Girl Meets 'I Like Farkle'

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"Good morning, lovely family." I chirp as I step into the kitchen. It's November, and the weather has gotten cooler.

"Good morning sweetie," My parents greet. My mom is pouring syrup over her pancakes while my dad is already devouring his.

I silently chew my pancakes. This last week has been kind of another mess. This was a different problem than the ones I've dealt with this school year so far. The Halloween dance kept replaying in my head, and I felt that there was something so different. I kept thinking about Farkle and his hug and the slow dance and...

"Riley! What's on your mind?!" My dad interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah, Riley! You seem devastated." Auggie says.

"Devastated? Since when does he use these big words?" I ask quickly, trying to change the subject.

"You seem concerned, honey!" My mom takes a sip of her orange juice and says, "Always remember that we are always here if you need to talk about anything. Also, you're on the right track. Your grades are improving and it really looks like you're getting the hang of high school. You're doing much better than you think."

"Thanks, mom! That means so much." I say.

I'm on the right track. That's a little hard to believe, but I'll take it.

"Well, I should be headed off to school. See you guys later!" I say as I grab my backpack and head out the door.


"Good morning, class!" My dad greets the class as we file into history.

Okay, Riley all you have to do is look down. And avoid looking at Farkle, and his dreamy brown eyes....

I look up from my notebook and I see him walk in.

I try to avoid looking at Farkle and pretend I don't notice him as he takes his seat behind me.

Before I know it, class flies by and it's time for me to head to English. My mood is lifted because I also have English with Farkle so that means I'll get to see him!

I try to climb the long flight of stairs quickly, but he catches up to me.

"Riley!" Farkle smiles softly.

Why does that make my knees all weak??

"Farkle!" I can't contain my grin.

"What'd you think of the essay? I procrastinated kind of badly on it." Farkle says.

"Oh, right, same." I say.

"Yeah... English is hard." Farkle casually just talks about class, which throws me off a little.

Doesn't he think about the dance too, or am I just the only one who feels different?


"Calm down, Riley. You've got this!" Lucy tries to reassure me. We have a big volleyball game in 15 minutes, and I'm so anxious.

"But what if I suddenly suck? And what if when its my turn to serve I don't make it over the net? That'll be sooo embarassing!" I shriek.

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