Shit the signs say when their family is visting

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Aries- So, no offense, but when are you leaving?

Taurus- Did you bring me anything?

Gemini- I have so many things to update you on!!

Cancer- You said you'd be here at 3? It's not 3? I'm still cleaning.

Leo-God, I am not fucking feeding all of you.

Virgo- I got you a gift! (always hand sanitizer or lotion for some reason?)

Libra- What are we doing today? Are we going out?

Scorpio- I'm so happy to see........some of you.

Sagittarius- Heyyyyy, it's been so long since I last saw you! *leaves*

Capricorn- If you ask me about school/work I will slit your throat open

Aquarius- Something is different about you........but I can't put my finger on it

Pisces- I just hope nobody fights. I hate when they fight.


This is the last chapter.😢
I didn't get a lot of views but I had fun writing this.😄


Zodiac signs Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora