Chapter 2

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I was awoken by the carriage suddenly jolting. It didn't bother me, that I had been woken up, I could see that it wouldn't be that much longer until the journey would be over.

I decided that to pass the time I could just read some of the school books. This wasn't something that I was used to doing; I prefer to go into class not having a clue and it all being a surprise. I picked up the book labelled 'advanced potion making' and began reading it. I decided to revise potions as it is the only subject I have a hard time understanding and I'm not in top set for. The quality of education at Beauxbatons is extremely high, therefore making it extremely difficult to understand if you fall behind. Although, I was in classes with people two years older than me, so hopefully I would be fine here in the correct year group.

I quickly looked through the main points of what we were studying and then put the book down, relieved as I understood everything. I would've continued looking though the books, but instead, I just stared out of the window, taking in the beauty of Scotland. Misty began to copy my actions as she got up from my lap and looked over in the same direction.

After a while of looking into the fading pink and orange sky, the sun slowly sinking behind the mountains, we saw a silhouette of a magnificent castle against the tranquil scene. A lake surrounded the castle, calm and still, reflecting the image of beautiful building.

It was such a simple place, but the simplicity was one of the thing that made it so beautiful. It was so very old, it had housed students for well over a thousand years, and that was probably the most amazing thing about it.

The amount of sentimental value it would've had to so many children over the years. Considering how much Beauxbatons means to me, if Hogwarts meant anywhere near as much as that, then it would be one of the most valuable places to ever exist.

While I had been thinking about the castle, the carriage had fully descended.

I got a hold of my book, threw it in my school bag, propped that on my shoulder, carefully picked up Misty and excitedly opened the carriage door.

I took my first step onto the school grounds and smiled realising that after: making the decision of whether this would be the right choice, all the chaos of everything being sorted out and countless meetings with teachers, I was finally here.

Just as I was about to start making way to the entrance, an old man in a light blue robe with a long white beard and crescent glasses appeared.

"Welcome to Hogwarts miss Ravenclaw." He said. Considering the fact he knew my name and what I looked like, I was guessing that he was the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.

"Thank you, its lovely to be here. The school seems marvelous. I'm guessing your Professor Dumbledore." I said whilst extending my hand for him to shake. "Just making sure, my suitcases will be brought to the dorm, because I don't think I have the strength to carry everything at the moment."

"Yes they will be brought later. Now would you, please, follow me." He said while shaking my hand. Dumbledore started to lead me through the school gates and into the colossal castle. Although it was absolutely extraordinary on the outside, it was even more so on the inside.

The entrance hall was grand, immense in size, flaming torches lined the walls, being the only light in the, somewhat, dim room.

Professor Dumbledore continued leading me through the hall over to an empty chamber. "Alina, please, take a seat. I have to go to the main hall for the beginning of the feast, you won't miss anything. Professor McGonagall should be here soon with all the other students that need to be sorted. Goodbye." And he left the room. I had internally winced at the mentioning of that word - goodbye. Whether it had been used just like that or not, I just couldn't stand it.

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