Midnight Life

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It's almost eerie in town when no one is around. The shops are dark and the streets are only lit by an occasional street lamp. But in all of it's darkness, there is peace and ease in being alone. I walked by all of the shops that I had already passed earlier in the day. The candy store, the book store, the grocery store. Finally I sat down on an old bench next to one of the only clothing stores that they have in Puente Antiguo. It's filled with crappy fabric t-shirts and worn down jeans. I'm honestly surprised they're still in business.

I looked across the street at the comic book shop that this boy in my school works at. I recognize him when I go in there occasionally. The shop's window is lined with neatly stacked novels about Spider Man and Super Man and all of the usuals. It gives off a pretty down to earth vibe and makes you want to enter even if you aren't a fan of comic books, plus the workers are always up for a good chat.

I almost didn't notice the person sit down on the bench next to me. Startled, I quickly whipped my head to the side to examine the stranger. He looked so oddly familiar. He slowly turned his head to face mine and I his face lit up with instant recognition. "I saw you earlier," he stated, "You were walking down town."

"And you are?" I questioned. This boy seemed about my age, maybe a year older.

"My name's Loki." He said with a gorgeous smile.

"Loki? Like the Loki from all of those myths and legends. Damn, I feel bad for you. That's one messed up name."

He frowned for a second but then shook it off. "What do you mean 'myths and legends'?" he asked, curious.

I started laughing. "You mean, you've never heard of the old Norse mythology legends? With Thor, his kingdom, and his ass-hole brother-"

"Excuse yourself." He interrupted with a scowl.

"Sorry, not used to the language?"

"More like not used to the humans." he muttered in response.

We sat there for a few minutes, not talking or even looking at each other. This boy was strange, really strange. He was very enchanting though, with a gorgeous smile and beautiful blue eyes that shone even in the darkness. I'm honestly surprised I had a conversation with him, as he's probably one of the most popular boys at whatever school he goes to.

After a while I stood up, this situation was getting awkward and I had a Friday night to waste. Without a word I turned and started walking away from 'Loki the Kind Stranger' and towards the empty school.

"Are you leaving?" He asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Yep!" I cheerily shouted back to him.

"I didn't catch your name!" He called out into the darkness.

"Goodbye!" I yelled back to him. He didn't need my name.

The school looked dark on the inside, and I was honestly afraid of whatever my imagination could make up living in there so I stayed far away from the building and just hopped the fence into the courtyard where my favorite place to go was. I made my way to the back of the outdoor area where a few trees formed a circle around a tiny section of grass, just perfect enough for me and maybe enough room for another to sit.

 I patted the grass down and made myself comfy. I planned on staying for a while, so why not make the best of it? I hadn't brought a book or anything since it was too dark to read, so I just laid down and looked up through the small circle opening that the trees made and looked up at the stars. The billions and billions of stars. Sometimes I like to think that there are other worlds up there. Like there are different people and other civilizations just like us, living an average day and having an average life. Sometimes I wonder if I would fit in better over there, or if I was just meant to be on that planet with those people. But then I stop wondering because it hurts my head.

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