to lift a finger? Now THAT's unfair." She told me.

"That's not what I meant. I want to help him that's why I don't want to come. If I do, I'll just bring you guys down." I said with a sigh.

She put an arm around my shoulder and said "Okay. Don't worry Renee. We'll manage. But I need to tell this to Harry and Ron you know. I can't do this without them."

I nodded slowly and smiled "Thanks Hermione. Very much." I gave her a light hug before she stood up.

"Now, I need to go see the boys. You'll be fine?"

I nodded again and she waved at me before descending the stairs. Instantly, I felt like a huge rock has been lifted from my chest. That's the good thing in having Hermione as a friend. She always makes me feel better.


That night when I was sleeping, I bolted upright when I heard murmurs and I saw everyone standing up. They were heading down the common room. Everyone seems frightened. I stepped outside the portrait hole and saw everyone was stirring. I followed the crowd until I saw them heading to the hospital wing. My jaw literally dropped when I saw what they are looking at. 

"Ma'am. Wh-what happened.." I asked, shaking violently.

"Ms. Sparks. You're trembling! Come come." Madame Pomfrey said.

But I moved out of her grip. Instead, I headed over three stone statues that were placed on beds. I stood there frozen. Tears came springing from my eyes. I was the reason why they're in such state. It was my fault. I was still standing beside the beds when I heard a shriek.

"Where? Where is he? Where's Ron?" 

Fleur came rushing beside me and she threw her arms around the stone Ron. I backed away slowly, shaking my head. Not believing that this was happening. I ran outside the hospital wing. I ran and ran and ran until I reached the quidditch field pitch. I sat on the bleachers and sobbed quietly. 

~It's all my fault. I knew I'd put them in danger. Now what would happen to them. I shouldn't have asked Hermione to do this in the first place.It's all my fault.~

Then out of nowhere someone offered me a handkerchief. I looked up with tears-stained eyes and saw Draco staring down at me. I looked away and wiped my tears quickly with the back of my hand but he sat beside me and turned my chin to him.Then he wiped my face with his handkerchief and opened my palm where he placed the piece of cloth before closing my fingers around it. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you into this." He stood up and quickly walked away, disappearing into darkness.

I looked at the cloth that I was holding with my hand. That guy I just saw. It was TOTALLY not Draco. In fact, I can't believe he is the one that I've seen days ago. But if he still is Draco, I'm plenty glad of his change. Then there, like an idiot, a smile formed from my lips.

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