Aries: starts a fight then apologizes after 5 minutes
Taurus: takes you out to dinner every night
Gemini: is cool with what ever as long as your both happy
Cancer: what to be the center of your attention all the time
Leo: Netflix and chill with no Netflix account
Virgo: let's you be in their presence
Libra: takes you home to the family
Scorpio: constant play fighting
Sagittarius: leads you on and can't commit
Capricorn: all in or nothing at all, don't waste their time
Aquarius: trying to impress you and find something new 24/7
Pisces: you'll love them quicker than they care
Zodiac signs
RandomRandom things about your zodiac signs. Some might be weird so don't say I didn't warn you. p.s. I'm a Libra.