Chapter Six: Into the Dungeons

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The next day, I woke up very very early. I dragged myself out of bed and did everything I need to do. I was still half asleep when I walked towards the dungeons. Even though Draco looks like a lazy git, I'm pretty sure he's one early bird. How do I know? I don't have a clue. I stood in front of a wall and that's when  realized that I don't know their password.

"Bloody Hell!" I exclaimed.

Before I went here, I noticed that it's still dark outside. I must have gotten here waaaaaay too early. I sat down in front of the wall, determined to talk to Draco the first thing in the morning. He gotta know the plan I came up. I stayed up very late last night, thinking. No wonder as soon as I sat down, I began nodding my head off, until I couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep in sitting position.


I opened my eyes and stifled a yawn. I stretched a bit and noticed that I was lying in bed. My trip to the dungeons must have been a dream. And the sun is already up. I missed Draco! 

~Bloody Merlin's beard!!~ 

I got up from bed and felt the floor with my feet, looking for my slippers. When I noticed it wasn't there, I dropped on all fours and looked underneath. It was further there so I crawled inside to reach for it. When I finally got hold of the pair, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, you're awake." 

I was so startled that I hit my head on the bed. Ow. I crawled out of it and rubbed my head. My eyes widened into the size of saucers when I saw Draco standing, towering over me.

"What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, fully awake now.

"I should be asking you the same question. What were you doing outside our common room?" He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I blinked several times and I gasped as I realized that I was inside the Slytherin common room! I looked around and noticed the light was in the shade of green. It was low-ceilinged plus skulls and greenish lamps were found everywhere. There were lots of low backed, black and dark green leather sofas and dark wood cupboards. Medieval tapestries are hung on the rough stone walls of the dungeon. I felt mesmerized by the grand atmosphere but I can't help but consider it as an eerie and cold one too.

"Well?" Draco asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Uhmm..Draco, we've gotta talk." I told him, quite uneasy being there.

"Then talk away. The room's quite empty." He said setting down on a nearby chair.


"What about me?" 

"We're going to help you. With your secret. We're going to get to the bottom of this."

"Wait a minute.'we' ? Who are you referring to?" He asked, confused.

"Me and Diggory." 

"What?! How did he know? You told him didn't you?" He stood up, enraged.

For a minute, I felt scared and nervous but remembering I'm in gryffindor, I sat straighter and said "I did. But he is willing to help. And I've got a plan..kinda.."

"I told you my secret because I thought you were worthy of my trust but it doesn't seem like it." He glared before starting to walk away.

~He...trusted me??~

"Draco. Draco wait!" I called out, making a grab for his arm.

He turned around to face me and before he could say another word, I beat him into it. "You can't do this alone, Malfoy. And you know it. I have no other choice but to help you out because you trusted me. And please. Do trust me again. I won't fail you." I let go of him and he stood rooted to his place.

"I-I guess you're right." He said after a few seconds. "So will we be meeting him?" 

A small smile flashed on my lips but I quickly put it away and changed it into a serious look before nodding. "But we gotta be low-key. I'm going to try and find him. Wait for us in the quidditch pitch. I'm sure it's empty. We'll be there." 

He gave me a slight nod and I went out in search of Cedric.


I found him in the library, reading. I walked up to him and touched his shoulder lightly.

He gave a light jump and turned to face me. "My, Renee! You gave me quite a scare."

"Sorry." I said, sitting at a chair beside him. "Hey, what are you reading? You seem so engrossed in it."

He chuckled and answered "Greek mythology. It's just so..wonderful. I never thought I'd like this story about gods and goddesses. Not to mention the different ancient monsters and creatures."

I nodded slightly, knowing what he meant. I'm a fan of Greek Mythology myself and I've got tons of books about it. But right now, we have more serious matters to deal with.

"Hey Cedric." I whispered, leaning a bit closer to him. "Sorry to bother but remember what we talked about yesterday?"

His face turned serious and he nodded. "Yeah. I do. What's the plan?" He closed the book and tucked it under his arm.

I bit my lip before answering "Not much of a plan but I've finally convinced Draco to let us help him. We gotta meet him up in the quidditch pitch."

"Okay then." We both stood up and headed outside.

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