The Walk

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*Andy's POV*

I went out for a walk to see what was near the venue with Ashley. It was such a nice day. I heard that Sammi was going to take pictures of the venue and the scenery.

"Andy? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we didn't get signed?" Ashley sat down on a hill and just looked at the clouds. I did the same.

"I haven't really thought about it. I mean this was my only dream. I didn't have a plan B. Do you ever wonder where me and Juni would have been if we didn't break up?"

"I'd think that you guys would still be the same couple just a bit more serious. I'm surprised that you guys aren't awkward around each other and that you're still close."

"That's true. What if we didn't find Juni? What would have happened to Jake?"

"I don't really know. I guess Jake would have gotten a lot worse and maybe Juni wouldn't find him until it was either too late or just made it to save Jake. I mean, I try not to think about what might have happened to Jake. I'm just glad he's here and that we have him."

"You're right. Hey, do you think we should head back so we can get ready?"

"Yeah. The show starts soon and John is probably going to yell at us if we're not back."

We got up and walked back to the bus. There was an alley and me and Ash yelled down it because it's fun. And the echo is pretty cool. I went to the shower and it surprisingly worked. Ashley went to his bunk to rest for a bit. Jinxx was sleeping with Sammi and Juni fell asleep on Jake who looked sleep deprived. CC was calling Lauren. I got dressed for the show. I'd put the war paint on when we got inside the venue. I went to wake up Jake and Juni.

"Hey. Jake get your ass up." I shoved Jake. He whipped his arm at me and groaned. I dodged it.

"Jake. Wake up we have a show to play."

"Alright. Give me a minute." Jake grumbled. I went to the couch and CC went to the bathroom to get ready. Ashley came out all ready. He must have gotten ready in the back area.

"Is Jinxx still sleeping?" I looked at Ashley as he sat by the mini kitchen area.

"Umm. I think so. The curtain was closed so I couldn't tell. It was oddly quiet in there to."

"Okay. I'll get Jake to check on him, JAKE!"




"Geez. You guys are so fucking loud." Ashley whined.

"Sucks to be you." I shrugged.

"What did you get Juni for her birthday?"

"Some Batman stuff and a mic with angel wings on it. She already got Jake's guitar. You?"

"Nice. Me and CC got her drum sticks and a bass. I think she'll really like the bass. I know I do."

"Cool. Has Jinxx found the ring yet?"

"Not yet. He was planning on going Saturday with Juni and CC. This way she doesn't get suspicious if it's just him and Juni. CC has everything all planned out." This wasn't our brightest to openly talk about gifts and wedding shit but shit happens.

"Cool. Wanna pass me some water?"

"Sure." Ashley opened the fridge and tossed the water to me.

"Hey Ashy. Hey Lion." Juni smiled.

"Hey Wolf Tiger. Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Did you hear about Sammi?"

"What about her?"

"She almost got raped in the alley by the venue." I looked at Ashley with wide eyes. We passed that alley and yelled down it.


"What's wrong Lion?"

"Me and Ash walked by that alley and yelled down it. We had no clue that she was even there it was quiet and dark."

"Fuck. It's okay because I think your yell scared the guy off."

"I guess there was some hero shit that came out of that yell." Ashley looked to Juni.

"I'm going to check on Sammi." Juni left and CC and Jake came out.

"Hola! muchachos!" Of course CC is speaking in Spanish.

"Hi CC."

"What's up?" CC grabbed 2 Monsters. Not again.

"Why are you grabbing two monsters?"

"One for now and one for the show. God. You guys think I'm a total idiot."

"Dude you ate just wasabi and like to walk around naked. You've done some pretty crazy shit." Jake walked in and hit CC on the head.

"Whatever. Where's Jinxx?"

"Still in his bunk. Sammi isn't doing so hot. She's pretty shaken up."

"What happened?"

"Almost got raped."



"Should we just meet Jinxx in the meet and greet area? Or all go?"

"Hey guys." Jinxx just came out of nowhere all ready. All we have to do now is put on our war paint.

"Are the girls coming?" Jake nodded.

"Yeah. They'll be out soon. You guys go ahead. Me and Jinxx are gonna wait for them." I nodded and left with CC and Ashley.

"What are we playing today?"

"I'll ask John. I think we're either doing the whole album or just half of it picking songs."



"When's the meet and greet?"

"I think at 6:30. We have the show at 7:20 so yea."


CC being CC yelled, "This will be awesome!" What are we going to do with him?

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