Girl Meets High School

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"Riley, wake up!"
I wake up to my bed shaking. I feel so sleepy.
"Earthquake! Earthquake!" I scream, my eyes still shut.
"Very funny, Riles." My best friend, Maya, sounds somewhat defeated as she plops down on my bed.
"It's the first day of high school! I'm so nervous and excited at the same time."
I decide it's time to get up. I sit up and yawn.
"I'm kinda nervous too." I reach for Maya's hand and give it a squeeze.
"But we've gone through middle school together, and I'm positive we can get through high school together. It's gunna be so fun!" I squeal.
"Yeah, it is!" Maya seems reassured.
"Now go get ready, bedhead." Maya teases.
"Okayy" I slide off my comfortable bed.
I prepared an outfit to wear the night before because I wanted to be as prepared as possible. This is high school we're talking about. The beginning of my life, basically!
"Go ahead, I'll turn around!" Maya chuckles as my pajama pants slid down my thighs.
For some reason that makes me laugh so hard because Maya and I have changed in front of eachother so many times. Maya always cracks me up, one of the many things I adore about her.

I manage to take the last bites of my oatmeal.
"Maya and I really have to go, mom!" I grab my backpack.
"I know, but in my eyes you'll always be my little cutie. You're growing up! I can't believe it's already your first day of high school!" My mom, Topanga, grabs my cheeks and tenderly kisses them.
"Ahh, I know. I'm so nervous!" I sigh.
"Well I'm not! I was born ready for this! I'm finally a grown woman!" Maya chimes in, grinning.
"Well then, you should be on your way. I love you, sweetie. Good luck!" My mom waves as Maya and I head out.
Abigail Adams High School is crowded, with squealing students hugging eachother and catching up after summer break.
"Riley! Maya! Ladies!" Farkle, one of our best friends, runs up to Maya and I and pulls us into a tight hug.
"Farkle, you came through Riley's window yesterday! And spoke about your new space telescope, remember?!" Maya groans. Farkle knows how much she values her personal space, but chooses to violate it anyway. I don't really mind tight hugs, especially from Farkle. He gives the best hugs.
"Aww Farkle I still missed you during the 12 hour difference!" I playfully tousled his soft brown hair.
"Thanks, Riles. At least someone in this friend group appreciates me." Farkle coyly grinned.
"Ugh, get a room! Freaking lovebirds!" Maya rolled her eyes and made vomiting noises.
I giggled as I set up my assigned green metal locker and put some folders in.
Maya always joked about Farkle having a crush on me, but I knew his mind was pretty much set on Smackle. Anyway, I had Lucas. Or so I thought.

I turned around to see the handsome, tall Texan boy, my handsome, Texan boy hugging my blonde bombshell best friend.
"Oh, hey Lucas!" I tucked a brown strand of hair behind my hair and faked a huge smile. It seems like I've been doing that a lot lately.
"Riley!" Lucas enveloped me in a tight hug and picked me up.
It made my heart flutter and cheeks get hot.
Everything cooled down, however, when I saw Maya looking down at her phone. With the amount of scrolling she was doing and the way her eyes refused to look up I understood that she was hurt.
Ring ring ring
"Hey, Ranger Rick, Riles, the bell just rung! Let's bounce all the way to history!" Maya said, feigning enthusiasm.
Lucas' eyes darted from me to Maya. I caught a glimpse of Smackle and Farkle walking in front, leaving Lucas, Maya and I to walk in an awkward trio. An awkward triangle.
What a nice start to high school.
I gritted my teeth.

"Welcome back, kids! Or should I say teenagers! Welcome to high school!" My dad is overly energetic. The whole class is buzzing with excitement.

My dad, Cory was a middle school history teacher, my history teacher and he has went out of his way to ensure he is my history teacher for as long as possible. I didn't mind it, though, because he always made the lessons fun and relatable to our own lives.

"So how was your breaks?" My dad asked.
A few hands went up as Dad fake coughed. "Okay, um, I don't care let's get right to the lesson!" My dad chuckled as everyone groaned, opening up fresh marble composition notebooks and shiny binders.
"So today we will learn about..." My dad did a little drum roll on his desk with pencils. I did a mini face palm- my dad is such a dork. "The events following after the American Revolution!"
"After the American Revolution, victory sure felt great. However, the people realized that they had to start a nation, they had to begin at a fresh start. They had overcome Britain but had to face changes and the power of their choices. After all, these decisions would affect the future of their country. The founding fathers had to decide what type of country they wanted to live in, what type of morals and values they believed America should have."
Smackle's hand shot up in the air.
"Yes, Miss Smackle?" Dad called on her.
"So, the victory was positive but there were many things that needed to be resolved?" She asked.
"Yes" My dad and Farkle answered at the same time.
"Thanks, Farkle, for the echo" my dad chuckled.
Farkle gave Smackle one of his nice smiles. I glanced at Lucas and he also grinned.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur. As i tucked myself into bed that night, I looked out at the moonlight rushing in from my huge bay window.
I thought about starting over, and the possibility of having a new life full of choices. I thought about my dad's history lesson and Lucas and Maya. I also realized that I haven't made any new friends today. I've stuck close by Farkle and Maya and Lucas and Zay and Smackle but haven't ventured out. I felt like that should be different. Before I knew it, my swarm of thoughts was ended by the welcome of sleep after an exhausting day.

Author's Note:
HEY GUYSSS!!! Sooo this is the first chapter of my Riarkle fanfic!!1!! There isn't much action or drama or .... romance yet but this was just that introductory chapter and the beginning of high school so yah. I am so excited about this and I'm also exhausted because I am actually in high school. I'm a freshmen lmao but frosh year is almost done so. I hope u guys keep reading and like it!!!
Love u ,
Diana <3 <3
P.S. You can follow my tumblr dominant-female and my Twitter : dianadollarsign :-))))

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