Chapter One

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It was another warm summer day, the late August sun high in the sky and the fans in the Brooklyn station did nothing more than move the hot, stale air around. Officer Regina Mills leaned back in her hard office chair as she placed her booted feet on top of the desk and laced her fingers behind her head. Things had been slow all morning and she had yet to be called out on patrol, but that didn't stop her from watching the clock as the lunch hour drew near.

She sighed in annoyance as her phone began to ran and she dropped her feet to the floor and picked it up hastily. "Officer Mills speaking."

"Hello Officer Mills, I'm calling you about the sheriff's position in Storybrooke that you applied for a few weeks ago," a woman with a soft voice said over the line. "I'm pleased to pass on the news that you have been selected for an interview with Mayor Robert Gold."

"Oh?" Regina sat forward in her chair, pleasantly surprised and perplexed. She cleared her throat as she looked around at the other officers seated at their desks nearby and a small smile quickly curled over her lips. "That is wonderful news. When will I be expected for the interview?"

"Mayor Gold is on his way to New York City as we speak. He's arranged for a suite at the Hilton to conduct the interview. I have you slotted into his schedule for noon tomorrow."

"Okay, that's great," Regina said, the small smile growing into a grin. "Can I get the address, ma'am? There are quite a few Hilton hotel's here in the city."

The woman on the other end of the line laughed and Regina quickly reached for her pad of paper and a pen, scratching out the address as the woman gave it. She thanked her and hung up the phone, rising from her chair quickly as the clock turned to twelve-thirty. She pulled at her stiff blue uniform on the way to the break room on the second floor, ignoring some of the other officers who called out friendly greetings her way.

She spotted the police chief seated at his usual table already, a ham sandwich on a plate in front of him as he read through a newspaper that seemed to have him quite intrigued. With a deep intake of breath, Regina approached the table and sat down across from him.

"Mills," he said gruffly once he noticed her. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you remember when I asked you for that letter of recommendation for that job in Maine?"

"You cut to the chase quickly, don't you?"

"Chief Kramer, you've known me for ten years, you know I always cut to the chase and skip the bullshit pleasantries."

Joe Kramer, a tall and big man, laughed loudly as he folded the newspaper and placed it on the table beside his lunch. "Of course, of course. What of that letter? Have you heard back yet?"

"Just a few minutes ago I received a call. The mayor is coming to the city tomorrow to conduct an interview."

"I see," the chief said with a nod of his head. "Do you want the day off, Mills?"


"Done," he smiled. "Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you. Don't let me keep you from your sandwich, Chief."

"Oh and Mills?" The chief called out before she could walk away from the table. "I want you out on the beat this afternoon."

"Sure thing, Chief," Regina smiled and she headed to the refrigerator to retrieve her own lunch, excitement building as well as nerves for the hopefully life-changing interview she had tomorrow.

The rest of her day was uneventful save for the two young punks she caught smoking dope on the steps of a brownstone in her own neighborhood. By the time she got home to her small studio apartment, she was dead tired, sweaty from the unrelenting heat that had plagued the city and in a desperate need for a nice cold shower.

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