Chapter Nine

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Josey couldn't stop playing with her new power. Mayim said that Josey was born with it, that it was always with her and just she didn't know how to use it. But it was new to Josey and she played with it like a kid's new toy on Christmas morning and she kept using it in every moment of free time.

Even now, Delia had Josey watch over the shop, while she worked some more on her latest creation. It was a slower part of the day and Josey was instructed to show potential clients articles of clothing and to bring Delia if they wanted to buy. Josey prayed it wouldn't come to that. She did start her watch responsibly, but as the minutes ticked by and no customer; Josey had started to amuse herself with pushing a pen back and forth without using her hands. It had carried on to the point that Josey was sitting behind the counter, where before she was standing watch, with the pen twirling gently in a ball of water; both of her hands on either side keeping it in place. She hadn't figured out how to make a big rush like before, despite the few extra minutes of training with Mayim until she started nodding off, but learned enough to do a few small tricks. Holding the pen in place now was taking more concentration than Josey realized. Which is why she didn't register the mind of the mer who had come into the shop.

Is anyone here? The mermaid asked.

Josey jumped, sending the pen flying under a shelf.

Hello, how may I- Josey thought shooting herself straight up remembering what Delia taught her to say, but stopping mid thought when she saw the young mermaid before her.

Mariella looked different than the last time Josey saw her. Her dark hair was in a low bun this time held together with small clusters of shells with a few soft locks of hair left floating around her ears. She was wearing a long cream off the shoulder top that stopped just shy of her hips. Josey noted that that was the closest thing to a dress she had seen anyone wear. Josey might've carried on thinking about more cultural differences between humans and merpeople if it weren't for the aura Mariella carried with her. It didn't seem like determined to the point of violence like they're last meeting had been. Her eyes carried dark bags and she held Josey's gaze for only so long before going to one of the display racks and fumbling through the merchandise.

Josey waited for the shock to wear off, but when it stayed in place after a few silent moments she decided to push through it.

If you have an issue with me, please don't take it out on the shop. Josey thought tensely.

I have two escorts waiting for me outside ready to report anything I do back to my mother. Mariella responded softly, her eyes on the shirt in her hands instead of on Josey. I've come to apologize for the little tussle we had last week.

By "little tussle" do you mean breaking and entering, accusing me of theft, and threatening me? Josey thought holding back the anger that replaced the shock she felt a moment ago. Josey didn't let herself think about it, but she hated what she felt that night. Defenseless, helpless, like a victim. Over the years Josey has become pretty good at pushing back feelings she didn't want to deal with, but with the cause of her rage just ten feet from her made her want to do more than pushing around a pen.

You had a noble pearl and I didn't recognize you as anyone among noble society. It was logical to think you stole it. Mariella's thoughts were still soft, but had a twinge of defensiveness to them.

Like it was logical to break into someone's house? Josey asked, her thoughts feeling heavier than a stone.

I thought this was a thief's house. Mariella looked up and met Josey's eyes. Besides what noble would be living here?

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