Carnophobia || Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen
-I hope you're happy with yourself-

Nate woke up his back against a tree his hair a mess and windswept. He bit his lip and sighed, his cheeks had the ghost of his tears still running down his face.

Memories of everything flooded through his heads making him sniffle slightly from the cold air.

❝What have I done wrong, do I truly deserve this?❞ He called out desperately.

❝You lied,❞ a female voice replied to his calls, ❝however Nathan Sharp we all lie sometimes.❞

She appeared almost as if out of nowhere, Shannon jumped down from the tree,
❝I thought I'd let you sleep, Matt doesn't hate you, just thought you'd want to know that.❞

❝Now you're the liar,❞ Nate commented bluntly.

❝Lying can be easier than admitting to the truth, it can even saved lives. In my opinion telling the truth can be a sin.❞

The female lent against the tree her eyes glancing off to the side as if the words exiting her mouth weren't really hers.

Mark and Jack came up the hill panting from the climb, sweat dripping from their foreheads as they balanced against each other praying they didn't fall down the hill.

❝NATE!❞ The Irish male yelled jumping slightly as he ran up and hugged the ebony not caring about what had happened a mere few hours ago.

You'll just hurt him
I know you Nate
One bite won't hurt

Shannon pushed herself off the tree and balanced on Nate when Jack released him from his death hug.


That one word scared the ebony, did she know what was going through his head, did somehow this girl understand him.

Mark gave the cannibal a friendly smile,
❝Nate we've been so worried!❞

He recoiled from the male as if he'd slapped him.

❝STOP! Just stop I'm a monster! I want everyone to stop lying to me... I've either been a monster or an outcast maybe I'm both, but all I want is for you to stop lying to me!❞ The carnophobic screeched.

He was sick, sick of everything but most of all he was sick of living if that's what you could call it. Everything was in black and white and moved slowly, he could hear every breath he took but it didn't feel like his.

❝Nate, we're human of course we lie it doesn't hurt as much,❞ the dark haired female stated softly squeezing his shoulder.

Jack nodded,
❝You're human too pal.❞

The ebony took a few steps away from them, his mind screaming and battering insults at him, he didn't want to hurt them but he was afraid he would.

They don't really care
Nathan join us
Just take one bite
Maybe from the girl she looks like she doesn't have much to live for

Come on be a real cannibal

Get your revenge on Matthew Patrick!

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